《Rewind (Lams Fanfic)》Part Seven
The train Alexander was currently go on could not go any slower. As he started out the window, Manhattan whizzing by, he willed it to go faster. He was 20 minutes into the half hour ride that would take him to the stop nearest John's apartment. His foot tapped on the floor and he dropped his head to return to reading the book he was reading about the creation of the American political parties. Drowning himself in the text, he passed the last ten minutes, trying not focus on the anxious butterflies beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
Now Alexander was on the sidewalk, dodging people was he wove his was through the Upper West Side to his destination. He made it without anything eventful happening; it was just another Friday evening on the busy streets of the Big Apple, and he was just another random face in the scheme of things.
Finally making his was into the building, up the stairs, and down the hallway, he paused at John's door. Alexander stood there for a few moments, composing himself. He tugged at the hem of his classic Oxford shirt to make sure it was straightened out and pushed the rolled up sleeves back into perfect position just above his elbows. He quickly ran a hand through his hair, which he was wearing down for the night, to smooth it out. He shook his hands to get the jitters out and took a deep breathe, and then he knocked three times on the door, and waited. Hearing footsteps on the other side of the door getting louder and louder, Alexander gulped in a breathe of air and held it. He slapped a smile onto his face as the door swung open.
"Hi, Alexander," John beamed at him, stepping out of the way to let the other boy pass.
"Hey," Alexander hadn't realized he was still holding his breathe until then.
"Okay so, we are meeting Hercules and Marquis at the restaurant at 6:00 so we probably need to leave at like 5:30, which gives us exactly 27 minutes," John got right down to business. "I have to go get dressed and stuff, so just make yourself at home," he continued, motioning to his sweatpants and hoodie.
"Who are Hercules and Marquis?" Alexander wondered aloud, testing out the odd names on his tongue. John must have some pretty interesting friends if they are anything like their names.
"Trust me, you'll see," John foreshadowed, a smirk playing on his lips. He then disappeared into his bedroom, leaving Alexander to his own devices. He took his satchel - satchel not man purse - off from over his shoulder and took a seat on John's blue couch, which he had to admit was growing on him even though it was still very ugly. Taking his book out and finding his page, he began to read again, the book resting on his dark jeans and his back hunched over.
Time went by, Alexander's nose buried in his book, until he was interrupted by John. "Hey, Alex, which one should I wear?" John walked out of his room and into the light where Alexander could see him better. Alexander tried his best to ignore the fact that John had just called him 'Alex' because why should he even care? "This one?" John shook the hanger of the shirt in his right hand, a burgundy Henley, "Or this one?" John moved the shirt in his left hand, a simple black crew t-shirt with a pocket on the breast.
"Black one," Alexander said, pausing for a moment to pretend he was sizing up both options. In reality, he had decided he wanted to see John in the black one the moment he brought them out because he had a strong hunch that John looked hot in black.
"Thanks!" John chirped, spinning on his heels and going back into his bedroom. A few minutes later, John emerged again, dressed in the shirt and light wash jeans. Alexander was one hundred percent right, by the way. After checking the watch on his wrist, John spoke up, "Well we still have like ten minutes, so we can just chill for a little." He plopped down on the couch beside Alex, his curls bouncing as he did so.
After "chilling," which entailed Alexander reading silently and John absentmindedly flipping through the latest edition of his favorite medical journal while each boy was stealing fleeting glances at the other, John rose and announced it was time to go.
"So, where are we even going?" Alexander turned to ask John as they sat side by side on a train. Even though John still hated the subway, he knew it would have been extremely tedious to make the trip downtown in a taxi on a Friday night at a peak travel time.
"Some place near Midtown, don't really now much about it really except it's name and its address. Marquis picked it," John admitted.
"Is there anything I should know about Marquis and Hercules just as some good background information?" Hamilton inquired. He wanted to make sure he made a good impression in John's friends.
