《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Losing For Her


"Hey! No, you cheated!" Taehyung said out loud as Joy gave him and innocent look.

"I didn't cheat. How could i cheat while throwing a dice." She said calmly, proving her point but Taehyung wasn't falling for it.

"I don't know! But what i do know is that you cheated!" He said, pointing his finger towards Joy.

"Okay that's just stupid. How is that even possible?" Yeri said crossing her arms.

"Just admit it, you guys are just trying to make us look bad by cheating when in real life you guys are just bitter about losing for the 3rd time in a row." Seulgi said smirking as Wendy and Irene high-fived.

"Okay you know what, You win. Lets play another game." Jungkook said in a sad tone as the girls celebrated and i ruffled my hair in frustration.

"Maybe they are better than us..." Jimin said Taehyung rose up. "No! I'm not letting those cheating puff balls win!" he said with a determined tone.

"Puff balls? Really? What does even mean?" I asked not impressed by his diss. "Its those evil little manipulative weirdos." Taehyung said and honestly his tone got me scared. He sounded terrifying.

"Okay, Taehyung calm down, if we lose we aren't gonna die." Jin said as Jhope suggested another game to the girls.

"How 'bout we play Just Dance?" he asked as he girls looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"We're so gonna win this, watch me." Jimin said and i was sure this was gonna get messy. I'm excited.

"Okay it's set up, who wants to go first?" Irene said as Jimin raised his hand. "Okay Jimin, now who would like to go against him?" she asked but as Yeri was about to raise her hand, Seulgi did it first.

"For old times sake." She said coming forward as the games started with both getting ready to basically destroy each other.

Mhhmmm i forgot they had a dance battle at the JYP party. Oof this is gonna be intense.



"Okay now that's cheating!" Yeri exclaimed as she pointed at Jimin. "Hey, not my fault we didn't set up any rules before playing." Jimin said walking over to us as the girls complained.

Apparently, this jerk over here just had to flirt with Seulgi, which of course made her confused and flustered, hence in losing the game.

I mean i don't blame her, he's Park Jimin, i would blush if he ever did that to me too.

While the girls argued back, Seulgi just stood there quite as Jimin still had his playboy smirk on. He really is desperate to win.

"Okay Guys! It's already midnight, we have a lot of games and challenges to do before we sleep. Lets make the next one quick. Right now both the teams are on a tie with one point." Irene said as everyone listened thoroughly.

"The next task is an eating challenge. One person will be selected from each team to each 2 burgers, 2 slices of pizza, a pack of ramen and 3 cans of sprite." Irene said and for a second i got confused as to where we got so much food but then i remembered the amount of snacks and delicious foods we had brought along with us.

"But there is a catch. The opposing team will choose which member will represent the the other team." Irene said as both teams started complaining.

'Okay okay, now decide before i make it worse." Irene said as we all faced each other after deciding.

"Girls go first."

"We pick Suga oppa." Joy said as i frowned. "Why me!?" i said feeling thoroughly offended. "I eat a lot for your information." i said as Yeri just smiled at my whining.

"Okay guys, now your turn."

"We pick Wendy noona." Jungkook smiling cheekily. "Wah why me?" Seungwan said, clearly not wanting to eat so much. "I'm on a diet." "Not tonight no you aren't." Jin said as she just signed.

"Fine i'll eat. But watch out cause i'm not letting you win." Seungwan said giving me glare as i raised my eyebrows. This just keeps getting better and better.


We sat down on the table, all of our eatables in front of us as our groups cheered and hyped us up.

This was the first time i had seen Seungwan get so competitive over something and even though i care for her a lot sometimes you just gotta let it go and win.

"Ready and... start!" Irene said before we both started digging straight into our food. I was already full on my first burger but i didn't let that show, i'm not giving her an advantage or a gain over me.

Half way through the second burger i couldn't keep it in and started to complain about the amount of food and so did Seungwan.

"I'm serious guys i won't be able to finish all of this." she said, groaning as she finished her second burger and went on to the pizza's.

How is she eating so quickly!?

'You know i'm kinda hungry now." Jin said as he watched me eat. I wish he was the one eating all of this instead of me. I hate this.

"Okay on to the pizza." i said finishing my burger's and extending a hand to get the pizza slices on the left side of the table.

Once i started eating again i noticed Seungwan slowing down and chewing as if she was about to vomit.

For a second i felt bad for her, she's on a diet and we're still making her eat such unhealthy stuff. Her manager would have a heart attack by just looking at the amount of food.

I shook my head before resuming to eat again. I looked at Jimin who had a worried expression on his face.

I gave him back a confused look before he pointed his eyes towards Seulgi.

She was biting her lip, looking super nervous. Her eyes and attention was all on Seungwan who was already done with her first slice of pizza.

She looked worried and that somehow got me scared too. Is she not supposed to eat so much? Is everything okay?

I looked over at Seungwan who looked as if she was about to cry.

She bit her lip then looked at hands and legs for a second before resuming to eat.

And then it hit me.

She wasn't on a diet at all. She was scared to gain weight.

Of course she would be, seeing the amount of carbs and other unhealthy stuff these dishes hold, any idol would have been terrified.

Then i started to remember all the nicknames she used to have back in high school.

Ugly Duckling.

Over weight grandma.

Chubby Chicken.

Fat Rooster.

Aunty Double Chin.

Seeing how stupid and dumb these names were made me wanna laugh but thinking about the effect they had on her made me want to cry.

She of course would be most worried about her weight seeing as how much she struggled with it in the past.

That itself made me want to lose just so she would stop eating and stop pressuring herself to win.

So, i put on my tired and exhausted face as i whined and groaned to make it look realistic before deciding to give up.

"Guys i can't do this anymore. I give up." i said as the girls cheered for their victory and the boys groaned.

I felt someones eye on me and so i turned around just to see Seungwan giving me a confused look.

"What? You gave up?" she asked shocked. She looked adorable.

"Yeah, too much food. I couldn't take it anymore. I hope your happy that you won." i said signing but i'm sure she didn't buy any of it. Thank heavens god she decided to let the topic go and join her members in a celebratory dance.

But there was still one thing lingering on my mind.

Why did Jimin look so worried as he looked at Seulgi. And why did he instead of whining or complaining like the other guys, did he have a smile on face.

Whats up with him?

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