《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 5


Night come, War just lay down in his bed after take a shower. He grab his phone when it rang and wide-eyed saw text appeared in his chat app.

Hai War. It's me Yin.

Just simple text but can make him get up immediately.

What you doing now?

Another text coming again. He wonder where Yin got his ID Line.

You sleeping already?

War don't know how to say.

But you read my message.... T.T

No one words come in War mind.

You don't like I chat you?

War hands shake a little.


Reply me.....


If you don't like, just tell me....


Come on....

You still read my chat..

I'm sad... T.T

The chats continued in his screen phone. War sighs. He looking for the right words. But still not find it until the message stopped.

War frowns. He was disappointed, in Yin, and his self.

Little he hope Yin not stop what his doing. Or maybe he replied Yin chat earlier.

Akhh... War feeling stupid now.

War close his eyes and lay down again.

And then, he's phone beep again.

I'm kinda missing you War.

War throw his phone. Not believe what he read. His chest like to explode very soon.


War woke up late. He jump and rushing to take a shower. He can't sleep after saw last chat Yin send to him. Its late when he could fall asleep.

When he walk out from his house, Bever just arrived too. He parked and rolls his car window. "Come on Princess.." Bever shout.

War get into the car and hit Bever in head. "Asshole..." War cursed him.

Bever just laugh and start to drive. Sometime, he will stole glanced to men beside him.

"In good mood now?" War looking at Bever bright face.


"Always" Bever smile widely.

"Huh.. and yesterday who was in bad mood and even neglace his important practice?" War teased his best friend.

"Not like that. Yesterday its just tired" Bever pout.

War laughed loudly. "You will earn punishment Be"

"No.. Its first time i said I'm not feeling well, so our coach just tell me to rest" Bever grins.

"You really sick Be?"

"No. Look at me, I'm totally fine now, just need same sleep" Bever says quickly. He know War is a person who easy to worry.

"That's why you late too this morning? If you sick, no need to pick me up Be. And we agreed not to go school together if one of us wake up late right?" War scolding Bever. Remind him about their deal.

"Ckckck... People call you ICE, and look who's nagging now. They will shock see you like this" usually War talk a lot if he with his close friend. Bever shake his head and earn hit again. His shoulder this time.

"So, you wake up late too? Why? Its not like you" Bever ask while stop his car. They arrived in school already.

"Just can't sleep" War cheeks start reddened when he remember Yin last chat.

"Something happened?" Bever look at War suspiciously. He never saw War expression like that.

War just shrug his shoulder and out of the car. He wait until Bever lock his car and walking together. As usual, Bever will put his hands on War shoulder.

They don't know someone just looks at them from a far.


"So, for this assigments, please work it in groups. Two people each group. Just use alphabet in your first name to make arrangement and please submitted in next week. That's all for today." With that our teacher walk away.


"I'm with you again Bever, can I have another people instead?" Benz start whine.

"Its my wish after all. Why you must using B in your first name huh?" Bever looks at Benz un-amused."

"Hei, I born before you, even just three days early, but still I'm was the first" Benz talk back. "You are the one who followed me"

Bever rolls his eyes.

War just press hard on between his eyes. Two of them always bickering, give War headache. Their name starting with same letter, most likely they will group together.

"Owh War, I think you will in same group with Yin. Name both of you is the last list right?" Benz said suddenly.

Bever just realized it too. He sighs heavily.

War just stuned and stare blankly. He forget about it

"Hei War we are in same group" and thats the end for War. His heart start beating fast.

Yin approach his table. War little panicked, he trying build his cold barrier. He always need extra efford if related to Yin.

"Good chance isn't it?" Benz smirk. War glare at him meanwhile Bever kick his legs. "Hei.. You always gang up on me" He said complaining and run away before earn another hit.

"War, lets meet after school okay. I'll waiting you in parking area" Yin said cheerfully.

War could only nod. He have tongue tie again.

Get War response, Yin then walk away with his friends.

"Want accompany?" Bever cut War thought. He clench his hand tightly.

War looks at Bever. He consider his offer because he scare to meet Yin alone, but honestly he want spend his time with Yin too.

"But Be you must do it too with Benz. Dont worry, I will alrigth" War deciding. "Promise" He cut quickly when Bever want say something.

Bever just sighs. Again. He un-easy feeling back again.


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