《Gone》Chapter 10-King
Roman groaned as the man pushed him into the wall a little harder, "I take it I'm not very well-liked around here" He said as he struggled against the sword pressed into his back.
Ann jumped forward and grabbed the man, pulling him by his shoulder slightly, "Prince Virgil, stand back I can not risk your safety or the safety of the kingdom"
"I'm not gonna hurt him" Roman assured, "He knows who I am"
The man's head swiftly turned to Ann who was nodding to show that Roman was telling the truth, "Your friendship with Remus has tainted your judgment" The man moved Ann's hand off his shoulder but stopped as Ann began signing. Roman tried to turn to see what was being said but the man tilted the sword so it hurt him. "Are you sure?" the man asked. Ann must have nodded because the man backed away and released Roman. "I apologize Prince Roman I was not aware of the events and deals Virgil has made these past few days."
Roman nodded and laughed nervously, "That's okay we had a similar reaction to finding Ann so yeah..."
The man turned over to Ann, frowning, "Virgil you must be aware by now that your father is dead, right?" The man asked him, Ann, "Then why is he still calling you Ann?"
"He asked us to," Roman said.
"Us? There's more of you?"
"Just two, friends of mine. We're supposed to meet them in a few minutes actually and uhm" Roman stopped when the man started taking a few steps closer to him, "Uhm... Ann?"
Ann pulled back on the man's wrist and began signing again but Roman understood very little of it. The man turned back to Roman quickly, "You will go and find your friends and you will return here. Prince Virgil will remain as I have some very important matters to discuss with him. If you choose not to return we will assume it means the Light Realm has changed their minds about assisting us, but we will not hold it against you. Is that understood Prince Roman?"
Roman looked over at Ann, he had buried his head in his hands as if he was embarrassed. Roman turned back to the man in front of him "Got it. Yeah, I'll be back then" Roman said before backing away towards the front door and going to find Patton and Logan.
Roman was leading Patton and Logan back to the house had left Virgil at. They walked up the stairs and Roman was about to knock on the door when Logan stopped him. He pressed a finger to his lips before pointing at the open window where Virgil's uncle- who Roman now knew was named Hollis- was talking to the younger royal. "Virgil, your father is dead and your brother is gone. As of now you are acting ruler. As of now, you are king. You need to think about this"
Virgil shook his head as his he began signing, they weren't able to understand most of it, 'I know what... brother... Remus and Jan.... hurt... can't let... prince...' The three frowned as they watched.
"You're going to get hurt!" More signing, "Virgil, you can't just think about your brother and Remus, you have to think about the kingdom!"
'They took my kingdom'
"You still have citizens, you still have people you need to take care of-"
Virgil's eyes flew to the window and Roman immediately knocked on the door, beginning to pretend as though they hadn't just been eves dropping.
Prince Hollis muttered something under his breath before opening the door for them. He observed both Logan and Patton for a moment before letting the three of them in, though his eyes trailed on Logan for a moment. "River! Please come here!" Hollis called before turning back to the group of three, "Which one of you can do magic?"
"That would be me, sir," Logan stated calmly.
"Do you know any healing spells?"
"As one Prince Roman's closest allies and friends I make it my personal duty to know as many spells as possible," Logan stated.
River suddenly ran down the stairs, nearly running right into Patton, "Whoah, slow down their kiddo, what's the rush?" Patton asked
"My sisters dying" River growled. Patton paled slightly.
Hollis cleared his throat, "Do you think you might be able to heal a torn fairy wing?"
Logan nodded, "I do,"
"Follow me!" RIver said, attempting to grab Logan's hand but was stopped by Hollis.
"What's your surname and title?" He ordered from Logan.
Logan stared at Prince Hollis for a moment before sighing, as though he was used to the question "I'm the son of Lord Leonard Croft sir, he died a few years back though,"
"And your mother?" Hollis asked.
River growled, "Your highness there's no time! My sister!" Hollis sighed before he nodded and mumbled an apology, River grabbed Logan again as he dragged him upstairs, "Come on she's up here!"
"Virge, why don't you go with them? Maybe Mr. Croft can teach you a new spell." Virgil eyed his uncle warily "You too please, I'd like a moment alone with Crown Prince Roman please" Almost immediately Patton jumped in front of Roman making Hollis stick his arm out in front of Virgil. The two princes shook their heads, they were both used to people jumping in front of them at the first sign of danger.
