《The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)》Chapter 14 Ratchet's Gone


MoonWave POV

Laserbeak immediately began shooting at us before shooting Soundwave's retrains away. Bulkhead and Smokescreen immediately started to fire. Smokescreen managed to damage his wing but Laserbeak still successfully manage to attached himself back to Soundwave’s chest.

‘Shit… this is bad’ I thought.

Soundwave immediately woke up. Bulkhead and Smokescreen attacked him while I shot at a distance, but eventually, both Bulkhead and Smokescreen got electrocuted by Soundwave leaving them unconscious. Agent Fowler charged at him with a fire extinguisher but Soundwave knocked him out as well.

‘I need to do something’ I thought.

I was about to transform into my predacon form but a sharp pain in my middle stopped me. Ratchet noticed because he immediately moved in front of me to protect me from Soundwave but ended up getting electrocuted and was now unconscious on the floor.

“R… ah…. Ratchet” I called.

I was still in pain when Soundwave walked over to me and now was standing in front of me. I looked up at him in fear.

‘If he shocks me then my sparklings might die’ I thought.

Soundwave then played a video on his visor from Laserbeak.

“:: Laserbeak, tell Soundwave to bring the Autobots medic back with him. Oh, and tell him to bring MoonWave with him as well::”

It was Megatron's voice that played from the video.

I felt my optics wide in terror.

“Please… Please, Soundwave… Please, don’t take me back to him” I begged with tears falling from my optics.

I saw him then shake his helm making me stare at him with a confused look.

“: Soundwave will spare MoonWave but will be taking Ratchet:” Soundwave said.

“Huh? Why?” I asked.

“: MoonWave is with sparkling and…:” Soundwave began.

He then played another video from Laserbeak.

“:: Tell Soundwave that I know it's wrong for us to disobey Lord Megatron’s orders, but tell him to only bring the Autobots medic and to leave MoonWave. This might be too much to ask, but I wish for my daughter not get hurt while she’s sparked and also tell him to give this to her. This will help her recover faster after she gives birth because of her predacon mutation she will need this to recover::”

That was my Sire's voice.

I looked at Soundwave who took a small syringe with yellow liquid and hand it to me. Soundwave then grabbed Ratchet before going through a groundbridge and leaving me with a spark that was beating 100 miles per hour. I fell to my knees before everything turned black and I passed out right then and there.


Wheeljack POV

We had failed the mission.

“Ratchet, we require immediate transport back to base” Arcee said but we didn’t get replied back.

We looked at each other with a confused look on our faces.

“Ratchet, do you read?” Arcee asked.

“:: Urg… Arcee?::” Bulkhead asked.

“Is everything alright? Where is Ratchet?” Arcee asked.

“:: He’s… He's… Gone::” Bulkhead replied.

Just then a groundbridge opened up in front of us. We immediately used it. I immediately panicked when I saw MoonWave on the floor.

“MoonWave!” I yelled.

I immediately ran to her and picked her up. I check for injuries but found none. She then began to wake up.

“MoonWave, are you alright?” I asked.

“Wheeljack… ah… yeah… yeah, am alright” she replied.

I then helped her stand back up with much difficulty because she almost fell but I caught her before she could fall down.

“Do you know what happened to Ratchet?” Bulkhead asked.

“Huh? Yeah… Soundwave took him with him” I replied

Arcee then picked up a piece of Laserbeak that was on the floor.

“I was able to pile some paint off of Laserbeak. If I had gotten a better shot. Ratchet would still be here” Smokescreen said.

“Chin up soldier” Magnus said.

“We comb the entire floor and for the moment that’s our only clue” Magnus added.

“Why take Ratchet prisoner but leave these three behind?” Arcee asked.

“Yeah… Oh, MoonWave? Are you okay? Were you shocked like us?” Bulkhead asked.

“Uh… no, he spared me” MoonWave replied,.

“Then why were you pass out?” Smokescreen asked.

“I was in pain because of the sparklings and passed out from all the excitement” MoonWave replied.

“Why did he spare you?” Arcee asked. I saw MoonWave sighed.

“Well, in reality, he was ordered by Megatron to take me back with him” MoonWave replied. I frown when I saw her shake in fear.

“: Then why didn’t he?:” Bumblebee asked.

