《Gonkillu One-shots (Completed)》Happy Valentines Day ❤️




Everyone on Whale Island began to hand out gifts to everyone they love.

Friends and family handing out chocolates or a rose for every individual they love.

There was only one person who was late to the most important day on the island. Gon.

Gon was still pondering of what to get his best friend, Killua. Wondering through the small town to different stores of finding something good. Of course he was being handed many gifts from everyone on the island, that his bag barley managed to hold most of it.

He stopped when stood by store called the 'Candy Shop'. Smiling and stepping inside to look around for a certain candy that will work best for his friend. A Chocorobo.

"Bingo!" Gon shouted happily when he spotted the last robo box on an high self. Grabbing it quickly and going to the cashier to pay.

A young woman with long brunette hair and bright green eyes. Smiling gently at Gon and scanned the candy.

She glanced at Gon. "I hid that chocolate just for you, your white hair friend comes here like 3 times a week taking at least five of these. I assume you wanted to get these for him correct?" Slightly smirking at Gon who blushed slightly.

"Y-yeah, he really loves these. So I thought it would be perfect, even though it's not munch."

"Hey, I'll give you these to make it better..." She lowered down and up to hold a pocky stick box. "these would be great for a gift. I thought you two would also like these." Gon raised a brow of what these are.

"Oh, these are special. For the reason is to kiss your crush. One holds onto the non-chocolate side and the other munches until they reached to end of the stick. Bam! A kiss would be sealed!" Shouting loudly that earned a few glares from the customers. She coughed it off to speak again.


"Sorry, just take these and take into account of what I said. Later." She smiled and Gon returned a smile.

He grabbed the box and waved. "Thank you! Happy Valentines Day!" Shouting back as he was running out the door.

There were still a few more things he wanted to get.

He hopes that Killua will love them all.


Gon finally got everything he needed and headed back towards the house to see his grandma rocking back'n'forth in a chair on the padio.

She stop when as her grandson was walking up the small steps.

"Geez Gon why do you have so munch stuff? Who is this all for?"


She smiled and calmly answered... "Killua?"

"Yup, I got stuff for everyone else aswell. Here..." He handed her a small beautiful rose and a balloon shaped like a heart. "Happy Valentines day grandma." Giving her kiss on the cheek and went inside.

As he walking inside, he noticed Mito-San baking some cookies and Alluka helping beside. But still no sight of the albino.

"Hey Gon, welcome back." Her eyes widen as turned around to see the amount of stuff that he is holding in one arm.

"Why do you have so much stuff?"

"It's for Killua. Don't worry, I got you guys something as well." He took out a heart shaped box filled with chocolates with red ribbon around it.

Alluka turned around to see Gon handing a white teddy bear with a little red tie around its neck and a heart on the stomach. She smiled and hugging the bear with pure happiness.

"Happy Valentines day guys. I love you." They both looked up from their gifts and went to give Gon a gentle hug.

Small tears formed in Mito-sans eyes. "Thank you, Happy Valentines you big goofball." Mito answers back as she was wiping the tears away..


"Thank you and Happy Valentines to you too Gon!" Alluka said happily, squeezing Gon tighter.

Both letting go Gon to let him see Killua in his room. He probably thought he was still sleeping in bed, after going to bed late of playing Pokémon on the DS. Gon didn't mind sleeping, he was more interested of seeing his friend getting flustered on some of the boss battles. Finding it cute and funny to see him that way.

Killua never knew that Gon was watching him play the game, assuming he was sleeping. If Gon was awake, he would act more casual and not acting all crazy over a game.

Gon always thought Killua as a friend until one time they hug after reuniting. A spark flew to mind that he has a crush on his friend. He kept it a secret for some time, nervous to think Killua will get disgusted with him and leave. But he is going to see for himself today, if he has the same feelings for Gon.

He ever so quietly walked up stairs and towards the room. Pressing his ear against the door to hear music. It was Killua playing loud music from his headphones that Gon gotten him for his birthday. Nothing to expensive, just standard earbuds that have a good beat.

Opening the door ever so slowly to Kilua laying down on his phone.

"I'm back Killua." Gon saying loudly that spooked Killua, almost dropping his phone on his face.

Killua sighed to sit up and blushed to see Gon holding many items in arms.

A box of Chocorobos, a giant white teddy bear, roses and a brand new skateboard.


He was speechless, unsure of how to react. All he can do is just stare.

"Happy Valentines Day." Gon smiled sweetly that made the white hair teen blush furiously.

Walking over to the bed to place everything on the bed except the roses and took a seat beside Killua. Who was getting confused of what's going on.

Gon took the earbud out of his ear and placed it in his own. Killua panicked to realize it was already to late to pause the music or taking the earbud away.

I have loved you for a thousand years.

The song ended and Gon blushed of the realization of that last verse of the song. They had been apart for some time and it felt like years they've seen each-other.

Looking over at Killua to see his head facing down, covered by the silver hair locks. Gon cupped his both sides of his face so Killua can look at him. The red face male averted eye contact with his feeling embarrassed.

Gon smirked."You too love me aswell? Killua?" He asked sweetly to the male under him. Who is still trying to avoid eye contact. Gulping and giving him a slight nod; feeling shy to say to Gon. Leaning once to press their heads against each other's, relaxing at ease while looking in the eyes.

"Happy Valentines Day, Killua."

"H-happy Valentines to you too, Gon."

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