《Roommates // killugon》Double x date


Gons POV

I'm still broken from killua dating Chrollo but... I guess you could say that I'm kinda interested in trystan as well.

Me and killua had been talking and we decided that if I start to date her then we could go on a double date. I think that would be fun, but extremely hard for me aswell. It's not that I don't like trystan as much, just I still love killua, or I think I do.

"Hey trystan!" I shouted as I saw her walking down a hall. She looked up at me.

"Oh, hi gon! Sorry I haven't contacted you that much recently!" She looked down "I've been kinda busy... but I was wondering-" I interrupted her "trystan, do you wanna go out with me?" I got it out as fast as possible.

"I- uhh gon..." she said blushing "I've never been in a relationship before- but we can try..." she said nervously.

"Ok! That's good, I thought I was gonna get rejected!!" I said laughing

"Well anyways for our first date, you know how killua and Chrollo are dating? I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with them"

She looked exited "of course!"

It was the day of our double date and I was getting ready. I put on a greenish t-shirt and some black jeans.

"Hey killua are you ready?!" I shouted into his door, because he had been locked in his room for a while.

"Yea! Sorry I'm ready" he walked out in a v-neck shirt with a long sleeve under it. He had some jeans on as well.

I had to hold in my blush. "It's time to go" I told him and he grabbed his phone.

We were picking up trystan first and then Chrollo.

"Hey trystan! It's gon" I said as I knocked on her door. A beautiful girl in a light grey dress came out.

"Sorry, I'm ready" she told me and we walked with killua hand in hand.

We soon came out to Chrollos front door and killua knocked on it.

"Hey honey, sorry I took a while!" Chrollo said after about a minute of waiting.

"It's fine babe, let's go" Killua said.

And I couldn't help but notice trystan check out Chrollo. I mean he was a hot guy, but he wasn't about to steal another person from me.

I quickly wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She blushed but we continued to walk.

We ended up at a fancy restaurant after about ten minutes of walking.


"My lady" I told trystan as I held out the door for her and she giggled.

She walked in and I walked in after, leaving killua and Chrollo outside. I turned around to see what was taking them so long, and I saw them kissing.

How the fuck did this start?!

I nocked on the door

"Hey, you lovebirds" I told them and they quickly came inside.

"Sorry I just got cought up in the moment~" Chrollo told me, kissing killuas cheek.

I just looked away.

"Let's find seats.

We got a booth near the entrance. I sat next to trystan and killua sat next to Chrollo.

"Well what do you all think your gonna order?" Trystan asked as she looked at her menu.

"I think I'm just gonna get the orange chicken" I told her.

"We're getting orange chicken as well" Chrollo told everyone and we nodded.

After we ordered our conversations started to get more interesting.

"So gon, how long have you been interested in trystan?" Killua asked me.

Why does he care so much??

"Uhh, well when she first ran into me, I thought she was cute and I guess it kinda just grew from there" I told everyone blushing.

"Well, what about you trystan?" Killua asked

"Oh, me? Umm I also thought he was hot, and then when he asked me out I couldn't believe it was real. I bet everyone will be jealous of me" she said then held her hands up to her mouth.

"Not in a mean way, I'm just saying gon, a lot of girls were interested in you" she blushed.

Really?! I must have been too stuck up In my own problems that I never noticed...

"I never noticed" I said and then looked at Chrollo.

"Well what about you two?" I asked

"Well, I thought he was cute the moment I saw him, but things didn't start going till I found out he liked me. And gon don't you already know this stuff?"

"Well yeah, but I was asking in case trystan was interested" I told him and for some reason killua looked down.

"Well, what about you honey?" Chrollo asked him.

"Hmm? Oh I kinda liked him from the start..." Killua said blushing.

Trystan smiled

"You two are so cute" trystan said and killua blushed.

Why does it still hurt when people say that? I've moved on...

Our food came and we started eating.

"Well, after this do you guys wanna come to my place?" Chrollo asked. "We can play 20 questions or a game like that"


"Sounds fun!" I said and trystan smiled.

About 30 minutes later we were all done.

"I can pay guys" Killua told everyone.

