《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 15


Asyraf's POV

My angry kitten was mad at me because I gave her a hickey. JUST BECAUSE A HICKEY? I don't know whether she understand that her angry face is cute and not scary?

Sano walked out of the kitchen with a tray. She looked at me and glared at me when I winked at her. I signalled the seat beside me and asked her to sit. She smirked at me and sat beside Rabia.

"Sano, sit beside Asyraf sweetheart." Baba said. Awww baba, I love you.

My wife being the obedient bahu nodded and sat beside me. HAHAHA.

"Sweetheart, are you avoiding me?" I asked while brushing her hand lightly

" you are not allowed to touch me. Did you forget it?" She asked innocently.

Seriously! She thinks that I will follow her illogical punishment?

"Bhai, taste this. Your wife made it." Rabia said.

"of course, she made it just for me." I said and looked at her. She shook her had lightly to make me angry. Uff, this girl.

I taste it and Masha Allah, it is so yummy. Everyone praised her except me. She was continuously glancing at me but I just ignored. Of course i didn't comment. Since she didnt make it for me, then my opinion about the food is not important.RIGHT?😜😜😜😜😜

After breakfast, I straight away went to my room but before that I gave her a sad face. Now just wait and watch.

1,2,3... I heard the door of my room opening. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. She was looking at me as if she is expecting something. I sat on the bed and start using my phone.

" uhmm.... you didn't like the food?" she asked

"who said that?" I asked back.

" but you didnt say anything. I thought you don't like it." She said while playing with her fingers.

" The food was not made for me. So how can I comment right." I said innocently not forgetting my pitiful face. She looked at me guiltily.

" Don't be sad, I made it for you. You like it na?" she asked. I can't control anymore. I laughed while clutching my stomach. She looked at me confusingly then realisation hit her.

" you were pranking on me right?" she asked. She just realised it. hahaha.


Sanofar's pov

So meannnnnn. How can he prank me. I asked mama his favorite dish and make it for him but he. I glared at him and wanted to say something when I heard.


" Sano, Imran is here beta." Mama said. I immediately ran down and hugged bhai. Aww I miss my family. Whattt, its been a day. Of course I miss them.

"Nah, this is what you asked right." He asked. Finally, my weapon has arrived.

"Thanks bhai." I said.

"What is that?" Asyraf asked while taking steps towards me.

"Nothing. A small gift." Bhai said and winked at me.

We had fun chatting, no, teasing each other. Then bhai and Rabia left after some time.

I entered my room to keep my weapon. I saw Asyraf was busy in his laptop. Uff, did he marry me or his laptop.

"what is that?" Asyraf asked

"You will see tonight." I said while smirking.

"Is it something to seduce me. If yes then, I'm excited." he said with naughty looks.

" See yourself." I said and sat on the couch. I took my phone and I started reading wattpad.

" Let's go somewhere." He said

"Where?" I asked

"Honeymoon maybe" he said. My eyes widened


"Why not. Honeymoon is a place where you bring your wife." He said

"Really, then bring your laptop for honeymoon. Since you always spent your time with it nah?" I said.

"Someone is jealous. Come on sweetheart, don't tell me you are jealous with a laptop." He said.

" not laptop but your first wife. By the way, I'm not jealous. I'm just stating the fact." I said. He just sighed and looked at me.

" I will count until 5, If you didn't go and get ready then...."he paused

"Th...then" I asked. Idiot sano, dare you ask him

"Then I will help you in changing your dress." My eyes widened. Whatttt.

".....4...." Wait when did he start counting.

"and 5." I ran quickly before he tried to catch me.

I changed into my abaya and wore my hijab. I went out and I looked at him who had already changed and waiting for me. He was in a black short sleeve T-shirt showing his biceps. Wow, my husband looks handsome. He looked at me and smirked.

"Enjoying haa?" He asked. I nodded but shooked my head quickly when I saw his smirk grow wider.

"Let's go, we are getting late." I said.

He nodded and held my hand neatly.

