《Mine.》Chapter 19


My parents are here, why did they have to come now. How could I explain why Ryder was up here in the bathroom with me. What would my dad think, or my mom, this is so not right. I knew it was too good to be true once I actually thought about it.

Ryder and I couldn't happen despite the way he makes me feel. How would this make my dad feel, his daughter dating his friend. In the small amount of time of knowing him though he was sweet, caring, and good to me. He made me feel like a puddle at his feet when he would say something sweet. Or when he touched me, I always felt like a zoo was released in my stomach.

I loved it.

"Octavia." Ryder called with that authority voice I became so drawn to.

Wait, was he talking to me the whole time I was daydreaming about him. Parents, right, they were here.

"Wait, what did you say?" I asked, kind of embarrassed.

He only chuckled, "God you're cute, I asked if you have a window in your room."

"Yes wait why-ohhh." I hopped down from the counter, going towards the bathroom door.

But, I never made it as my back was against it, you know I find myself like this a lot but, hey I'm not complaining. Ryder then smiled and cupped my cheeks, staring at me. Until he kissed my forehead and turned me around just as he opened the bathroom door.

"Tell me when." he whispered in my ear, ushering me out as I made it to my room, that's just diagonal from the bathroom.

Once I did, there was no one in the hall but, Maya. I caught her eye and brought my finger to my lips, confusion crossing her features. Then I gestured for Ryder to follow. Maya's eyes widen once she seen him and she just nodded. She wore a look that said I was totally going to have to explain this later.


Ryder came in and closed the door. My room wasn't all that, I had a regular bed, messed up. A desk, also a mess, a dresser, bigger mess. Luckily I picked up my clothes the other day to do laundry, I applaud myself for that. There was just some dishes here and there plus some soda cans.

"Okay, just avert your eyes." I said, speaking about the mess as I went to him and covered his eyes while he walked.

I couldn't help but, laugh and he did the same uncovering his eyes. Then he stopped, and frowned, I followed his line of view. It was a picture on my dresser, that was Liam. He was my brothers best friend. We're the same age, he was just in college right now.

That picture we took was me on the bench and him sitting on top of it with me between his legs, we were laughing. We were never anything, I caught a bit of feelings and he did the same but, we both decided it wasn't worth trying since we were headed into different paths, plus he was my brothers best friend.

"Who is he?" he asked, you can tell he was trying to contain his anger.

"Just a friend." I stated, looking away and walking towards my window to open it.

"Doesn't look like it." he replied, his voice sounding strained, like he was holding back.

"Well he is, now out the window you go." I said, biting back a smile as I pointed out the window.

It wasn't a very far drop if you used the vines that conveniently grew under my window. He smirked, stepping closer to me which made my heartbeat quicken.

"You should probably cover these up so your family doesn't see." he pushed some of my brown hair off my shoulder, staring at my neck.


"What are you-" I glanced at myself in one of my mirrors seeing two blue purplish hickey's on my neck.

I knew that's what he was doing I was just too caught up in the moment to stop him, his smirk only grew wider, "Just go before someone walks in." I smiled, blushing hard.

He sighed and cupped my face, "Alright, bye princess." he said softly, caressing my cheeks.

"Bye Ryder." I blushed even more if possible.

Ryder kissed my nose then left out of my window, climbing down the vines and walked to his car. His car, what if my parents seen it? I quickly took my phone from my pocket and texted Ryder.

He replied quickly, looking back up to me and winking, I flushed. Before shutting my window and plopping myself down on my bed with a sigh, wow what a night. That's when I jumped back up from my bed and headed to the door. I totally forgot about my friends. Right when I opened the door though, Jake fell on the floor, if it's not one thing it's another.

How long has he been there?

"Jake!" I loudly said, while he quickly hopped up and crossed his arms.

"Don't Jake me missy, you have a lot of explaining to do." he said harshly, I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, where are the others?" I questioned as it was only him.

"They left, now start explaining yourself and while you're at it, cover those hickey's before your parents see." he said eyeing them.

I quickly put my hand over my neck and my cheeks flushed from embarrassment. I went and sat down at my vanity to cover them with makeup while explaining to him everything about Ryder.

"Wow, who would of thought, your dads friend is who you're sneaking around with." Jake chuckled.

"I know I'm a horrible daughter." I said, feeling guilty for my dad not knowing.

"Hey, you're the best daughter to him ever, you guys are closer than anything and I bet if you told him, he'd be happy for you if Ryder does make you happy, does he?"

I nodded my head, a smile gracing my face, "Yes." I replied shyly.

"Well if he gets you like this, then I approve." Jake said, laughing at my blushing state.

I threw a pillow at him and said, "Shut up." While falling back on my bed still smiling.

I guess there's my answer about me and Ryder actually happening.

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