“He said that it was because of my sparklings and because my sire asked him to” MoonWave said.

“And he did?” Bulkhead asked. MoonWave nodded.

“:: My sire also gave him this saying that this I need this after I give birth because of my predacon mutation I need this to recover” MoonWave explained.

She was holding a syringe with yellow liquid inside.


“And you trust him?” Smokescreen asked.

“I do because I know my Sire will never harm me” MoonWave replied.

“Anyway, if Megatron intents to hold our medic hostage. I find it curious that he hasn’t made no demands” Ultra Magnus said.

“Mmm… maybe he possesses something that the Decepticon want” MoonWave suggested.

“What makes you think that?” Smokescreen asked.

“I was a Decepticon. I know Megatron. He would not just order Soundwave to take Ratchet with him for fun” MoonWave replied.

“Whatever they are after Ratchet won’t give it up, right?” Bulkhead asked.

I then let walk over to the monitor that Ratchet mostly spends all his time working on.

“Mmm… maybe Buckethead is after the techno-babble” I said.

“The synthetic formula?” Arcee asked.

“Why would the cons need the artificial stuff when they already control most of this planet’s Energon reserves?” Smokescreen asked.

“Agree… What else?” Bulkhead asked.

“If Megatron is truly rebuilding the omega lock then synthetic Energon might be a necessary component to build it” Optimus said. I then heard MoonWave grunt in pain. I immediately ran to her side and helped her stand up.

“Grr… damn it, not only we have to get Ratchet because he’s our family but also because he’s our doctor” I said.

“Agree” Bulkhead replied.

“I hate to put lighting in this thunderstorm but there’s one thing we are all ignoring” Agent Fowler said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“If the cons found Ratchet here then they know the location” Agent Fowler said.

MoonWave POV

“The mess hall sure is a mess” Smokescreen said.

When Agent Fowler finished speaking. We immediately got attacked but luckily the Decepticons are really dumb and were easily trick.

“We are fortunate that the Decepticons can be fooled by a simple paint job” Magnus replied.

We had changed the painted the letter E on the base to an F.


The three little humans were finally able to come back to base.

Raf immediately began working on Laserbeak’s part that Smokescreen shot down.

“So the kid clip the business on Laserbeaks trans partner?” Wheeljack asked.

“Your not such a bad shot after all” Arcee said.

I was sitting really close to the humans making it easy for me to hear them speak among each other.

“We thought you might be the best one to provide an analysis” Agent Fowler said.

“In Ratchet absence” he added.

“It’s trying to communicate with the Warship” Raf said.

“How do you know?” Miko asked.

“It’s telling us” Raf replied.

I watch Jack and Miko looked at the computer then each other with a confused look on their faces. I chuckled.

“Uh… Raf… that’s cybertronian code” Jack said.

“Wait! First Raf understands Bumblebee! Now he reads cybertronian!” Miko said.

“Are we sure he’s not some kind of alien?” Miko asked.

“I have been learning for a while in-between stuff when Ratchet had the time to each me” Raf explained.

I frowned when I saw him sniff with a sad expression on his face.

“Hey, Raf, we will bring him back” Jack said.

“If it’s the last thing we do” Miko added.

“Mmm… If it’s talking to his Momma…” Agent Fowler began.

“Can we try to triangulate its signal?” he asked.

I looked at him with a weird look.

“To a shielded Warship?” Magnus asked. I could tell that he really just wanted to say that in a sarcastic way but stopped himself.

“If the transponder was still attracted to Laserbeak we could follow it” Arcee replied.

“Maybe we should give it wings” Wheeljack suggested.

“Huh?” I asked.

‘Now I’m confused’ I thought.

“We could use spare parts from the machine shop” Raf said.

“Then let’s do it… for the doc” Wheeljack said. He then looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. He was worried that I will have to give birth without a doctor.

Just then both Wheeljack and Raf immediately began to work on building something for the little piece of Laserbeak to go back to the warship and we could follow it or track it.

‘Wow, I didn’t know Wheeljack could build’ I thought.

“Now there’s something you don’t see everyday” Smokescreen said.

“Jackie wasn’t always a loner you know, being a wrecker was all about the team” Bulkhead said.

“Ep, Ep, Ep, Miko I needed that!” Raf yelled.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

‘He’s starting to sound like Ratchet’ I thought.

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