《Once Upon A Mr. Goody Two Shoes》Chapter 9.


He was holding a drink in his hand and talking to Natasha and Tarun about something in such an animated manner that I wondered how the drink hadn't fallen on the spotless white carpet he was standing on. He looked exactly like the screaming, moody teenager he was calling me that day. Hypocrisy, I know right?

It was finally Friday and we were at Natasha's house party. Natasha's parent's house didn't seem less than a palace to me. A two story row house with modern white-brown interior and impeccable view in South Delhi was everyone's dream, wasn't it?

The hall area had been cleared of all expensive artefacts and a booze and DJ table had been set up, along with two couches and random chairs. The lighting was dim yellow-orangish, making it the perfect party-spot with music blasting from the loudspeakers. As for me, I was standing in a corner with a half-drunk beer cup in hand, my feet tapping to the beat.

Being a senior was tough, especially in a office-party. You couldn't dance like a complete maniac, even though that was the only thing that could save you from going berserk from boredom in the party. I wasn't a fan of getting drunk, but damn didn't I want to be carefree again and dance till my legs gave away. It didn't help that I was dressed as a nun too. At least in front of what the other girls were wearing.

My black sleeveless top and blue ripped jeans definitely looked nun-like in front of all the thigh-length and backless dresses the others were sporting. I didn't particularly like dresses, simply because they weren't comfortable at all. Other than that, I had nothing against them or the ones wearing them. But that didn't mean I didn't wish to look like a runway model from time to time. I sighed, sipping my beer when someone decided to invade my safe haven.


"Aashi! Having fun?" Neel asked me, appearing from behind. I closed my eyes, trying to hold in the explicit words that threatened to escape my lips.

"Yes," I replied sourly. I didn't turn back to look at him, my eyes trained on Abeer.

"This new guy Abeer has become the new favorite," he suddenly said, his tone revealing his jealousy towards Abeer. I seriously didn't have any energy to deal with jealous employees, but I knew if things weren't shut down immediately, Neel won't just stop.

"That he has, everyone's charmed by his helpful nature," I agreed.

"Helpful?" Neel snorted. "You are too innocent Aashi. Don't you see they are blatantly flirting with him and he flirts back much more. If he's helping anyone here, it's himself," he commented sardonically.

One of the reasons I don't have particular liking towards Neel is because he has so many false beliefs about me that he doesn't want to change. Me, innocent? Yeah right, and Mother Teresa wasn't a humanitarian. I rolled my eyes, willing myself to not pull him in a corner and land a nice kick where the sun doesn't shine. Maybe things would get pretty clear to him then.

Ignoring the innocent part I turned around and corrected something in his statement that even shocked me.

"He doesn't flirt, Neel, he is just being nice. Everything is not flirting, some people are genuinely kind," I had no idea where my words were coming from. I pretended to look about the room, to buy myself time and compose my thudding heart. I was as shocked as Neel was. Save for the fact that my jaw wasn't touching the ground, unlike Neel's. When I 'accidentally' glanced back at the place where Abeer had been talking like a character out of a Shakespeare play a few seconds ago, he wasn't there anymore. A sigh threatened to escape my lips, but again, I willed myself not to let loose in front of Mr. Delusional.


I looked at Neel as he smiled his annoying half smile and blurted, "Looks like this innocent girl has been charmed too."

If I were a volcano, I would have burst out ropes and ropes of angry lava at that moment. I was angry, irritated and way too hormonal to deal with the likes of him then.

I was officially done talking to him and left without another word.

I turned around to find Natasha and tell her I was done for the night, when a pair of white converse stepped in front of me. I looked up, irritated at the person who had dared to cross me and was met with the most deliciously warm hazel orbs I had bestowed my eyes on.

Abeer. Just the person I shouldn't be around at the moment.

His usually kind smile was replaced by a smirk. What is it with men and smirks today? "Nice and kind huh, a great upgrade from 'Mr. Pushover' and 'Goody- two- shoes'." If only the earth could split open and consume me whole at that moment.

All I wanted to do was push everyone away, and run. He wasn't supposed to hear that. I had inflated his ego just like any normal woman in my place would do. Appreciating Abeer wasn't a huge task, especially for women, I had learnt. But damn I didn't like inflating egos, especially when it came to hotshots like Abeer that played with my hormones - unintentionally even!

Those are the dangerous ones, I tell you!

I looked up to see his face glowing with mirth and happiness, and I grew livid. I could feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. My emotions were all over the place like a pregnant woman, and out of my control. And things out of my control went haywire in my life. Abeer stood there, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he patiently waited for my reply.

Damn this man and his unrelenting patience!

My mind raced at a frightening speed, trying to think of anything, anything that could change the subject at hand.

"Let's play twenty questions!" I regretted it the moment I heard myself say it. I saved myself from burning in the volcano, only to dive into the sea.

His eyebrows hopped up in surprise, astonished at my sudden demand. But the surprise didn't last long, and his lips quickly widened in a beatific smile.

"Really? I thought you'd never ask! Let's go to the terrace. It will be quieter there," he said loudly, trying to sound above the speakers that now blasted the groovy Tamma Tamma song, making everyone crowd towards the dance floor. Abeer held my wrist and made way through the crowd, me following him like a lost puppy.

It wasn't a big deal at all. I could have tossed a snarky comment or two and eased the situation at once. Perhaps it was the alcohol, of which I had had but two sips, nothing strong either. Just plain beer. Or perhaps the hormones, which had been running wild since the day in the cafeteria. It didn't make sense, any of this.

And deep in my heart, even if it did, I didn't want to know. Denial and ignorance are the best states one lived in. They were states I preferred to live in.

It made life much less complicated.

And I wasn't about to change that golden rule of my life anytime soon.


For our readers:

Tamma Tamma ('again'): Its a very popular Bollywood remake of its old version, and is a must beat every Indian party/club/pub plays. We have attached the song above, if you wanna give it a shot!


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