"It's alright Pat, I'll be good," Roman said as he placed a hand on Patton's shoulder.
Virgil gathered his uncle's attention and signed something to him 'Don't scare him like you did Remus' His uncle begrudgingly agreed and the other two followed Logan and River up the stairs. River was looking over Logan's shoulder as he examined Ryder's wings. She was turned onto her side, the wings kept fluttering over and over as if she was trying to fly. The rest of his the children had curled up in a bed opposite of Ryder and were fast asleep already, it made sense considering they were all six years old or younger and sleep had probably been a limited thing these past few days.
"You gotta help her! She's really hurt, and she can't die. Please, they already took enough from us, you can't let them take her too"
"Patton," Logan said, the name was enough to make the other jump into action. Almost immediately Patton jumped forward and gently led River away from Logan and Ryder, he began speaking to him softly as River begrudgingly allowed himself to be led out of the room. "Ann, I'm going to need your assistance, this is a difficult spell and it isn't painless. Hold her down please"
Virgil hesitated, 'Don't like touch'
"I understand that however if you don't hold her down it may only cause more damage." Virgil hesitated again before slowly approaching Ryder and Logan. He climbed up into the bed so he was sitting against the wall with Ryder facing him and remaining between him and Logan.
"Ann?" Ryder asked, "Wh-wheres Riv-River?" Virgil tried to sign to her but she just stared back at him with confusion, her brain not allowing her to translate what was being said.
"River has stepped out of the room for everyone's safety. I want to apologize in advance for this Ms. Ryder, I am going to attempt to fix your wing, however it will not be a painless spell."
Ryder winced, though nothing had happened yet, "Fffly?"
"If everything goes alright then yes, you should be able to fly again once it is fully healed, though healing will not be slower then normal due to your twin's absence"
"Ryker... need Ryker..." Ryder trailed off tiredly, "do it"
Logan nodded before motioning for Virgil to brace themselves. Virgil placed his hands on Ryder in a way where it wouldn't hurt her but still make it where he could hold her down. Ryder moved her hand so she was gripping onto Virgil's coat before nodding again. "Alright then, on three," Logan said as his hands hovered over Ryder's torn wing, "One-" Logan's hands glowed a dark blue, his eyes turning a similar color as the spell began, he was muttering the spell under his breath and suddenly Ryder began screaming.
It hurt less if they didn't know when it was coming.
Instantly the three small children on the other bed awoke before breaking into tears at the sounds of their sister screaming. Virgil held Ryder down as her body began to try and get away from the pain, tears coming out of his eyes at the thought of the pain she must be going through. Ronnie jumped off the bed and ran over to Logan, pounding her fists against his side, and although the punches didn't cause him any pain they were distracting him from the spell. His eyes began to blink between there normal color and the dark blue the magic gave them. Virgil bit his lip before raising his hand and pointing it at Ronnie. Her eyes glazed over before she fell to the ground, fast asleep. Virgil quickly went back to holding Ryder down as Logan continued.
They could hear yelling coming from down the hall before the door flew open. Prince Hollis and Roman staring at the scene with surprise while Patton struggled to hold River back. Ryder finally stopped screaming as her body fell limp and unconscious. River called her name loudly before a pair of green wings popped out of his back and he flew over and around Patton and the others, suddenly appearing at Logan's side.
'Help' Virgil signed, his uncle grabbed River and threw him back into Roman before trying to grab Logan. Just before he could though the spell came to a stop and Logan scrambled out of the way panting. Virgil jumped out of the bed and stop in between Logan and his uncle.
"Apologies, I should have given more of was warning as to the effects the spell might have had on Ryder," Logan said as he picked Ronnie off the ground and placed her next to her still crying siblings. "However her wing is no longer torn now. I suggest a few more days of bed rest though, and she should not try flying until an actual doctor has cleared her to do so"
River's eyes danced around everywhere before he rushed to go comfort Mike and Randi who were still crying and laying on the opposite bed with confusion written all over their young faces. He whispered to them soothingly as he pulled them both into his lap and wiped the tears away from their faces.