"Marquis is a firecracker and one of the funniest people I've ever met, but he's also a genius at reading people and always knows the right thing to do. Hercules is a flirt, with anyone and everyone; he might seem a little intimidating, he got that air about him, but he's the biggest softie in the world. He's also extremely thoughtful and well-spoken if you get him talking about the right thing. The two of them fight a lot, they're basically like brothers, just ignore it if they start hurling insults," John did his best to sum up his two closest friends in a few short sentences. Alexander nodded thoughtfully, instantly committing it all to memory. He hoped he would be around long enough to get to come up with his own narratives of the two boys. "Their apartment is actually right next to mine. They were both already downtown today indulging in various pursuits, so that's why we couldn't have all left together," John furthered his explanation.
"They sound fun. I'm sure if you're friends with them they're great people," the corners of Alexander's lips tugged into a small grin.
"Oh, stop, you flatter me," John picked up on the small compliment that had been paid his way. He swatted the air in front of him, feigning modesty. Alexander laughed lightly and rolled his eyes at the younger boy.
"We're a few minutes early, so they might not be here yet," John informed Alex as the two boys walked into the restaurant, John holding the door open for Alexander. The restaurant was rustic, gorgeous original brick walls and open ceiling beams being the focal points, and filled with sturdy wooden tables and roomy booths, most of which were already taken up by customers. "Reservation for Lafayette. I'm John Laurens, I should be on the list," John told the hostess manning the check in.
"I.D., please," the woman said, looking up from the computer long enough to greet the two boys with an ultra warm, entirely forced, smile. Alexander raised his eyebrows at this, but John was unfazed and already reaching into his pocket when the request was posed. Pulling out a leather wallet and retrieving his Columbia student I.D. from its folds, John flashed it to the hostess, who scrutinized it for a moment, then nodded, as smiled again, more genuine this time. "Thank you, Mr. Laurens. And I assume this is your guest?" she gestured towards Alexander, who straightened his back as the attention was put on him. When John nodded, the hostess requested they follow her, and led them to a nice booth for four in the far left corner of the large room. "Your waiter will be with you shortly to take your drink orders," she let the two boys know before returning to her post at the entrance.
The boys sat down in the booth, Alexander first and John next to him. The leather seats were extremely comfortable and sank under their weight. They did not even have time to strike up a conversation before a sweet looking light skinned girl with curly hair pulled away from her face was at their table saying, "Good evening, I'm your waitress, Maria. Can I start you off with some drinks?" with a pleasant smile.
"I'll just have a water, please," Alexander told her, returning the smile.
"I'll have a sweet tea," John said. "And we also have two more people joining us, so is it alright if I just order for them?" John inquired and then continued when Maria nodded, "Okay, then a root beer and an unsweetened tea, please."
"Gotcha, I'll be back with those shortly," Maria jotted the orders down and then left to go check on a couple sitting a few tables away.
"I'll have a sweet tea," Alexander mocked John once they were alone, applying an overly thick Southern drawl to his voice.
"Not appreciated," John turned to glare at him, but it was impossible to keep a straight face when he saw the goofy grin on Alexander's face. John dissolved into laughter, making sure to keep it quiet as to not disturb the other patrons of the restaurant. Alexander chuckled along with him. Suddenly John's laughter stopped and his face broke out into a wide smile directed towards the door where two boys had just checked in and were now being lead towards John and Alexander's table. One boy followed directly on the heels of the hostess and seemed to bounce with every step he took while the other remained a few paces behind, his steps slow and deliberate. The first boy slid into the booth ending up across from Alex and the other sat down across from John.
"Hey, y'all!" John greeted his friends.
"Hey, y'all!" Alexander mimicked him again under his breathe so only John could hear. Alexander earned a small kick to his lower leg from John.
"Hi, Johnny," Lafayette answered and John silently cursed him for using the nickname. "This must be Alexander," he turned his attentions to the boy sitting across from him and stuck is hand out over the table, "I'm Marquis de Lafayette."
"Enchanté," Alexander took the boy's hand and shook it, assuming from the name that he know at least a little French.
