《Gone》Chapter 13- Regret
They had left Prince Hollis's house a little over an hour later. Saying their goodbyes to the villagers and Virgil giving a promise that he would return with the captured subjects. Prince Hollis had still refused to take a place as acting king though. He claimed that was Virgil's and Janus's spot. Virgil didn't argue, even if he hated the title, it now belonged to him. But his uncle had said he'd send a group of volunteers to the light side once they were a little more organized.
Now the four young boys were moving again. Logan and Patton slightly ahead of the other two. Logan was talking to Patton about some of the spells he'd learned from Janus's old books, he seemed very excited about it all. Virgil found it kinda funny. Logan had that same excitement for learning magic that Janus did.
But he hadn't really wanted to hear Logan go on about magic that he didn't think he'd ever be able to perform. Those spells were something he should have known by now but Virgil didn't and it upset him. He could see Logan trying some of them now, while on horseback he was reading the book and following all the steps, still being able to talk to Patton despite most of his concentration being elsewhere.
Virgil envied him, without a doubt. But Virgil envied most people who could do magic better than him. He just didn't understand why he couldn't do it. Why was it so hard for him? Why could Logan and Janus do magic and he struggled so much with it? His mother could do magic, why couldn't he? All the tutors. All the people who had written those books and so many of the subjects in the kingdom. They could all do magic, why wasn't he any good at it?
"Ann, hey I want to talk to you," Roman said as he had Jezebel fall into step with Lucy. Virgil shot him a look, "Well obviously you don't have to talk back, but like maybe sign or write or something?" Roman asked, obviously having understood the meaning behind the look he had been given.
Virgil looked forward again, "Ann, I have questions about Remus"
'Not now'
"Ann please. Look I know you're mad at me but come on! He tried to kidnap you. You or Ronnie could've gotten hurt, I couln't let him get away with that, and I..." he trailed off as Virgil began signing
'We have laws Roman'
"I understand that but still, I made a promise to keep you safe I intend to keep it."
'If it means killing someone then don't bother.'
'I respected your laws and traditions while in the light realm now try and respect ours,' With that Virgil had Lucy speed up until he had found a place next to Patton, who now rode between the two wizards. Patton smiled at Virgil as he came into step with them, interrupting Logan for a moment to ask how Virgil was doing.
Roman sighed as he moved down on Jezebelle as if he was trying to lay down across her. "I wasn't trying to upset anybody, just help him out." Roman told his horse, "That's what princes are supposed to do. Help people... But he freaked when he saw me kill that man, it's death... And it's not like I wanted to do it, I was just...People die. I know he's seen dead bodies before. He told us he saw those soldiers killing people before. So what's the difference?"
The horse neighed as if attempting to answer. Roman laughed lightly before sitting up in his horse. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, Jezz"
"Ann," Logan said a few hours later, moving his horse past Patton to ride next to the dark realm prince, "Is this your brother's writing? What do these symbols mean?"
Ann leaned closer to look at the symbols before shaking his head and writing on his notepad as best he could and then signing it as well, 'I wrote that. Writing notes helps me understand it. Did you just start that one?'
Logan nodded, "Yes, well, I wasn't having much luck on some of the other books you had given me and this one seems to be an earlier volume. I don't recognize the language, would you mind translating
'The region in the north of my kingdom, that's their language. My mother was from there. It's barely used now, mostly just for magic. But my brother and I learned it, I use it whenever I need to speak to Dee without others knowing what I'm saying or when I'm writing in my books'
Logan nodded his understanding. He had memories of Roman and Remus using a made-up language primarily composed of odd sounds and screams to communicate when they were younger. Though that had been more for their pleasure while this seemed something that the Dark Realm princes used in more serious matters. "What does it say?" He asked again, for the third time.
"Just instructions. Things that helped me that weren't in the book already. Sometimes magic is different for me because I'm mute' Virgil went on to translate some of the writings and then did his best of showing Logan the spell. Luckily the one Logan had taken interest in was one he had learned and known well.