Prince Hollis looked at Virgil, then at Logan, and then walked out of the room with Roman wordlessly following him, most likely to finish whatever conversation they had been having before the screaming had begun. Virgil left the room as well, going to the one his uncle saved for when he, Janus, or Remus visited. Logan picked up his bag off of where he had left it on the ground and immediately pulled a book out before sitting down in a corner of the room and beginning to read.
"Can I hold him?" Patton asked River, referring to the baby in the arms of the other. River eyed him skeptically, "It's okay kiddo, I promise I won't hurt him."
River continued to hesitate, "You swear?"
Patton held his right hand up and nodded, "Over mine and Logie's dead bodies." Logan sighed at the nickname but continued to sit in his corner and read. River nodded and carefully passed Mike to Patton and then moving Randi into a position that would be more comfortable now that they had more room. Patton smiled as he sat down next to River and Randi and started cooing and speaking to the nervous baby. Mike stared up at him before slowly beginning to grin and giggle, as though the baby talk Patton was using had actually made sense to him. "What's the kiddo's name?"
River glanced at him before turning back to Randi who was slowly starting to fall asleep again, "Mike, and this is Randi"
Patton nodded, "Are you the oldest? I think Roman said something about there being more of you"
River sighed with remorse, "No, I'm not the oldest. My brother Remy is, and then Rachel after that. Then me, then the twins, Raelynn, Raja, And then these three" River motioned to the small children surrounding them.
"Oh my, your house must be so much fun!"
River laughed and shook his head, "Not really. I have to share a room with Ryker and Remy. One of the little kids is always screaming, someone is always fighting with someone else, Ryker and Ryder are learning to fly, and either me or Rachel is always stuck helping. And someone's always in the bathroom"
"But there's always somebody to talk to. And you always have a friend and family game night must be amazing."
River looked over at him with confusion, "You don't have any siblings do you?"
Patton giggled, "Nope! It's just me and my parents,"
"Oh, well having siblings isn't the dream you think it is. Especially with so many of us, it's hard to get any privacy and it can get so loud. The only time the place is ever calm is when Remy brings Prince Virgil over." River smiles slightly, "I don't know if its because he's the prince or if it's because we all like him or because we know that Remy will destroy us otherwise, but when he comes over and if he's close to having an attack everybody just shuts up and calms down. Even the babies."
Patton smiled gently as he watched River carefully place Randi next to their sister and tuck them under a blanket, "I think Ann has said something to me about Remy before. Are they close?"
River nodded, "They've been friends since like forever. I wasn't even old enough to remember but Remy loves the story. When he was like five, Prince Virgil and Prince Janus were visiting their uncle away from his and her majesty. They were playing outside, their uncle close by, and ran into Rem and Rachel. My mom says that even at five Remy had an attitude problem but Remy says that's why he got along so well with the princes. Apparently, Virge and Jan walked off when prince Hollis wasn't paying attention, my mom said she nearly had a heart attack when the royal guards broke their door down."
"Your siblings sound like great people River,"
River continued to smile but it was slowly falling away, "You know before this I-I don't think I really agreed with my trait name, Protective, and I don't think I ever really thought so much about what it would be like if-if someone took my siblings away from me. B-But... they did-did that. They took-took my siblings and my mom." River was crying now, Patton's eyes widened in concern as he looked around for someone to help but Logan had slipped out of the room some time ago and Patton knew that yelling near an already distressed child wasn't a good idea.
"Rem-Remy and Rachel and my da-dad aren't supposed to be-be back for several more-more days. I-I was supposed to keep us all-all safe. Keep the house and stores safe. My d-dad and Remy said it, they said I was the old-oldest and to he-help, mom and I was sec-second in command while they were gone" Patton turned and carefully set baby Mike down on the bed before pulling River close to him and trying to calm him, "and-and-and when we heard the scream-screaming, and smelled the smoke. I tri-ed. I tired to grab everyone and get out in time. But- but I couldn't. The-the d-door flew open and they-they grabbed Raja first and Ryker and my mom both tried to get her back but-but suddenly they got them too. All-all I could d-do was push Randi into Ryder's arms and push her out the back door. I had Ronnie on my back and Mike in my arms. I-I tried to find Rae I swear I did but they were get-getting closer and I couldn't see them. And when I finally did it was to late, somebody had them and I had to go."