Lafayette's dark eyes lit up and he squealed a little, "Oooo, a French speaker! John, I approve." Alexander smiled, delighted to have won Marquis over so easily as John's cheeks flushed at Lafayette's last comment. He shot Laf a glare as if to say 'No more comments about me liking Alexander.'
"Please, do not get him going," the other boy implored, humor on his smooth voice. "I'm Hercules Mulligan, pleasure to meet you," he reached his hand across the table and shook Alexander's firmly.
"Pleasures all mine," Alexander said back politely. As the other three boys began gossiping about their friends, Alexander took the time to observe the two he had just met. Lafayette had caramel skin and long lanky limbs and Alexander had yet to see him without an infectious grin on his face; his hair, which seemed to be extremely curly, was pulled back into a sleek bun. Hercules, on the other hand, had smooth dark skin and short cropped hair; he was a very muscular man, but he had kind eyes.
"So, Alexander, you go to Columbia?" Lafayette pulled him into the conversation with a question.
Alex took a sip of his water — Maria had brought the drinks a few minutes before — and nodded, "I just finished up my second year of law school at Columbia. I've already done four years of and Economics major and philosophy minor," Alexander told his new friends.
"Oh dang, we got a big shot over here!" Hercules joked. Alexander's cheeks reddened and he laughed lightly, looking down, giving Hercules times to slip a wink to John. Hercules got the same glare from John that Marquis had just received.
"Just trying my best to do something with my life," Alexander said, trying to be extremely modest and not arrogant, as he can sometimes come across as. "How about you guys? What do you study?" Alexander turned the question upon Mulligan and Lafayette.
"I'm a Political Science major and I am minoring in French and Francophone studies. I hope to be some sort of ambassador to France for the United States Department of State one day," Lafayette announced, smiling brightly as he mentioned his goal.
"And, I am majoring in theater," Hercules stated. "Maybe you'll hear of me winning Tony's one day," he winked again, this time at Alexander.
"So, basically, we are all going to be very rich and successful people," John pointed out, raising his glass for a fake toast, and the boys tapped their glasses together.
An hour passed and the four were happily enjoying each other's company, Alexander ecstatic that he was getting on so well with John's friends. Everyone at the table was finishing up their meals, Alex stuffing his last fry into his mouth, while John paid the bill; the three boys had a system worked out where they rotated paying for meals, and now Alexander had been accepted into the routine.
"So, where are we going next, Laf?" John asked as they stood up and prepared to exit.
"Downstairs," Marquis smirked and began to walk, the others falling into step behind him.
Lafayette led them to a set of stairs that was hidden in a little nook of the restaurant. As they descended, Alexander could sense a shift in the energy around him. It gradually got darker and popular indie music found its way to his ears. This new venue was decorated much like the formal restaurant above, simple but charming, but this room was accented by a large bar, people dancing in small clumps, and a smell of beer. Hercules got down to business right away, taking a seat by a pretty redhead on one end of the bar; Lafayette chuckled at this and followed him, taking a seat one down from Herc. "To keep an eye on him," Laf had said before slinking off, leaving Hamilton and Laurens alone.
"Buy me a drink?" Alexander asked John, coyly.
"Of course," John's lips tugged into a teasing smile, leading the way to the bar. "Two Sam Adams, please," he told the bartender, who got to work right away filling up two mugs with the tap. Grabbing the drinks from the man behind the bar, John walked with Alexander to a high table against the wall. Sitting in the high chair, John set the beers on the table, Alexander grabbing his and taking a sip.
"You know, the whole point of you coming out with me tonight was for me to get to know you better, and I still only know your name," John cut right to the chase, watching Alexander's roam the room, obviously not wanting to make eye contact with John.
"Get me drunk and I'll tell you whatever you want to know," Alexander shrugged.
"I'm being serious," John told the older boy firmly, setting his lips into a hard line. He hoped Alexander wouldn't see past his fake annoyance.
"At least let me finish this beer, and then you have to buy me another," Alexander negotiated slyly.
Three hours later, Alexander was about two swallows away from finishing his fifth beer, while John had finished two and hadn't gone back for a third.