He mouthed the words on the paper carefully. No sound left his lips though, they just moved up and down. His hands moved in a certain pattern and a symbol began to take up the air in front of him. When he was done he stuck his tongue out slightly before his right hand pointed upwards and the purple symbols shot upward in a beam. The beam hit the trees above them causing leaves to rain down on the group, making Patton laugh.
"Amazing!" Logan said, "Would you mind demonstrating again?" And so he did. Virgil demonstrated the spell two more times, the smile on Logan's face growing each time while he looked back and forth between Virgil and the book in his hands, "Despite your lack of magical expertise it seems that with this spell you are very talented. You have created and found several ways that will assist you with the spells that have not been noted and-"
"Logie," Patton interrupted, "You're talking too fast again. Maybe take a break from the books for a bit? I'm sure the studying can wait kiddo"
Logan begrudgingly agreed and put the books away in his bag. Virgil smiled slightly though. His magic had never been called amazing before. It was nice that Logan thought that. Even if Virgil knew that the spell hadn't been performed correctly, and eventually Logan would figure that out as well. For now, it was nice that his magic had been thought of that way.
"I don't get it, Logan!" Roman said loudly as Patton talked Virgil's ear off further ahead of them.
"What is there to not get? You angered him by disrespecting a law that he feels is very important" Logan replied, not looking up at the prince as he examined the map in his hands
"I didn't know it was a law" Roman muttered.
"I do not understand why you care how Ann feels about this," Logan stated, "A week ago, Ann was in your dungeon, and you were angered by his presence. A week before that you claimed you hated the Dark Realm Princes. I have to ask, what changed?"
"Lots of things. For one the situation we were in with the Dark Realm has changed" Roman said, "And now I know the rumors aren't true... People from here aren't evil or power-hungry, they're just like us."
"Is that all?"
"And Remus" Roman added
"What does your brother have to dow with your feelings towards Ann?"
"They're best friends," Roman said, "In the two years I thought he was dead, Remus built a strong platonic and romantic relationship with the princes.. and now that I know he's not dead... but I also know there's a chance I still won't be able to see him ever again... I don't know, he was friends with Ann, I feel like I owe it to him to at least be nice to the guy"
"So you are stating that the feelings you hold for him feel more mandatory than anything else?" Logan asked, looking up from the map in his hand for just a moment to look at Roman.
"Kinda? Maybe? I don't know... but I don't want him to be angry with me. I just tried to help, I didn't know that me killing him was going to cause Ann to be even more upset then he would have if I had not stepped in"
Logan blinked a few times, then looked to see the distance between the two of them and the other members of their party. Finally, Logan folded the map and put in his pocket before sighing deeply, "Roman had you not been there to intercede between Ann and his attackers this trip could already have gone a lot differently. Ann would not only have been captured but we could have been risking endangering our kingdom as well. Could you imagine what Prince Hollis would have done had you come back with the news that Ann, currently the acting king of the Dark Realm, had been taken prisoner by those who had attacked in the previous night because you had not been willing to kill the attacker?"
Roman thought about that for a moment but said nothing, allowing Logan to answer for him.
"Prince Hollis may have assumed that it had been a trick. That you had tricked Ann into trusting us so that the Dark Realm would have trusted us, and when Ann least expects it you turn on him, taking not only him Prisoner but the rest of his surviving Kingdom as well. That is what Prince Hollis would have assumed, that is what any ruler would have assumed." Logan said as he looked over at Roman with a careful gaze, "While Ann may not realize it now, killing that man was necessary for not only his and his kingdom's safety but also for us and our kingdom's safety. You did the right thing, Roman, don't let Ann's anger make you think otherwise"
Roman shook his head, "But I could have done something else, Logan. This guy was not a good sword fighter, I could have knocked him unconscious or wounded him. I shouldn't have killed him, I should have done something else. I should have-"
"Roman," Logan said firmly, locking eyes with the prince next to him, "There are many things you could have done differently. Many things any of us could have done differently. You. Are not. At fault. No one is. Stop blaming yourself, it does no use to dwell on the past. Focus on the future, that's all we can do for now."
