

Virgil's eyes shot open as the image left his mind. Someone was coming. Something bad was happening in the castle and he was in danger. Virgil quickly stood up, his legs weak at first from sitting for so long but quickly regaining their strength. He moved towards the door, it was dark in the room, there was barely enough light to see the shadows of furniture. Just as he was about to turn the knob the door swung open and a man with dark hair, an odd mustache, and a green cloak came charging in, morning star in hand.

"Virgil!" The man yelled loudly, relief in his voice as he dropped his weapon and hugged Virgil tightly. Virgil flinched, he hated contact and Remus normally respected that so what was going on, "We need to get you out." Remus said, pulling Virgil back into the room he had been trying to exit.

Virgil pulled his hands free, and tapped Remus on the shoulder. The other turned around and watched Virgil as his hands began to move around the air. 'Whats going on? Where's Dee?'

Remus seemed to understand because he nodded, "Someone's attacking. They got your brother, they got everyone. You need to go Virgil" Remus said. He grabbed a satchel off of a chair, he didn't take out anything inside and instead just focused on adding things. Virgil watched as his best friend put a bottle from his desk and throw it in with a knife from his pocket.

Remus moved around the room silently panicking, tossing him a cloak and moving to grab Virgil's sword and sheath from the corner. Virgil put the cloak on around his shoulders and quickly put on the sword and sheath before pulling on the satchel. "Go." Remus demanded as he pulled Virgil to the balcony. "Run, Virgil."


'What about you?'

"I need to find Dee. Go Virgil hurry!" Remus said as they heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom. Virgil looked down at the ground before climbing over the banister of the balcony. He took hold of one of the many vines that grew beneath it before swinging down. He heard the doors swing open, he heard shouting and Remus making sarcastic and dirty comments as he tried his best to give Virgil time to run away.

As he did, as he ran, he passed by his home. The castle was being infiltrated by soldiers wearing armor that Virgil had never seen before. He saw fires being set, servants being questioned and assaulted, people being arrested. He saw spells being cast, swords being drawn, he saw blood, he saw ash and dust, he saw his brother. Deceit was trying his best to fight off soldiers, shooting spells at them as they tried to surround him. Virgil froze, he wanted to help, then Deceit looked up at him, his yellow eye meeting Virgil's dark blue ones for half a second.

"Run Virgil! Run!" His brother screamed at him. Virgil's breath shook with a sob before he took off again. He could hear footsteps behind him, he drew the sword at his belt as the dark forest was lit by torches, and as the soldiers caught up to him. He swung at them first, the sound of two swords echoed in his ears as he and the soldier fought. Tears made it difficult to see but he forced himself to continue.

The second suddenly lunged out, grabbing Virgil by the arm that held the sword and pulling him back. The first tried to attack with his sword again but was stopped by the other, "We need him alive" the second said as Virgil struggled in his grasp.


"Doesn't mean we can't rough him up. A few bruises might make it so the royals stop fighting us and get in line" the first said, he spit the word royals out harshly as he grinned at Virgil before smacking Virgil's sword away from him.

Virgil glared, he needed to get away. He needed to run, he needed to flee, he needed to get help and save his brother. He needed to- his hands sparked to life and a purple light hit the first one in the chest, throwing him backwards and rendering him unconscious. The second one tightened his grip on Virgil before trying to force him down. Virgil grabbed the man by the neck, the man shook in his grasp before falling to the ground.

The light went out. Virgil stared at his hands wondering why that spell had never worked before tonight. He heard shouts of soldiers coming towards him and he swiftly turned, leaving his sword on the ground. Heading deeper into the forest, away from his home, his kingdom, his family, his people. His everything.

He ran. He ran and he ran and he ran. Not knowing where he was going just knowing he needed to go. At one point he risked a glance back. The tallest castle spire was all he could see now, and as his breath came out in loud and frantic gasps he saw as it fell. Crumbling away and disappearing into the trees.

His home was gone.

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