《Mr. Mystery》Sleeping with Zac


Oh God. I know what she is doing. She thinks I and Zac will do something and become a thing, but she is wrong.

But I want to spend some time with Zac and this is the opportunity to tell him about what I saw Armaan doing. So I agreed.


"What!" Armaan exclaimed loudly. "I mean why? If you want to sleep together, then I'll sleep with Zach and she can sleep in my room or she can sleep in his room and he can sleep with me." He said calmly then.

"No! She will sleep with him. One. Because it's her Dare. Two. She's scared to sleep alone. Three. He's not going to eat her up. Four. She have already slept with him." Evelyn replied with some anger in her voice too.

Listening that Armaan kept quite and turned his face void of expression again. But the hand next to me was clenched very tightly. Then he just nodded his head.

"Ok, let's go. I'm hungry." Lucas said.

I know he's trying to distract the tension between us and I'm great full for that . We then more moved towards the barbeque section and had our dinner. Durning the dinner Armaan was his usual(keep to himself).

When they got a chance, all three of the cornered me to ask the reason behind Armaan's behavior. So I simply replied with, "In India it's inappropriate to sleep with a boy in the same room. Even if they are sharing two different beds." and they bought that lie. Though that wasn't a lie totally.

I myself don't know reason behind Armaan's behavior. And I don't think Armaan believe's in sharing room thing. Because we have shared a room when we were at the beach house. So I don't know what's his problem.


After dinner we said our good nights and went to our respective rooms. Armaan was the first to leave.

"God! I'm so tired." I said lying down on the bed.

"Me too." Zac said lying down beside me.

"Do you want to watch a movie though?" I asked Zac.He just nodded.

I let him choose the movie. That's the reason we are watching a horror movie now.

I screamed loudly and buried my face in Zac's chest. Then there was a loud knock on the door and Zac went to attain it.

We both are watching movie lying down on the bed. I was lying in the middle of the bed and Zac to my left.

As soon as I heard the click of the door. I heard the familiar voice.

"Where is she? What did you do to her?" Armaan asked in worry and came running in side. As soon as he saw me, he took me in his arms. I looked at Zac confused. After pulling away, he asked me the same thing. "What happened? Did he hurt you? Why did you scream? I was in the hallway and heard you screaming."

"Ohh!" Now I understood. "Ac.. Actually we were watching this movie." I said pointing towards the TV.

He turned around and relief washed over him.

"Yaa, man. I won't hurt her." Zac jocked patting Armaan's back. "You can join us. If you want?" Zac asked and I inwardly groaned.

"I don't mind." Armaan said smiling at me. "I hope you guys don't mind. I don't want to disturb you." But his looks say it's opposite.

"No, you aren't." Zac said.

Yes you are. I said in my mind.

"OK, then." Armaan said and got into covers to my right side.


The bed was big, but not big enough for three of us. So when Zac came back. I moved in his arms, immediately. I lay my head on his chest. Then resumed our movie. Whenever there was a scary scene, I use to bury face in his chest so that my screams would be muffled by him.

After sometime, Zac's cell rung, so I paused the movie. It was his parent's.

"Why did you pause? You continue. I've watched this movie and don't know how long this will take he said pointing towards his cell." Zac said. I nodded and he went in the balcony.

"Ahhh." There was another scary scene. So I screamed loudly and hid my face in something. That something was hugging me back. Confused I looked up and saw Armaan. That's when I realized he's there too. I tried to move away from him but he pulled me towards him held me tightly. I didn't object, because I was liking this feeling. To be in his arms.

We continue to watch the movie same way. Only this time I was hiding in Armaan's chest. It turned into cuddling. I looked at him and he looked at me. Our face was so close, I looked at his lips and then at his eyes. His eyes were on my lips too. He started leaning in suddenly, our lips were about to touch, when I heard a loud bang.

I ran towards it and saw Zac have turned the table of the balcony of our room.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Those people.." He hugged me and said but stopped when he saw Armaan.

"Sorry Armaan. We'll meet later." I said to him.

He looked hesitant first, he was about object but I glared at hi. So he just nodded and left.

I dragged Zac with me in the room. When we heard the click of the door, Zac continued. "They kept a party today unannounced and want me there. How can they do that? I'm here how can I go there. I can't reach there even if I catch a flight now. They are saying if I don't leave now, they'll give away our family business to my brother. I said I can't be there, they think I'm making excuses."

"Hey, don't worry. They won't do it. Did you tell them that you are here?" He looked at me thoughtfully.

"I guess no." He said. Then he left me and went to call them.

He returned smiling. "Your the best."

He pounced on me and started tickling me. Then he stopped. I was breathing heavily. His eyes roamed on my breast, lips, then it stopped on my eyes. He was very close to me, if I rise a bit we will be kissing. He slowly started leaning towards me.

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