《1D Bromance One-Shots [COMPLETE]》Can't Stand This - Zarry*


Zayn's POV 

Saying goodbye hurts. Especially if you're saying it to the love of your life. Even if it's just for a while.

"Can I come with you?" a crying Harry asks clutching onto my arm afraid of letting me go.

"I'm sorry baby, but you need to finish school. Besides I don't want you to be alone while I'm in class." I reply fighting back tears.

"I don't need to finish school." he argues.

"What did you promise me?" I ask.

Harry looks down "That I would finish school no matter what."

I put a finger under his chin and lift his head so I'm looking into his sad green eyes "Just a few more months and then you can visit me. Ok?"

Harry pouts but nods.


A chocked sob escapes Harry's mouth and a tear falls down my cheek.

Harry's tear filled eyes meet my brown ones and he whispers "I love you."

I wrap my arms around him and hug him to me tightly. I feel him hug me back with so much force that I don't think I'll be able to get out of his grip. I wouldn't mind.

"I love you too. So much. I don't know how I'll survive." my voice shaking from trying not to cry.

We stand there at the airport with people rushing everywhere, holding into each other for dear life. Harry's sobs vibrating through my body, his tears falling on my shoulder. I try not to let any more fall but it's no use. The tears start flowing down my cheeks.


Harry's sobs get louder and more labored.

"Harry, I-I have to leave." I murmur my voice trembling.

He shakes his head, soft brown curls brushing my face. His grip tightens around me.


"Harry. Please." I beg.

Slowly but surely he let's go and steps back a foot. His eyes puffy and red, cheeks a pale red but thorough all that he smiles "Go Zayn. Go on to college. I'll visit you soon. Just remember. I love you."

I manage a smile "I love you too." I step forward and press a quick kiss to his plump pink lips.

I turn around and run to catch my flight. I take a last look at the love of my life and see Harry smiling at me, any traces of tears gone. That's my Harry. 

**At College***

I've been in college in Ireland for the past three weeks. Three weeks of constant pain and torture. No not due to college work. That's nothing compared to this.

I miss Harry. I miss him so much that I wake up in the mornings crying because I know he's not with me. Not in my arms where he belongs. Not laughing his adorable laugh. Not smiling his gorgeous smile. Not looking at me with so much adoration that it makes my heart melt. I miss him.

I can't focus in class, but I know I have to. My grades are not the best and well neither is my social life. Harry is my life. I don't how I managed to live before I met him.

Afternoons I finish my work and then just lay in bed thinking. Thinking about his precious green eyes. His sexy curly hair. Everything about him that I love. All the little things that make him Harry.

Three weeks and I can't take no more. I can't take this. Everyday I cry myself to sleep and wake up crying. I even had to go to the bathroom in class once because I burst into tears out of nowhere.


That's why I talked to the headmaster three days ago and told him about my decision. He didn't approve but knew he couldn't stop me. No one can. 

Harry's POV 

Three weeks.

Three weeks since Zayn has left for college. I've been a mess without him. I don't sleep, don't eat don't do nothing but cry. I know I acted strong for him at the airport but it was just that. An act.

I've managed to keep my grades up, I have to. I promised Zayn I would. And because Niall, Liam and Louis my best friends are helping me. They know how much I love him, so they do whatever they can to make sure I pass senior year. Four more months and I'll be able to visit him. I don't know if I can make it.

I'm currently in calculus, last period of the day. Just waiting for the bell ring so I can go home and cry. After listening to the teacher drone on and on about the lesson the bell finally rings. I grab my stuff and rush out of the class. I drop them off at my locker and get out of the school. All the talking and noise in there is giving me a headache. Louis will know where I'm going so they don't have to worry.

I'm at the back of the school when I see someone a few feet away with their back to me. With a familiar quiff. No. Could it?

"Zayn?" I call out in hope.

The person turns around and green meets brown. The smile I love plastered onto his face.

I run up to him and jump into his arms, feeling the familiar set of arms wrapping around me into a comforting hug. I bury my face into his neck and breath in his smell. Oh how I've missed him.

I look up into his eyes and ask "What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here because I do. I just want to know."

Zayn grins "I'm enrolled at the community college two hours away from here."

I gape at him "Why?"

"Because love, I missed you so much that I thought my heart was dying without you."

I blush "I missed you too. I cried the whole time you were gone."

He frowns "I'm here now. So you don't have to cry anymore."

I peck him on the cheek "I love you Zayn."

"I love you too Harry."

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