《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 3


3rd POV

"Hei.. What's you eat today?" very surprise to hear the voice , War lift his small face.

His heart start playing a drum again. War can't say anything. No one word came to his mind. He feeling have a glue in his entire mouth now.

"It's okay if I join you right?" Yin tried to make a conversation.

Yin sat across War even War still silent and not answered his question.

War just stare and tried hard to keep calm. His face have no expression at all. Since he always do it for a long time, its no a big deal for him, even with hard pounding in his chest.

"War wanna try my meal?" Yin ask War who just stare his food now.

"Hmmm.. War can you talk to me?" keep trying Yin ask once again.

War still silent. He don't know how to reply. He rarely have a conversation with people who not in his circle. In his head, he have a lot question about Yin act now.

"Are I'm disturb you?" Yin start feeling uneasy.

Yin dont know how to make friendly conversation.


Yin is actually populer, he have a lot of fans in their school. Try to make a move to someone is no needed for him. Usually girls and boys always try draw his attention.

Many people throw glance to them now. They start whisper. Curse actually. To War of course. How dare War ignore they Yin like that.

"I will take my leave now if you don't want me here War?" with sigh Yin get up from his seat.

"Okay" War saying in same time with Yin last sentence.

Actually War want say he's okay with Yin have a meal with him. But of course come from his mouth no in right time, no in right word.


Yin just raised his eyebrow, think War answer he's question rudely. He walk away to meet his friends.


"Still confident huh?" Prom welcomed Yin with big grin in his face.

"Ready for lost your baby car Yin?" Folk join Prom to teased Yin.

"Just admit your lose bro" say Bonz too and doing highfive with his gang.

Yin just shrug his shoulder. Still not over about War treatment to him. Its first time to him found someone who act cold to him.

"Its just first day, don't to be happy early guys" Yin reply his friends and drink his ice coffee.

"What you all talk about?" Yihwa, the only girl in their circle join their conversation. She place her meal in their table and sit with confused face.

"Yin say he can win everyone heart, so we suggest to make a move to War" Prom explain to her.



"The cute boy from our class?'

"Yup Yihwa.. Owh you admit he's cute too Yihwa?" Bonz say with teasing eye.

"Sure its fact Bonz.. But people called him Ice man right?"

"Hahaha.. .. Perfectly to him.. You don't saw how he ignore Yin early"

"You late watch a drama Yihwa"

"We bet our car to him"

"Bet? Really Yin?"

"Yeah.." Yin answer lazily.

"Are you all crazy? You don't have another job? Why doing something like that?" Yihwa shout all of them.

The sudden shout make people take a look at them. Folk quickly pull Yihwa to sit down again. Actually they startled too. Its rarely to Yihwa have a rage like that. Yihwa is calm and mature person, they even call her mommy sometime.

"The bet its just a game Yihwa" Bonz whispering. Not really sure about what he say.


"Game? So you think people feeling is just a game?" Yihwa say disappointed.

"No mommy, we don't meaning like that. We just play a little" try to calm down they angry friend, Prom answer fast.

"Really? Play a little? How you feeling if people make you as a bet?" Yihwa questioned them with crack voice now.

"Yihwa it not that bad, we will not hurt anyone" Bonz start panic with Yihwa tone.

"Just stop it please. Stop it before everything getting worse. I really-really beg all of you. You never know how your called little game can hurt someone feeling so bad" with teary eyes, Yihwa get up and left them alone.

Four of them frozen in their spot. They just could blink with confused look. Their mommy not just mad, its super angry and sadness there.

They never saw that side of Yihwa. She will shout or mad but she never angry until cry like that. What happened with their mommy actually still make them wonder. A big question now pop up in their head.


Please bear with my grammar, i am not master in english..



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