《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Media's reaction


It was somewhat around 5am when i gave up on sleeping.

How do you expect me to sleep after what happened last night? It was way too hard to process through my my head, and now i had hardly gotten any sleep.

Throughout this entire night, just one sentence kept repeating itself in my brain.

You were about to kiss Yoongi... You were about to kiss Yoongi.... You were about to kiss Yoongi...

I sat up from my bed, frustrated. I messed up my hair in anger, which wasn't as neat as it was before i started moving around the bed, unable to sleep.

Why do you have to be so careless!? Might as well have just went on stage and maked out with him in front of everyone!

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down, the girls were still sleeping and i didn't want to disturb them.

I got up from bed and took a nice calming bath. I got out and wore a dark green colored crop top hoodie with a pair of the same colored sweatpants and timberlands.

I brushed my hair and though i wasn't really in the mood but i dryed it as well, giving my hair a good amount of volume.

It was now 6 in the morning and since we didn't have a schedule today, the girls were still fast asleep.

Usually around this time we would wake up and set off to work our butts off until night time came and we would come home feeling lazy and tired as hell.

Since i didn't have anything productive to do, i grabbed a granola bar and headed for the door.

As i walked through the halls of our companies building i snacked on the ever so delicious granola bar.


As i reached our practice room, i fished for my phone and connected it to the speakers to play some music.

Well, might as well try improving my dancing skills, i do have a lot of free time.

I played Cold Water by Major Lazer featuring Justin Bieber and MQ. I moved my body to beat and danced my heart away. Though coming into this company i was more focused on becoming a singer than a dancer but who knew that something like this could actually be so comforting and full of emotion.

I danced and danced and danced until i was basically taking a shower in sweat, if that was even possible. I felt my legs begging for some rest and the rest of my body agreed desperately.

I sat down on the floor taking a bottle of water and drinking the whole thing in one gulp. I took out my phone and started going through instagram.

My eyes widened as my heart beat quickened. The news was trending on twitter and spread all across the internet.

"Fuck!" i cursed in frustration. I bite my lip reading all the articles about me and Yoongi. And the worst part is it wasn't only me who had articles written about herself.

Many stories were written about Jimin and Seulgi's dance battle, some saying it was a friendly competition while others didn't really agree, some were written about Yeri slow dancing with NCT's Mark. Some were about Joy and V's crazy dance moves.

Some were about how adorable the Hee Siblings had been and how cute they were, though i felt as though they were far from siblings.Others were about how adorable and cute Irene and Namjoon had been at the party.

The media surely must be having a field day today, so much drama and gossip, all for the world to see.


My head couldn't process anything and i felt my body go numb. This really can't be happening.

How could i be so careless!? Where did it all go wrong!?

I felt frustrated and angry, not at the members, not at the media, not even at Yoongi, but at myself.

I should have been strong enough to hold in the pain, i should have been professional about the situation, i should have stopped my members, i had to take care of my group and our reputation and i failed.

Damn why can't something go right? Why do i always have to mess up everything? Why is life so fucking painful!?

I got up in anger and with no care about my sweat, headed for the door to go home as quickly as i could.

The girls.

They didn't know about my encounter with a fellow BTS member and i had to explain what happened before they start freaking out.

I was about to take the elevator when i found one of our company employees come towards me as he grabbed my wrist to stop me from heading any forward.

"What the hel-" i got cut off when the employee started talking. "You have been asked to meet sanjangnim in his office, your members are already there sunbae, it would be admirable if you headed there as quickly as possible." he said before letting go of my hand and heading towards the elevator, leaving me all alone.

What the hell was that?

Once the employee's words relaxed in my brain i felt my body go numb as i felt all my senses blow out. Oh shit! Is the situation really that serious?

Usually we'd get a scolding from our manager or staff, we would only go to the office if it was something super serious. Did we really get into a lot of trouble?

My feet decided to move on their own and no sooner than later i was standing in front of the office. I felt my legs tremble as my palms went sweaty, which was not due to the nearly 2 hour dance practice i had.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves as i held the door knob and twisted it, pushing the door open.

Going inside my eyes were on the ground as i closed the door behind me. I stood there in silence, head still hung low.

"I'm glad you could make it Wendy." I heard sangjangnim say as i lifted my head up only to be surprised by the biggest shock of my life.

Right there, right in front of me, was none other than BTS standing there like lost kids with their manager besides them.

My eyes widened for a second before i regained my composure, i cleared my throat and went up to stand besides Seulgi.

Both Red Vevlet and BTS were in the same room, the tension was high in the room and it felt like i was being suffocated.

"Now that you all are here, we need to discuss something very important." Sanjangnim said as i felt my body tense in fear.

Oh Lord, please save me from this disaster.

Also if you were confused about the 'Hee siblings' part, that was Hani and Heechul. Their fans call them siblings but they are not rea

Anyway comment what you would like to see in the upcoming chapter, i really wanna know what you guys think!

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