"No way, killua" I said "I can"

"Dude, it's fine. My family's rich so I have way too much money" he told us and we just nodded

"Thanks" trystan told him and he just smiled.

"Yeah, thanks killua" I said.

Chrollo kissed him "thanks baby, your so kind" Killua just blushed and waved Chrollo off.

Why does it still hurt??

I looked away and we walked to Chrollos place.

When we walked in feitan was inside with Phinks.

"Yo! I didn't realize you were gonna be back so early" Phinks told us.

"We ate pretty fast"

I noticed trystan checking them out as well.

"Well, do you all wanna play a game or something?" I said as me and trystan sat down together.

"Sure, sounds fun" Killua sat on Chrollos lap as he said that.

I started tapping my fingers on the couch while they were talking, then trystan grabbed my hand. She kissed my cheek and put my hand on her lap.

What's she doing??

Then she whispered in my ear "shhhh the trappings distracting" she giggled.

"Sorry, hon"

I suddenly heard feitans voice "we should play spin the bottle, I mean you are all dating people but if it's ok, that would be fun"

Chrollo looked at killua.

"Do you care honey? You know I've already kissed them..." Killua smiled.

"I think it's fine, I mean you did used to date them"

Trystans mouth fell wide.

"Really..." Chrollo just smiled.

"Well honey I think it's fine, right?" I said

"Yeah! It sounds super fun"

"Ok, then let's play" feitan said in a monotone voice.

Trystan squealed.

"Wait- but aren't you gay killua?" She asked.

"Yeah, but the chances of me or feitan landing on you is so low" he said.

"wait!" He then shouted. "Yea hon?" Chrollo asked him.

"Can I invited some people???" Everyone looked around.

"I think so... I mean as long as they don't take forever to come" Phinks said

Killua then started texting someone.

About five minutes later the door barged open.

"I'm here!!" An energetic girl stormed in with Kurapika and Leorio.

"I hear you were about to play spin the bottle without me?? How rude..." kate told everyone.

Then her eyes landed on trystan.

"Trystan?? What are you doing here??"

"You know trystan?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, we kinda just know eachother..." she said.

"Well Kate, I am actually dating gon" trystan told her.

"No way, and I didn't know!?!" She just sighed and sat down in the circle along woth Kurapika and Leorio.

"Well let's start" Chrollo said and spun the bottle.

It landed on killua.

"How perfect!!! Man, what are the odds..." he laughed and kissed killua.

"Ok, my turn" Killua said.

This time it landed on Kate.

"Man..." he mumbled "if you don't wanna that's fine! I know your gay" she said and killua looked at everyone.

"Is it fine if I re-spin?"

"Yeah, no sweat" feitan said and so he spun it again.

This time it landed on Phinks.

"Ok..." he said as they kissed. It was just a peck but seeing killua kiss more people hurt and I noticed Kurapika eyeing me. He knew I was dating trystan but still...

"Well, it's my turn!!" Phinks said energetically and spun the bottle. It landed on trystan.

"Oof, gon don't hate me. It wasn't my fault" he moand.

"No! I know it's fine!!" I laughed.

They kissed ant trystan spun the bottle and it landed on Kate.

"I'm bi, so I'm fine with this! What about you??" Kate asked just making sure.

"I mean- I never had a crush on a girl but I do find them attractive..." she said and so they kissed.

Soon it was already super late.

"Guys! It's already 12!!" Phinks shouted "and you got here at 10:30!!"

Wow... we've played for a while. If only I could kiss killua...

"Wait, one more please!!" Killua pouted.

"I think that's fine... and your too cute~" Chrollo said while tapping his nose. He giggled but then spun the bottle.

It landed on me.


My brain was mentally screaming.

"Ok..." I said and we leaned forward.

When we kissed, I wanted it to keep going. But I had to pull away because in the back of my head I knew it was wrong to kiss someone who was dateing. After I pulled away me and killua locked eyes and his expression looked similar to how I felt.

What? Does killua feel the same way about me?!? Wait, no. He's dating Chrollo.

"This is bringing back memories from when you two made out" Kurapika laughed.

"What??" Kate and trystan looked at us

"It's a long story..." I said.

"We want to hear it!!!"

I have such good friends...

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