《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 15 - END


"War can we ask you something?" Yihwa says next day when they take lunch in canteen. He came with Folk.

Bever and Benz still continue their lunch. Keep watching silently.

War look at them, don't bother to say anything.

"It's true what you say about Yin mom? He tell you about his mom?" Folk asked.

"I'm not liar like him" War answered coldly.

"No, we not mean like that" Folk says quickly. "We just want make sure"

"Yin rare talk about his mom" Yihwa add "you must someone special if he tell you about his mom"

War chuckled. "Wow, now he send you to tell this bullshit?"


So far we more see with War side,

Let's use YIN POV this time..


'You even brought your mother in your lie'

War word keep repeating in my head.

It's almost a week after he yell at me.

I try to talk with him, but he always ignore me.

Even i always follow him, but he never want listen to me.


I don't know what I'm feeling now.

Sad? Regret? Disappointed? Shame? Disgusted? Mad? Frustated?

No word can described it.

I want a little chance to explain my side, but yeah maybe I don't deserved it.

I'm the wrong person here.

I start this with wrong way, even now I'm falling for him but I can't change anything.

I just stare at ceiling in my room.

My friends try so hard to make me feel better but I think they finally give up.

Since this morning, they even not bothering me at all.

And because this is Saturday night, they will more busy right?.

I keep thinking and thinking...

Krriiittt.... Sssttt...

I hear noise from outside my room but I just ignore it.

Maybe my maid again. They keep offering me food again and again even I tell them i don't want it.

Tok... Tok...

Someone knocked the door.


Can they stop it?

I start feeling irritated. I think I tell them clearly, even I do it nicely, why they still disturbed me?

I just get up and walk lazily to open the door.


"Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday our Yin...

Happy Birthday to you...


I see my friend in front my room. All of them there sing together.

They bring a cake too. With candle number 18 on it.

I just stand dumb. Owh it's my birthday today?

I totally forget it.

"Woi, wake up bro" Prom says loudly.

I just look at them.


"You forget it?" Bonz laugh.

"Blow the candle bro" Folk join.

"No, make a wish first" Yihwa add.

Ah... Wish? Can I make a wish he is here with me?

I just think something impossible. I sighs and look at my friends again.

They here with me, even doing something like this. I can't make them sad right?


I force my self to smile and blowing the candle without make a wish. My wish its to much to be real.

"Yaaa.. I tell you to make a wish before" Yihwa pouted.

"I wish all of you to always with me, you all is here now, so no need right?" I said while shrugh my shoulder.

"You sure you just want us?" Bonz smirk.

"It's okay if you want someone special you know" Yihwa says softly.

I just smile bitterly.

"I don't deserved it" I whisper sadly and look away from them.


"So, you don't want me here?" someone says make me turn my head quickly.

That voice that i missed so much.

Voice of person I've been thinking lately.

He is here.

Stand infront of me.

I rubbed my eyes.

It's really him?

I rubbed my eyes again. Roughly now.

But he still there. Two of his bodyguard, I mean bestfriends is here too.

He smiled.

It is just my imagination?

I rubbed again.

Wow he still there.

"Stop rubbed your eyes" he speaking softly.

What? He speaking? My imagination is feeling to real.

Are I'm start to be delusional now?

I blink.

He still stand there.

He.. My Baby... My love... War..

War is here. War is here...

"Like your gift?" Yihwa starled me. I just look at her confused.

"Should I go home?" War talk and pout now make me full awake now.

"No.. No... Baby.. War.. I'm sorry" I hurry said and take his hand, scared he will leave me again.

"Let me explain first.." I add when War just look at me. Smile.


3rd POV

Flashback when Yihwa and Folk talk to War

War chuckled. "Wow, now he send you to tell this bullshit?"

Yihwa look at War. She smile sadly. "I know you must very mad and hurt right now War"

"No, you don't know" War hisses. He coldly face back again.

"Of course I know. I've been in the same position as you" Yihwa says trembling.

All of them look at her shocked. Including Folk.

"I know the pain. I know how hurt you. I know that feeling War" She whisper.

Her eyes look so sad "I even had to change schools, that's why I warning you before, because I don't want you feel it"


Yihwa take a deep breath. Try calm her self.

"When I know they doing bet of you, I mad at them. I tell them to stop. I'm sorry I don't know they not listening to me" Yihwa add.

"But we agree to stop it, moreover we think War and Bever is boyfriend" Folk says confused.

"What?" War, Bever and Benz shout hearing Folk last word.

Some students look at them.

"You all stop?" Yihwa asked ignore three of them.

"Yeah, we talk after look you angry and sadness. What you say that day, make us aware it was a mistake, so we decide to not do it,


Moreover if he want a car, he had just ask it from his father" Folk explain.

