《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Flashbacks


2 years ago....

I stood there at the edge of the rooftop waiting for my boyfriend.

I had just found out today that he was only playing.

He never liked me or anything.... it was just a game... a dare.

I was mad, sad, angry but most of all heartbroken.

I loved him so much and we had been dating strongly for nearly a year but he just did it to make fun of me.

I knew Yoongi's ex wanted him back so she made a recording of them making fun of me behind my back.

I remember their words so well...

"It's just for a bet Yoongi and if you win we will give you your prize." said his friend Boyd.

"But i think he should pick another girl i mean just look how fat and ugly she is, i wouldn't wanna date her. Would totally ruin my reputation." said another one of his friends named Bill.

But out of all of this his words hurt the most.

"It's just for 2 months and then i'll breakup with her. Yes she may be ugly and fat but she is weak and an easy target. I thinks she is perfect for a pray."

And then it hit me. He just used me for a bet.

I was nothing to him....

Just a toy...

Just a doll in his sick game...

I was weak to him.....

I was pathetic....

That night i cried hard and thought just why couldn't i get some real happiness.

I always got bullied and i got bullied even more when the school found out i was dating Yoongi.

He was popular and many girls wanted him. They tried to hurt me and once it nearly got so bad that i nearly died of suffocation.


I never told him of course, i didn't wanna burden him or let him think i was weak.

But it didn't matter anyway cuz he never loved me.

I was standing there when he finally came looking happy and amazing.

Before i could talk he just hugged me but i didn't return it.

He didn't notice and started talking.

"You know Bangtan has been doing great these days. And i can't wait for you to join bighit so we can be in the same company. Did you go to the auditions last time? I'm sorry i couldn't be there it's just my grandmot-" and he stopped talking when he noticed the tears in my eyes.

"Hey, babe whats wrong?"

"I didn't go to the auditions"

"What why?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" i asked instantly, tears already pouring out of my eyes.

Yoongi wanted us to be working in the same company so he set up an audition for me at bighit and i was supposed to go yesterday when i didn't go because of my meetup with his ex.

"Tell you what" he asked while cupping my face and wiping my tears.

I slapped his hand away and looked him deep in the eyes.

I'm not weak....

I'm not pathetic.....

And i'm not ugly.....

"Did you ever really love me?" i asked desperatly.

"Of course seung"

"Stop lying!" i screamed and he looked shocked at my out burst.

"I know you made a bet about me so please.... just for once stop lying...." i said as i broke down.

I never thought that it would hurt this much.

"No no no Seungwan thats not it-"

"Min Yoongi i'm breaking up with you" i said firmly to tell him i was serious.

"What! No Seung don't do this-"


"You won your bet... you broke my heart.... i hope your prize was worth it" i said going past him and heading towards the door.

I was wishing he would stop me and tell me it was just the past, that he actually loved me..... but he didn't.

"By the way yoongi.... i'm moving to Busan" i said and left.

That was the last of him i ever saw.

Afer this Seungwan and her family moved to Busan and there she auditioned for many companys and was finally accepted by SM ent.

She worked harder than any other. Her past huanting her as bts got more and more famous but she didn't care.

All she wanted right now is to accomplish her dreams of becoming an idol with her fellow friend Seulgi.

And would you know she auditioned as a member of the new rookie group named Red Velvet with her fellow members named Irene, Seulgi and Joy.

Her stage name now Wendy but what will happen once two of their members start dating in private?

And so they meet again.....

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