Roman nodded, sighing as he relaxed again and finally listened to Logan. "Thanks, Teach, I don't know what I'd do without you"
"You would fail, and that is why when you are crowned king you will be making me one of your advisers."
"You're really sure of yourself aren't you?"
"Yes, but that is not why I am confident that you will decide this. I am confident that you will be making me an adviser because you are not a very trusting person and as often as we do have our disagreements you do trust me and have stated multiple times that you value my intelligence and logical thinking. Therefore there is little reason for you to not appoint me as an advisor"
"You're probably right," Roman said softly.
"Of course I am, now with all due respect shut up. I need to read this map and I can't do that if I'm trying to calm you from having a crisis fueled by guilt and regret."
Virgil was sitting next to Logan on the ground. Patton and Roman were setting up a camp while they read. The book had been laid on the ground between them so Virgil wasn't super close to Logan (though even with the six inches in between them Virgil did not think it was enough) It had been made clear already that only Patton was allowed to touch him, and even then the bubbly young man always asked and it was never anything big or done for very long.
Virgil had not explained why he didn't like being touched. He didn't think it warranted an explanation. And the others had not pushed him for information, mostly because of Patton. He seemed the most observant of when Virgil was starting to become anxious or when he was shutting down. Logan could also tell, but sometimes his curiosity and crave to learn something new overpowered that. Virgil didn't know whether Roman could tell before the clues were made more obvious, but he hoped that if he didn't he either learned quickly or listened to his friends when they told him to back off.
At the moment the two were trying to learn a new spell together, one out of one of Janus's books. Logan had already learned five new spells that day, and all of them had been on horseback, two of them he had been able to learn while engaged in a conversation. It was obvious that he was a much faster learner than Virgil was.
"How's it going kiddos?" Patton asked as he came to check on his two friends
"Very well, I have to say I am surprised by the number of spells the Dark Realm has that we do not. They have very advanced magic here," Logan said as he managed to create a miniature lightning bolt in his hands and hold it.
"What about you Ann, is it going well?"
Virgil glanced at Patton and then back at the book as he shrugged. He was trying his best to concentrate and get the spell correct but wasn't having nearly as much luck as Logan. His tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth as he narrowed his eyes at the words on the book. Logan had been able to learn the spell quickly and could now perform it flawlessly, meanwhile, Virgil had only succeeded in making a few electrical sparks.
"Well that's okay," Patton assured, "Everyone learns at a different pace. I remember when Logan and I were in school he was always able to learn the math and science so easily and it was hard for me."
Virgil didn't give any sort of reaction. This wasn't math or science. This was magic. He should be better at this than he was. He shouldn't struggle with it so much. It made him feel stupid and weak. Everybody who knew magic was better at it than Virgil. How was that supposed to make him feel? He was supposed to protect people. That was his job, protect people. But he couldn't even keep himself from getting caught by a stupid self-centered Light Realm prince. He couldn't protect anybody. He should be able to do magic better. He should be-
His thoughts and the conversation between Logan and Patton was broken by a loud explosion that sent Virgil flying backward and slamming him into a tree. A flash of bright light made everyone's eyes sting and a ringing sound filled their ears. "Ann!" Patton said loudly as the smoke began to clear and he realized what had happened. The fatherly boy rushed forward and helped a coughing Ann to his feet.
Logan and Roman both had jumped to their feet as well. Roman had his sword out as he had been the only person to not know what had happened as he had been looking away from the scene when it had occurred. But when Virgil stopped coughing they were surprised to find that he had a large smile on his face and was laughing at it all. "Are you alright Ann. Did you hit your head?" Logan asked as he stepped forward worriedly.
