《Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader] Genshin Impact》The Adventurers' Guild


As you and Scaramouche entered the Liyue Harbour, right away, there were uneasy stares from the locals. Honestly, you couldn't be bothered, you would try to stay as calm and collected as you can. Scaramouche, on the other hand, almost enjoyed the negative attention.

He continued to walk in all his glory, even glaring right back at the onlookers. It seemed like having you walking obediently behind him gave Scaramouche more confidence than if he were alone. It was like he was showing you off; what a pureblood Snezhnayan really looks like.

Anyway, you were wiping some sweat off your forehead as you made your way through the harbour. The sun was unforgiving with its heat radiating above Teyvat, sometimes you missed the chilly weather in Snezhnaya. Luckily for Scaramouche, he had a hat. You continued to suffer from the uncomfortable hotness and rays of sunshine in your eyes.

At the top of some stairs, there stood a little booth with a woman inside. From what you remembered, she was Katheryne, the one who has been seeing the Traveller daily.

"My Lord," You called for the young man's attention.

"What, [Y/N]?" Scaramouche turned his head to glance at you, the trinkets on his hat jiggled at the movement.

Smoothly, you shifted your eyes to the booth and silently gestured that the target was right there. After following your gaze, he smirked quite mischievously and extended his hand towards you.

"Ladies first," He motioned you to step ahead of him, taking your hand and making you lead the way.

Not wanting to disappoint your superior, you made your way towards the stairs. Each step made you feel like there were eyes on your body. Perhaps it was the locals watching your every move, a Fatui Harbinger was right behind you after all.

Glancing around, it didn't seem like there were any people out of the ordinary. You wondered why you felt like you were being stared at. Still, you didn't want to be caught by surprise so you had both of your hands on your hips, in case you needed to pull out your weapons.


After climbing up, the woman turned to look at both of you. Her expression wavered a little bit, but she returned back to her regular welcoming smile.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild." She greeted the two of you, looking at each person.

"Hello," You placed your hands on the table politely. "Katheryne, is it? We would like to have a word with you."

"Yes?" The woman questioned.

"Well, you see," Scaramouche smiled in a friendly manner, turning into the manipulator he is. "We have a few questions about a certain girl that has been coming here every now and then."

Katheryne folded her hands together on her stomach, "I've spoken to plenty of girls who are part of the Adventurers' Guild. Your description is quite vague."

"Where is the Traveller?" You cut straight to the point and the Harbinger allowed it, almost in an encouraging way. "We heard from sources that she would go to specific locations to complete duties or 'commissions'. Tell us where she is and we will be on our way."

Katheryne seemed to be choosing her words carefully, "I'm afraid I cannot give away other adventurers' commission information without proper permission from said adventurer. If you would like: you can leave a small note for her to receive tomorrow."

"We don't have time to wait for the Traveller until tomorrow." You replied a little impatiently since you didn't want Scaramouche to throw a fit. "We recommend that you tell us where her commissions are so we can meet up with her. It would be unwise to keep us waiting."

The woman sighed quite heavily through her nose and finally asked; "Why do you wish to speak with the Traveller?"

It was Scaramouche's turn to speak; "It's quite an important, confidential, matter. You don't need to know anything."

Katheryne stepped to the side to talk to the young man, the billboard behind her was now visible for you to see.

There was another heavy sigh from her, "I do not give away commission information to non-Adventurers' Guild members. End of discussion."


Scaramouche slammed his fist on the wooden table which shook the booth quite roughly, making Katheryne tense up. You could tell that this woman was getting on his nerves, he had the same look on his face when he was yelling at the agents.

"Are you two..." She studied you and Scaramouche. "Fatui?"

"Just tell us where the Traveller is, Katheryne." You whispered under your breath, turning the knob on the side of your frost-filled tank to draw her attention to the weapon. "The name of a location. That's all we're asking."

She leaned down to whisper to you, "I will call the Millelith over here if you become violent." She replied with the same tone. "If the Millelith can't stop you, then maybe the Liyue Qixing."

You placed your hands back on the table, flashing her a chilling smile, "Fine then. Goodbye, Katheryne."

"What?!" Scaramouche exclaimed in anger.

"Come, my Lord. Today is not the day to disturb the peace in the Liyue Harbour." You stepped away from the booth and walked ahead of the young man.

A little role reversal, Scaramouche was now following you down the stairs. Katheryne watched both of you walk away nonchalantly. She returned back to her regular attitude as if nothing was wrong.

Once you were far enough from the booth, you stopped on the stone platform and placed your hands on the gun holsters. Your superior stomped towards you and stopped right in front of your face. As he towered over you, his hat blocked the sun from your eyes.

He stared at you sharply and you couldn't suppress your smile any longer. You let out an airy chuckle and Scaramouche looked as if you offended his ancestors.

"Stop that." He demanded.

You sighed happily, "Stop what?"

"Do you think it's funny that we didn't get any information about the Traveller?" Scaramouche scolded. "Do you really think it's the right time to be laughing? Hm, [Y/N]?"

Your chin was grabbed suddenly with a stern hand as he forcibly made you stop laughing. You weren't exactly scared since you knew he wouldn't hurt you that badly. His palm covered your mouth which temporarily ceased your chuckles. Yet it didn't really stop you, he would have to try harder than that.

"My Lord, you have nothing to worry about!" You were amused by his aggressiveness.

"Laugh one more time, I'm going to have to shut you up myself." He whispered threateningly.

You pursed your lips together to silence yourself, Scaramouche lowered his lashes and sighed. Once he saw that you were finally behaving, he released your face.

"[Y/N]," He began.

"Yessir?" You replied.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to walk away without knowing the location of the Traveller?"

"We didn't need Katheryne's help anymore, my Lord..."

"Ugh!" Scaramouche groaned in frustration. "I cannot believe you gave up that easily!"

"It's not that, sir," You smiled a little at his obliviousness. "I know where the Traveller has been."

"What? How?!"

"There was a receipt from the Wanmin Restaurant posted on the board behind Katheryne. A food delivery. The Traveller takes orders from the business and delivers them to customers." You clarified. "She gets commissions from Katheryne that were posted by the restaurant. They were the ones who sent her out and know her location."

"How do you know it's the Wanmin Restaurant?" He challenged.

You smiled a little, "It was the stamp on the receipt. It's the Wanmin logo."

Scaramouche crossed his arms in amusement, "You never fail to impress me, [Y/N]. Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

You lowered your head a little, "I'm sorry for not making it clear to you, sir."

"Whatever," He dismissed your apology. "I knew it wasn't a mistake to hire you as my secretary. It makes me want to be selfish and keep you away from the other Harbingers that might want you. Good work."

You accepted his praise happily.

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