《Optimus Prime Love Story (Transformers)》Chapter 8 Looking For The Glasses
Scarlett POV
I walk towards Optimus wanting to tell him the true about me. I was now in front of Optimus. He saw me and kneel down to my height.
"Yes what could I help you with Scarlett" he ask.
"Optimus I have something to tell you so could I ride with you" I said hoping for him to say yes.
"Of course" he said and transform in his Semi Truck. I was going to open the door when I hear my name being call.
"Yes Sammy what do you need" I turn around to look at him.
"You're going with him" he ask.
"Yes Sammy I have something I have to ask him so see you at home" I said and got inside.
We then start driving to the house.
"So what was it that you wanted to ask" Optimus said throughout the radio. Ok now or never.
"Optimus it just that I lie to you about the tattoos. I want to tell you who really I am. Could you connect with everyone else so they could hear as well" I said
"Yes I could Scarlett" he said and he start connecting throughout the radio.
"There Scarlett we are connected to all the Autobots and even Mikaela and Sam could hear what you say and can respond as well" he said.
"Ok thank you Optimus" I said and smile at him.
"No Problem" he said.
"Okay everyone could you hear me I want to tell you something very important even you Sam and Mikaela. I want you all to know who I'm really am" I said.
"Yes we could hear you Scarlett go on" I heard them said.
"Will my real name is Midnight" I was cut by Sam talking.
"Wait Midnight what kind of name is that" he said.
"I was getting there Sammy so please don't interrupt me please will you" I said a little angry.
"Oh Sorry Scarly go on" he said.
"Okay as I said my name is Midnight........Prime" I was cut out one again by Ratchet screaming.
"Ratchet please let her continued and stop cutting her up in her sentence" Optimus told them.
"Okay my name is that because my Mom and Dad are Cybertronian. One was an Autobot and the other one was a Decepticon" I said.
"Scarlett could you tell us who your parents are" Optimus asked very nice.
"Will I'm Cybertron just like you guys but was turn to human by a warrior name Skyblade. He took me away from the Decepticons to another planet so they will never find me and use my power that I obtain from the AllSpark as how you guys call it when I was born. My Mom name was the Princess of the Decepticon Starfire and my Dad name was Primus the creator of Cybertron" I said and I hear them all gasp. Optimus had stop driving for a bit but start again.
"Scarlett who told you all this and how long have you know this" Optimus asked.
"Will I just learn it all today. I was told by the AllSpark some how he/she inter my head and talk to me. He/she was the one that told me who I really was" I said.
"I see so you somehow was able to communicate with the AllSpark and she told you the true about you I am right" he asked.
"Yes Optimus. Bee do you remember the time that I black out on your hood" I asked Bee.
"Yes Scarlett I do remember. I didn't knew what to do. I do remember that you were whispering some stuff and crying" he said.
"Yea that was the time that I talk with the AllSpark. That time was when He/She told me everything about myself" I said.
"So your Primus daughter but how come you are in this age" I hear Ironhide asked me.
"Will by what the AllSpark told me. My parents did want me to get capture so they hide me and put me on a capsule seal with the spark of my Mother. That how I stay as a child" I said.
"Oh" was all he said.
"So that why your eyes change color every time" I hear Sam said.
"And you have those two tattoos on your body" I Mikaela finished.
"Yea. So guys do you believe what I just said" I asked waiting for an answer from them.
"Scarlett I don't hear any lies from your voice and your eyes tell me that you're not lying to us. Ratchet told me in private that when he scarn your body it didn't just give him the respond of you being hurt but of you being 100% Cybertronian. But we thought that was just a mistake so we just ignore it. But by what you just told us we know that you're not lying and you're really Primus daughter" Optimus told me.
"Wow so the femme is Primus daughter now that is just so great to hear that we have the only descendant of Primus himself" I hear Jazz said.
"So that why Barricade wanted to capture you" Bee said.
"So that mean that Scarlett life is a danger and the Decepticons are going to try and capture her" Mikaela asked.
"I'm afraid that true" Optimus said.
"So my life's in danger now" I asked.
"Yes Scarlett but don't worry we will protect you from any harm that comes to you" Optimus said.
"Yea no one will hurt you as long as I'm alive" I heard Jazz voice said.
"That right kido no one will hurt you because that are job" Ironhide said.