"That's why when you say about Yin and War, make us shocked" He add again.

Silent again.

They trying figure out what really happen.

Yihwa look at War. "War, I don't know what to say, but can you give Yin chance to explain his self?"

"Are you give people who bet at you chance to explain?" Bever says.

"Even I want, they don't want it" Yihwa says bitter. "Instead they just laugh at me when I ask them about the bet"

"What? Tell us who are they ?" Folk raise his voice.

"It's just the past, my old school, that's why I'm rolling here but no need waste our time for them" Yihwa answered.

"War, the different our story is Yin try talk to you, he ask for chance to explain, he begging right?" Yihwa turn again to War.

"I'm sorry War, I know even we agree to stop it, but for beginning we are wrong too,

I just want to tell you, if Yin really talk about his mother to you, it's mean he not playing with you" Folk says.

"Like we said, after his mom passed away, Yin rarely talk about his mom.

He really love his mom, so its really shocked us when you say he talk about it to you" Yihwa add.

War keep silent.

He didn't know whether he must believe it or not.

"It's up to you for believe us or not, but I hope you can think about it" Yihwa says after a while.

"Take your time War, and I'm really sorry again" Folk says sincere.

"Hmmm.. War, you know Yin birthday in four more days? I hope you have a time for him, even just for punch him" Yihwa smile thinly.

"Every people deserve a chance" War startled because Bever suddenly voice

"I think you need hear his explanation, and you can decide after that"

"Yeah, like when you want a chance to explain your side to us, he need it too" Benz adds.

War look at them. He sighs.

"If they tell the truth, doesn't this mean its just a misunderstanding? Just doing what your heart want" Bever says and pat War head.

"We'll always on your side" Benz says and join pat War head.

War smile thinly. Grateful have friends like them.

He look back at Yihwa and Folk. "Can you help me?"

"What you need?" Folk ask.

"Let me ignoring him until his birthday and help me make a surprise to him" War says shyly.

Double B chuckled. They care War is back.

Yihwa and Folk give thumbs up and laugh relieved.


3rd POV

"Just punch me until you satisfied please.. But can you forgive me?" Yin says after rush tell everything.

He look at War pleading. Even he eyes got teary.

They still stand there, infront Yin room when Yin explain his self. About the bet. About they agreement to stop it. About his feeling.

"I don't know how to make you believe me, but I swear everything I say that night its really from my heart,

I really like you War,

I love you" Yin voice is trembling.

One tear dripped from his eyes but he wipe it quickly.

"I know I don't deserved to be with you now, but don't push me away please, can you give me a chance to change and proof my love for you?" Yin adds again.

"I'll if....." War says and hang up his word.

"If..??" Yin ask little fear.

"If you let us to sit down, its tired" War grins.

Yin raised his eyebrows. "You not mad at me?"

"You want I mad at you?" War ask back.

"NO..!!" Yin yell "But... How? I mean why?"

"Hhmm.. Maybe because my feeling to deep for you?" War whispered shyly.

"Yuhuu.. Suit... suit..." All of his friends teasing them now.

Yin eyes open widely. "WHAT..?"

"I love you too" War says softly with his baked face.

"You? Love? Me?" Yin ask disbelieve

"Hmmm..." War nods.


"You don't want it?"

"I want.. I want.. But its real? Am I dreaming?"

Plak. Plak.

Prom and Bonz smack Yin head.

"Ouch.." Yin rubs his head and glare to his friends

"Hurt? Mean you not dream right? Want more" They mock Yin together.

Yin ignore them and look again at War.

"Your friends come to me and explain everything, sorry to not listen your side" War explain.

"You hear them but not give me chance to explain my self?" Yin pout.

"Yaa.. Not gratefull..!! We help you and now you dare to sulking?" Folk scold him.

War chuckled. "Hmm.. sorry"

"No.. no.. Baby I don't mean that, don't say sorry, i'm the one who should say sorry" Yin says fast.

"Are we invisible now?" Bonz say sarcasm

"Yeah, lets just go, my legs hurt"

"He not need us"

"We are nothing"

"Even my hands its cramps holding this cake"

"Lets eat that cake alone"


Yin friends start nags and start walk to living room.

"Owh I love you all" Yin shout happily. " Let me hugs you then" He adds and spread out his arms.

Yin friends runs. Laughing.

"By the way thanks for crying Yin, I win a month free lunch" Bonz shout happyly.

"You bet at me?" Yin ask un-amused.

"Serve you right" Folk mock him.




Hai... All...

Thanks for stay with me...

For all of you who finish this story with me...

Thank you so much...

Sorry if the ending not like your expectation...

Please give your comment, so i can be better in future...


I work my short story...

Will publish it soon...

Kindly to read it...

Thank again..


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