《Plot Twist [VKOOK/TAEKOOK]》Epilogue: December


Jungkook smiles as we approach our old dorm. "I'm glad they're keeping this place for us to come to whenever we want. It would suck if other people moved in and we couldn't come here anymore." Then he yawns widely, making me yawn too. We only got a couple of hours of sleep last night. Faith has just started teething and she was screaming for the whole night.

BTS split up half a year ago and little by little we all moved out after then. Every month since we've had a group meet up at the dorm where we all talk about everything that's been happening in our lives. Jungkook and I were the last to leave. We lived there until September.

As it turns out, we are also the last to arrive to the Christmas party.

"About time!" Jimin jumps up from where he's sitting on the couch and hugs us both. Then he lifts Faith up out of her baby carrier that Jungkook holds. "Since when did you get so big, Faith?" he asks, and she smiles at him delightedly, dropping the teething toy that she was chewing.

A warm and fuzzy feeling spreads throughout my whole body as I watch her being passed from member to member. I think back to last Christmas, when she was still inside me and I was hiding my bump from the world. It seems like years and years ago.

"You dressed her in the onesie I got you last year!" Namjoon beams at Faith's outfit before handing her to me.

"She looks adorable, don't you Faithy baby?" I say as I give her a kiss on each of her chubby, rosy cheeks. She smiles her precious smile at me and her huge brown eyes sparkle. I give her another kiss and then place her on the ground, giving her back the teething toy. She instantly begins crawling over to where Hoseok and Tori are sitting with a baby in each of their laps.


"How are my beautiful niece and nephew?" I ask.

Tori passes her daughter to me and I hold her in my arms. She couldn't look more like Hoseok if she tried, and their son looks just like Tori.

"Hazel is such an angel, aren't you sweetheart?" Tori puts her finger out so that little Hazel can grab it.

Meanwhile, Hoseok screws up his face at the baby on his lap. "Can't say the same for Harry. He needs a serious diaper change right now."

Faith crawls up to Hoseok, putting both her hands on his thigh, and he strokes her soft black hair. "You just get cuter every time I see you."

"She always looks especially cute after she's kept us up all night with her screaming. It's hard to stay mad at her." Jungkook sits down next to Hoseok and lifts Faith up onto his lap. She turns her head to gaze up at him lovingly.

Everyone continues to fuss over the babies for a while, and Hoseok changes Harry's diaper, before we all sit down in a circle with a gift in front of each of us.

"Secret Santa time!" Namjoon claps his hands together excitedly.

"Remember last year, when Jimin said it was our last time as the seven of us?" Jin remembers with a smile.

"I wasn't expecting there to be eleven this year," Jimin says, and we laugh.

Once again, I am the last to open my gift. Unlike last year no one has revealed who got what for who, so I have no idea who my present is from. I rip open the small package in front of me, and find a diamond ring inside. At first I'm confused. This isn't at all like the jewellery I wear.


"Who got this for me?" I hold up the ring and look around. Everyone has a funny expression on their faces, like they know something I don't. "Wha—"

And then I look directly to my right and see Jungkook is on one knee. My heart stops as he takes the ring in one hand and my hand in the other.

"Kim Taehyung, will you marry me?" he asks, a glint in his eye.

I don't hesitate before throwing my arms around him. "Obviously! Why wouldn't I?"

Everybody claps and Jungkook pulls me closer and kisses me before sliding the ring onto my finger. Faith looks around the room, confused.

"I love you so much," I whisper so that only Jungkook can hear. "You have no idea."

"I can't imagine anyone loving anyone more than I love you," he whispers back.

We sit back down and he pulls Faith up onto his lap. "Are you excited for the wedding, Faithy baby?" he asks.

"Wait until she can walk. She'd make a great flower girl," Tori says.

My cheeks hurt so much from smiling I feel like they're going to explode. The room bursts into excited chatter about how cool the wedding will be.

I run my eyes over each of the members one by one. Namjoon, who has released his own full length solo album. Jin, who has become a host of a variety show. Jimin, who has been doing more collaborations with other artists than I can count. Yoongi, who has instantly gained fame in the producing world. Hoseok, who has been a great at home dad caring for baby Hazel and Harry and being a great support for my sister. And finally Jungkook, the love of my life, who sits with our beautiful Faith in his lap, the man I'm going to marry.

As I sit here, surrounded by love and family and my best friends, I breathe a happy sigh.

This is the most beautiful moment in life.


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