"I will heal any injuries that come to you so don't worry about dieing in my watch" Ratchet said.
"I will protect so don't worry baby" Bee said.
I think I felt Optimus shake a little but I think i'm imagining things.
"Scarlett so your the children of a giant robot that was turn to human" Sam asked.
"Sorry Sammy that I did say nothing to you but I didn't know what to think at first. Will you forgive me Sammy" I said.
"Okay Scaly I forgive you" he said.
"Thank you all so much" I said.
"No Problem" I heard them all said.
"We will protect you and no harm will come to you Scarlett" I heard Optimus said. I heard a yes from everyone then the com-link turn off.
Some minutes pass and I smile and turn to the radio.
"Thanks you Optimus you're so nice" I said and I laid a kiss on the steering wheel. I feel the seat heat up. I then realize what I had done and start blushing.
"No problem Scarlett if you need help just tell me" he said. I then feel the seat belt wrap around me.
"You forgot to put your seat belt safely first" he said and I feel the belt tight around me like a warm hug.
"Thank you. Your so nice" I said.
We stay quiet for some time not talk or anything. I then lean on the steering wheel but that was a bad move because it made my wounds from my back sting.
"Ahh" I scream in pain.
"Are you okay Scarlett" Optimus asked.
"Yes my wounds just sting a little that all" I replied.
"Okay if there something bothering you just tell me" he said.
"I will" I smile and lean a little more to rest my body.
I then feel the car get warmer. It was getting hot in here.
"Optimus could you roll a window is getting a little hot here" I ask.
I think I heard him said something but maybe not.
"Of course" He said and roll the window out making the nice breeze make contact with my body making me relax.
Optimus POV
Scarlett told us about who she truly was and I didn't expect to find Primus daughter in Earth. That was a shock for all of us. No matter what we will protect her and no harm will come to her as long as i'm alive.
Some minutes pass and I see Scarlett smile and turn to look at me.
"Thanks you Optimus you're so nice" she said and kiss my car steering wheel mode.
I start to blush hard. I then saw that she was blushing to.
"No problem Scarlett if you need help just tell me" I said.
I then decide to put the seat belt around her.
"You forgot to put your seat belt safely first" I said not knowing what else to say but the only reasons was because I wanted to hug her. I hug the seat belt a little more but not to hurt her.
"Thank you. Your so nice" she said and smile once more.
How I love that smile she gives me.
When Scarlett told me about her I was shocked to know that we found Primus lost daughter.
I happy that we found her before the Decepticons. I then feel Scarlett lean on the steering wheel. I was still thinking of something but my thought were interrupted by Scarlet screaming.
"Ahh" I heard Scarlet scream in pain.
"Are you ok Scarlett" I ask concern for her.
"Yes my wounds just sting a little that all" she said.
"Ok if there something bothering you just tell me" I told her.
"I will" she said and give me a warm smile.
I then feel her chest press more on my me and I start to blush.
"Optimus could you roll a window is getting a little hot here" she ask.
"Damn it" I whispered so she couldn't not hear me.
"Of course" I said and open the window for her to relax.
I saw how the breeze was making her hair move and that made me smile as how relax she was.
'Scarlett Taylor what have you done to me' I thought.
Scarlett POV
Some time pass and I saw that we were already getting to the house.
We get park in the back of the house. I get out of Optimus car mode and went to meet up with Sam.
"I need you two to stay here all right. You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them" I hear Sam said.
"Sammy tell Dad that i'm working on my some stuff on the garage so he does not get suspicious" I said
"Okay" he said.
"Look after them. All of them. Do you hear what I'm saying. Five minutes" He said to Mikaela more than me.
"Yeah, okay, okay" she's answered and he ran off.
I walk over to where Mikaela was.
We stay there for just some minutes until Optimus and other Decide to start transforming.
'No what are they doing' I thought.
They start jumping over to Sam's backyard. Me and Mikaela look at each other. We then nod and start going to where Sam was now.
When we got there I saw that that Sam's was mad and start yelling at them. He then start walking toward were me and Mikaela were.
"I told you to watch them. I told you two" Sam whisper yelled.
"Sammy do you seriously think two teenage could hold 5 giant robots off" I told Sam.
"Yeah and you know what they seem to be in a little bit of a rush" Mikaela said.