"Wait, so you really don't have a middle name?" John asked in disbelief, his eyes wide.
"No, isn't that depressing?" Alexander said back. "If I had one, I'd want it to be like Thaddeus or something," he giggled at the way John's nose crinkled up at the name he had chosen. "What's wrong with Thaddeus?" he demanded.
"Nothing, Alex," John laughed at the boy, who was very obviously getting very obviously drunk. "So, where are you from? You never told me," John saw a pained look flash over Alexander's eyes, the alcohol not enough to keep bad memories at bay in Alexander's mind. John could see the walls going up between him and Alexander, walls he thought he had torn down with the beer and flirting he had been throwing Alex's way all night. Alex downed the last of his beer, looking slightly more relaxed as the mug made contact with the table.
"Nevis, in the West Indies. And I also lived in St. Croix," Alexander told John, a blank look on his face and in his eyes.
"That's really cool!" John replied enthusiastically. Alexander lifted his shoulders to his ears in a over exaggerated shrug.
"My turn!" Alexander practically shouted, the hardships that had momentarily flooded his brain gone in an instant. "Can I count all your freckles?" Alexander asked, his voice dead serious.
John couldn't help but laugh, practically cackling at the question. "Maybe one day," he smirked at Alex, who's face lit up with a excited smile, much like the one a five-year-old gets when being offered a cookie.
This went on for some time, the boys asking questions of each other. John's more personal, like questions about family (Alexander had one brother, also a seemingly touchy subject) and questions like his favorite color (green) and his favorite food (cashews). Alexander's questions he was asking of John were stupid ones, accompanied with laughs as they exited the tipsy boy's mouth. Alex had just asked John if he would rather live on the planet Mars or the planet Jupiter and why when Lafayette came over and leaned up against their table. "Just wanted to inform you that I am leaving and Hercules left about an hour ago with some random girl, per usual," he said to John, narrowing his eyes at the way Alexander was basically eye fucking John and the fact that John was oblivious.
"Okay, have fun or whatever," John replied to Laf, quickly flashing him a smile before turning all his attention back to the boy across the table from him.
"You're not gonna come with me?" Marquis raised his eyebrows at John. "John, dude, its like almost 1 am," Lafayette told him, his voice laced with humor, after John has given him a look that had said 'obviously no, go away.'
"Oh, shit, really?" John snapped back into focus. He noticed the way Lafayette wearily regarded the seven mugs taking up most of the room on the table and added, "Five of those were him," pointing at Alex, who drunkenly grinned and waved even though Marquis was about three feet away from him.
"You should get him home," Lafayette advised, cracking up.
"Yeah, good idea," John slid out of his chair and stepped over to Alexander. Taking his arm, he pulled Alexander down to the ground, putting a secure arm around his waist when the boy's feet made contact with the floor; John wasn't sure how unsteady Alex would be, but he didn't want to take any chances. "We're leaving," John told Alexander, who only nodded in response, spending his energy on moving his legs to keep with John's pace.
The set of stairs that brought them directly up to the street without going through the restaurant were a bit of a struggle, John lugging Alexander up them like he was a heavy suitcase not a human being, but, all in all, they got out of the bar without much difficulty. Now on the sidewalk, a faintly cold early May breeze flowing around them, Marquis hailed a taxi for himself, telling John he would leave him alone with Alex in their own taxi; to which John replied that it wasn't like he was going to fuck Alexander in a taxi and Laf simply shrugged, climbing in his awaiting cab and speeding off.
John hailed a taxi, holding tightly to the shorter boy as he heavily leaned into John. He helped Alex into the taxi before getting in himself, telling his address to the driver, who nodded and took off. In a minute or two, Alexander's head found its way to John's shoulder and his eyes were drooping, threatening to close in sleep. "Where're we going?" Alex mumbled into John's shirt.
"To my apartment," John answered softly. He felt Alex's breathing slow as he dozed off. Deciding Alexander wouldn't know the difference because he was now asleep, John slipped his arm around the boy to draw him closer, taking satisfaction in the way their bodies were now pressed together.
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