Aww, he is so.....

'don't forget his punishment' My brain said.

Yesss, how can I forget. I quickly released my hand from his.

"I gave you a punishment, don't forget it." He gave me a 'are you kidding me look'.


Who cares.

We get in the car and he drove to the mall. He bought few long dresses for me and I bought some shirts.

I saw the sales girl were staring at him. Aren't they feel ashamed to stare at someone .. No someone's husband like that. I looked at Asyraf but he just ignored all the girls. I smiled looking at him.

We were walking around when he bring.. No dragged me to the jewellery shop. He bought a chain for me written AS.

After spending almost a day outside, we went back home. I was so tired and I wanted to sleep. But honestly, this is one of the best memory.

I walked to our room after greeting Mama. I took a shower and changed into my pants and a shirt. I laid on the bed when I saw him entering the room. He walked to the wardrobe and took his towel and walked to the washroom. I turned to the jug and saw it was empty. I walked to the kitchen and filled the jug with water and walked to my room.

When I entered my room, I was shocked to look at my husband who were standing in the room with a towel only.

I quickly closed my eyes and I said.

"Sorry, I didn't see anything."

"you can open your eyes sweetheart." He said. Wow, he changed so fast. I opened my eyes and looked at him who were still on a towel.

"Idiot, you said you have changed." I said and turned behind.

"When did I say I have changed. I said, you can turn." he said. He pulled me towards him . My hand were placed on his bare chest. The water droplets from his hair were touching my face.

" You called your husband an idiot." He said.

"I...I was shocked that.... You know..." He looked at me and I was lost in his eyes. I don't know how long we were standing like that. I break the eye contact when I heard his phone ringing. He answered his phone and walked to the changing room.

After a few minutes, he came out and lay on the bed. He looked at me with open arms.

"Come baby, I heard if you want to sleep, you need to hug something. I'm on service." He said.

Hehehe, I don't need your service.

I smirked at him and walked to take my weapon.

"Its ok hubby, I have my new babe." I showed him what bhai had bought for me.

The brown one actually

Tadaaaa. Hehehe, my babe will build a barrier plus i won't have cuddling problem.


Asyraf's POV

What the helllll. This thing is huge than her. I'm gonna kill Imran for buying stupid things for her.

She bring her stupid babe to the bed and it literally create a big barrier between me and her. She hugged that thing making me mad and what makes me more angry was the tiny hand of that stupid thing hug her too. Who created such an idiotic bolster.

I need to throw this thing first. I walked to her when I saw her in deep slumber, I slowly pull that thing and hide it on the highest level in the closet.

Now how are you going to find him shorty. I walked to the bed and laid beside her. She wrapped her arms around me and snuggled towards me.

"Asyraf" she said.

I looked at her face who was on her own dream world. A smile formed on my lips. I'm happy that I'm in her dream world too. I hugged her and closed my eyes. I need enough rest to face her madness tomorrow.


Sanofar's POV

I opened my eyes and a smile formed on my lips looking at my husband's sleepy face.

Yesterday's outing with him was the best. Waittttttt. He is hugging me right now. Where is babe?

My eyes searched for my babe but I can't see him anywhere. I know who must have kidnapped him. I tried to wake up but my husband's strong arms not letting me to get up.

He is sleeping here peacefully after kidnapping my babe.

"Hey kidnapper, where is my babe?" I asked

" He is safe. Don't worry." he said with closed eyes.

"Let him go. I need him for hugging." I said

"You married me, not that idiot. Hug me. I'm all yours." he said

"No, I want him back." I whined

"Baby, you know I won't give him to you anytime soon right. Then, why are you wasting your energy." He said and bring me close to him.

"When will you give him back." I asked

"After our first child." He said casually.

"Whatttttt. Then I won't get him back till 5-6 years." I said.

His eyes snapped open and shouted




Assalamu Alaikum friends. Sorry for making you all wait this long.

Don't attack me with scolding but attack me with your love😉😉😉

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