I then hear barking. I look to see Mojo and Snow Barking at the Autobots.
"No" Sam gasped and watched as his dog pee on Ironhide foot. I bit my bottom lip to not bust out of laughter but stop when I saw Snow getting close to Ironhide as well.
"No Snow get back here!" I yell.
"Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God!" Sam yelled to his dog.
I did wait I run to go get my puppy away from him. Sam did the same.
Ironhide grunted and kicked Mojo and Snow away from his foot. I catch Snow before she could hit the floor.
"No, no, no, no, no! Easy, Easy!" Sam said.
"Omg are you okay Snow" I asked my puppy.
Ironhide pointed his cannons at Sam and his dog. I brought Snow away and brought her inside the house.
"Hold on! Hold on! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay. That all. If you could just put the guns away" Sam beg Ironhide.
"You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate" Ironhide's gruff voice said.
"No, no, no, no! He's not a rodent he's a chihuahua! We love Chihuahuas! Don't we!" Sam said and Mikaela nodded.
"He leaked his lubricants all over my foot" Ironhide said irritated.
"He pee on you Bad Mojo! bad Mojo!" Sam scold the small dog.
"Bad Mojo!" Ironhide repeated and then retreat his guns away.
"I'm sorry. He got a male dominance thing. That's all it is" Sam said.
"Ugh It gonna rust me" Ironhide said. The whole time I was trying not to laugh.
"Hey wait, wait! Shh, Shh. Don't make noise and hide out!" I hear Sam said.
"Hurry up" was Optimus responde.
I then saw Bee looking through a window where Mom and Dad were sitting.
"Bee get the fuck away from there before they see you" I said
He jolted a little and his helmet collided with one of the lamps.
I run to where Mikaela was. Then Optimus told us that he was bringing us to Sam's window to go and help look with Sam.
So we got on top of his hand and he brought us to Sam's window so we could get in.
"What happened" Sam asked.
"Time is short" I hear Optimus say in a low voice.
"They want those glasses Sammy" I said.
"We come to help you" Mikaela said. "Thanks" Sammy help us get inside his room.
"Hurry" was Optimus respond.
We start looking in Sam messy room.
'Really he has to clean this place' I thought.
Mikaela and Sam were talking about where to look and what to not look. I did really listen to them. I was trying to look for Sam backpack to get the damn glasses.
I then look out the window to see all the Autobots in the back yard transform in there car mode.
"No, no, no, no. This is not hiding place. This is my garden not car a parking lot" I hear Sam said.
We look for a little while more but then.
"Sam he's back" Mikaela said and I rushed to me to keep helping me in the room.
"I can't deal with this. I can't" He muttered on his way to the window.
"What. No, no, no, no, no. This is my mother's flower" Sam said. I came over to him and look down. I saw all the trampled flowers broken.
"Oops" Optimus said as he looked down at the used to be flower garden.
"Okay listen. You got to listen to me. If my parents come out here and see you they are gonna freak out. My mother's got a temper Okay" Sam said with the palms of his hands pressed to each other like he was praying.
"We must have the glasses" Optimus said irritated.
"I know you need the glasses. I've been looking everywhere. They're not here" Sam said.
"Ugh keep searching" Optimus snapped.
I snapped to we need time can he see that. I went up to Optimus face my eyes turn red.
"Optimus listen here we need time okay. We need you to be quiet for some minutes. Please you may be handsome and everything but let us work and go hide!" I whisper yell.
Optimus had a shock face. I then notice what I said and start blushing. I swear my eyes turn purple from embarrassment.
"Forget that I say that" I said and run to keep looking for the glasses.
Ahh what have I said. Now he going to think am crazy. I then feel my eyes go back to normal.
Sam then came back and the Autobots went to hide. Then there was a hard hit to the ground. Maybe a Autobot fall down but it made a small earthquake.
Then the light went off. leaving us in the dark.
"Shit how are we going to find those glasses now" I said to myself.
Suddenly a blinding light shone in the room.
"What with the light.You gotta stop the light. What going on. Turn it off. You gotta tell him to shut it off" Sam said.
"Sam, Scarlett are you in there. How come the door's locked. You know the rules. No doors locked in my house" We hear Dad. We turn to look at the door.
'Fuck now we in more trouble' I thought.
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