Virgil shook his head, 'I did it,' He signed before pointing at the book, 'kinda'
"That was not how the spell was supposed to be performed," Logan said and Patton shot him a stern look as Virgil started signing again.
'I'm not good at magic. Sometimes when I'm learning a new spell things kinda blow up, it means I'm close.'
Patton and Logan didn't know how to react as they translated that sentence but Roman had begun to laugh. He put away his sword as he bent over himself, still laughing and then beginning to point at Virgil. "So now that we know this isn't a bad thing," he said between fits of laughter, "I think it's a good time to tell you that the spell ruined your hair"
Virgil gave a confused look and tried to look up and reached to touch his hair only for him to find it standing on end and pointing upward. He laughed again as he thought about what he must look like right now as he tried and failed to re-tame the static mess. Soon Patton joined in, laughing along with the other two princes, eventually, even Logan cracked a smile.
"Here kiddo, can I help?" Patton asked. Virgil paused and hesitated before eventually nodding. Patton smiled and pulled a brush out from his bag before coming towards Virgil. The Dark Realm prince tensed as Patton came closer to him but didn't stop him. Patton was only a foot away when Roman started laughing again.
"Patt, it's ruining your hair too," Roman said when the others looked at him. Logan and Virgil nodded their confirmation as Patton began to giggle. Virgil smiled as he waved his hand over Patton's head and watched the hair rise even higher. He stared at his hand before moving past Patton and running towards Logan. The other wizard looked confused as Virgil jumped onto a rock, and didn't realize until it was too late that Virgil was attempting to ruin his hair as well.
They were all laughing again, Logan grumbling a little as well as he tried to brush his hair down. Virgil jumped off the rock he stood on before making his way towards Roman. "No," Roman said as he backed away from a slowly approaching Virgil, "I'm a prince, I have to look my best. You can not ruin my hair.
"Get him, Ann!" Patton shouted, "We're gonna be the bad hair club!"
"If I must look as though I have no sense of personal hair hygiene then I do think it would be funnier if we all looked like that" Logan said as he gave up trying to fix his hair.
'Sorry Princey' Virgil signed before he started charging at Roman. The other prince immediately turned away and began running away and the chase had begun. One prince after another as he tried to ruin their hair. Smiles printed on three faces while the other looked annoyed for the joke to have been turned on him.
Virgil let Roman run around the camp a few laps before quickly speeding up and closing the distance between them. The smile grew on Virgil's face as the closer and closer he got the more wild Roman's hair would become. Virgil's hand was nearly touching Roman before he finally stopped running. Roman's hair now looked the worst out of all of them. Logan, Patton, and Virgil were all laughing as Roman, just like everyone else, attempted to fruitlessly fix his hair. A smile and short laughs left him as he settled himself on the ground next to where the others had sat down.
Virgil was staring down at his hands, finding that when he rubbed them together it would create more sparks 'I wonder when It'll wear off' Virgil signed as he looked up at them.
"Well until it does, it would probably be best to refrain from actually touching anybody, Lightning can be dangerous and we don't need any injuries," Logan said as he reached for the book they had been reading from earlier.
Roman rolled his eyes, "Okay Mom." Roman said sarcastically "Let Ann have some fun, he hasn't hurt anybody yet"
"I'm not anybody's mother nor will I ever be anybody's mother," Logan replied.
'It's okay Roman, I didn't wanna touch any of you losers anyway' Virgil smiled at the gasp he got from Roman 'And just so you know nerd, lightning survival rate is ninety percent. Just walk it off'
"Ann, one can not simply walk off a lighting strike," Logan said.
Virgil just rolled his eyes as he suddenly started frantically rubbing his hands together before pointing them to the sky. He smiled as two large bolts of lightning came out of his hands and flew upwards. It was as if somebody had turned them upsidedown.
"That is still not how the spell is done," Logan mumbled while Virgil kept laughing at Roman's reaction to the spell (A high pitched scream)
"It really does show that Remus lived with you for two years," Roman added after the display of chaos.
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