River held tightly to Patton as he continued to tell the story, tears coming down his face as he did. "When I got out I managed to find Ryder. Her wings were out, it was something she did when she was scared. I grab-I grabbed her hand and tri-tried to head towards the woods. I have a se-secret hiding spot I go-go to when I don't want to be with anyone and I knew that we-we would be safe there, but on our way, a man jumped out and tri-tried to grab us. Ryder tripped and dropped Randi, the man grabbed him and I just froze. Ryder jumped up and tried to get him back, she was trying to use her wings as an advantage. It all just hap-happened so fast. Her-her wing tore, that's a sound you can never forget. And then I just put Ronnie and Mike down and I jump-jumped at him. Ju-just tackled him. He drop his sword and I took it and I-" River stopped, his grip on Patton tightening as his breath hitched and his eyes brighten with panic, "Patton. I killed a man..."
Patton said nothing, he didn't know what to say. He loved kids, he would always help out in the are of the castle where all the worker's kids would be if they were too young to take care of themselves, but this was out of his level of expertise.
River's breath shook as he sighed and continued, "As soon as I knew he was dead I picked up Ryder and told Ronnie and Randi to hurry and follow me. We got to the spot and we stayed there. We stayed there even after the screaming stopped and the fires were gone. Even when the sun rose." River sniffled, "I tried to take care of Ryder as best as I could. Late the first day I went out alone, told the others to stay there and be safe and quiet. I made sure the sp-spot was hidden well enough and I went ba-back to the store to try and fi-find some medicine... It was all gone though... Prince Hollis found me on the way back, must have recognized me. He helped us though. Took Ryder to the makeshift hos-hospital. And he's let-letting the rest of us stay here with him... I help where I can but... Patton, I just want it to be how it was a few days ago. Having so many siblings isn't a dream but-but I want them all back. I want them all back Patton, please, please, please, help me get them all back"
"I will," Patton said before he could stop himself. What else was he supposed to say to River? He knew that he shouldn't have made a promise he couldn't keep but River was just so upset. It had been a few days since the attack, was River holding back all these emotions since then? It sounded awful to have to do that. "It's gonna be okay kiddo,"
"I-I could-couldn't do it. I couldn't protect them"
"What the hippopotamuses are you talking about kiddo?" Patton asked as he pulled himself away from River just enough so he could see the others face.
"I d-don't deserve my trait name"
"Kiddo, you have nine siblings. The night of the attack you were left with seven of them, all of them younger than you, and your mom. River, you protected all of them as best you could. Four of them are still with you now River." Patton smiled gently at the younger as they wiped away tears, "One of them was hurt really badly and the other three are all really young. You hid in the woods for a really long time. You went into the danger to try and find medicine, instead, you came back with help. River you helped deliver the prince to some of his people, you knew that the medicine they were giving her wasn't enough and you got her what she needed. Kiddo, I don't think that I have ever seen anyone do a better job at protecting their siblings."
"But... Ryker, Raja and Rae, they're-"
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Please don't copy, repost, or/and steal my work!-------------------------"Ah, you're both twins. Not identical, but still twins." The blond haired boy charmingly smiled, looking down at the two girls. "A boy and a girl." 'Boy?' Y/n thought with a raised eyebrow and looked over to Haruhi. 'Oh...' She held back a small laugh as she glanced over at the blond haired male with tender, lilac colored eyes. 'This is going to be interesting...'-------------------------Come along on Y/n's journey in attending the rich and prestigious Ouran Academy as being one of the honor students that were accepted to enroll in such a wealthy school, and look into her life as being the younger sister of Haruhi Fujioka. Will Y/n's first year of high school be normal and uneventful? Or will Y/n and her fraternal twin sister, Haruhi, be in debt to a club called the Host Club for accidentally breaking a eight million yen renaissance vase? This is where the story of Y/n Fujioka begins. ------------------------- ⚠️Disclaimer⚠️I do not own the anime "Ouran High School Host Club" or the characters. All the credit goes to Bisco Hatori and the producers of the anime! Y/n, however, belongs to me along with other original characters that I came up with that will appear the further you get into the story. None of the pictures/gifs/videos belong to me! They belong to their rightful owners.Started: 12. 11. 20Ended: 7. 26. 21Edited: 7. 26. 21-11. 28. 21
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