《The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)》Chapter 11 Sparked + Autobots


MoonWave POV

I saw Wheeljack freeze in his spot making me immediately look away from him.

‘I knew it… he doesn't want the sparkling’ I thought.

I close my optics waiting for him to leave me because he didn’t want to become a Sire but instead I got picked up from my pedal and spin around in circles.

“Huh?” I asked when he stopped and put me back down.

“Oh my primus, MoonWave, are you serious?” he asked.

“Uh… yes” I replied. I saw a smile appeared on his face when he put his servos on my middle.

“I can’t believe that you actually spark” he said.

“So… you do want the sparkling?” I asked.

“Are you kidding me?!” he asked.

“Of course I want the sparkling” he replied.

I smiled with tears on my optics before hugging him. He immediately hugged me back.

“I was scared that you didn’t want to have a sparkling” I said. I heard him chuckled.

“I will be happy to become a sire” he said.

I then felt dizzy and tremble back but Wheeljack stopped me from falling back.

“MoonWave, are you okay?” he asked.

“Uh… I feel dizzy… I think…” I began.

I couldn’t finish my sentence because I felt my world spin around in circles before blacking out.

Wheeljack POV

“MoonWave! MoonWave!” I yelled but I didn't get a replied back because she was out cold. I then noticed that her body was getting hotter than usual.

‘Damn it… she’s burning up. I need to take her to base immediately’ I thought.

“Ratchet, I need a groundbridge immediately” I said

“:: Wheeljack, what’s wrong?::” Ratchet asked.

“I don’t have time to explain” I replied.

Just then a groundbridge open up in front of me. I immediately crossed the portal. On the other side, everyone immediately turned to look at me.

“Wheeljack, who’s that?” Ratchet asked.

“Please, she’s losing Energon and fast” I said.

“Isn’t she the femme Decepticon that can turn into predacon?” Arcee asked.


“: Mmm.. wait you’re right:” Bumblebee said.

“Soldier, why will you bring an enemy to the base?” Ultra Magnus asked.

“I know but she’s no longer with the Decepticon” I said.

“Jackie, how are you so sure about that?” Bulkhead asked.

“Guys… please” I said.

‘Damn it’ I thought.

I looked at Optimus who was looking at me.

“Optimus, please… she’s spark… with my sparkling” I said.

“What?!” everyone but Optimus yelled. I saw Optimus nodded before turning to Ratchet.

"Ratchet, prepare sickbay and check on both her and the sparkling" Optimus ordered.

“Optimus you can't be serious?” Arcee asked.

“I'm dead serious” Optimus replied.

I sighed in relief.

"Thank you" I said.

“C’mon, lay her down on the medical berth” Ratchet said

I nodded and laid MoonWave down on the medical berth. Ratchet immediately took a scan of her body before working on the large gash on her side first. I then took her servo in mine and said…

"You're safe now MoonWave and I won't let nothing bad happened to you or our sparkling" I said kissing the backside of her servo.

I then let go and walked back to the rest of the team who were gathered around each other.

“Okay... I know you all want me to explain and that's what I'm planning to do right now” I said.

I immediately told them everything.

I told them how she saved me in the cave incident by putting herself in danger and how she then used her ice breathe to fixed my damage servo.

I told them how she stopped the predacon from attacking me when he had the chance back at the cave.

I told them that ever since then we have been meeting with each other whenever we got the chance and that that's how we ended up falling in love with each other.

I also told them how Megatron abused her back on the warship.

“So that’s all” I explained.

I watched everyone stared. I sighed.


“Um… listen, I know you don’t trust her but you could trust me when I say that she’s not like the others” I said.

It was silence for a couple of minutes until Bulkhead walked over to me and lay a servo on my shoulder.

“I trust you buddy” he said. I smile.

“We also trust you” Smokescreen said. Bumblebee who nodded.

“What are your orders?” I heard Magnus asked.

Immediately everyone turned to look at Optimus who looked like he was thinking really hard on this. Finally, he looked at MoonWave who was on the medical berth before looking back at me.

“If what you said is true then I will allow her to stay” he said. I sigh of relief.

“Are you sure about this?” Arcee asked. Optimus nodded.

“Everyone deserves a second chance to change and I believe that MoonWave could change if she wants to” Optimus said.

Just then Ratchet finished and walked over to us.

“How is she?” I asked.

“She’s fine but needs rest” he replied.

“The sparkling?” Bulkhead asked.

“The sparkling fine too” Ratchet replied.

“Good job, old friend” Optimus said.

MoonWave POV

I woke up with a headache.

‘Urg… what happened’ I thought.

I slowly opened my eyes with so much difficulty and the first thing I noticed that I was inside a building, laying down on a hard surface. I immediately panicked and sat up but ended up groaning in pain.

“Yip, yip, yip, yip, don’t move you’re just recovering” I heard a news voice said making me immediately looked up and saw a white and orange mech with blue optics.

“Who are you? Where am I? What’s going on?” I asked growling immediately pushing myself from the medical berth ignoring the pain on my side.

“Hey calm down, you are hurt and need to rest” he said.

I looked at myself and noticed that the large gash on my side has been patched up.

“My name is Ratchet. I’m the Autobots medic and right now you’re in the Autobot’s base” he replied.

“Huh, the Autobots base?” I asked. I immediately panic.

“What am I doing here?” I asked.

“Wheeljack brought you here” he replied.

“Wheeljack? Where is he?” I asked.

“Calm down and let me call him and the others” he said. I shaky nodded but kept my guard up just in case it was a trap or trick.

“Guys she’s awake” he said.

I waited there for a short amount of time before hearing footsteps. I immediately looked back and watch every Autobot enter the room.

“Wheeljack!” I yelled when I saw him enter the room.

“MoonWave” he said when he saw me.

He immediately ran to my side bringing me into a warm hug.

“Wheeljack, what’s going on here?” I asked.

“Sorry, but you were losing so much Energon that I didn’t have any other choice but to bring you with me back to base” he replied. I nodded.

I then saw a large figure approached us making me immediately turn my helm around and saw the Autobot’s leader, Optimus Prime.

“MoonWave, right?” he asked. I nodded.

“Wheeljack explained your situación to us and I wish for you to know that if you want to stay with us then you're welcome to do so for both of you” he said.

I stared at him with a shocked expression on my face.

“Um… are you sure about this?” I asked. He nodded.

“Positive” he replied with a smile making me smile.

“Thank you so much” I replied with a bow.

“Please, you don’t have to bow down” he said.

“Uhm… Sorry” I replied.

“It’s alright” he replied.

“C’mon, let’s go back to the medical berth” Wheeljack said.

“Huh? Why?” I asked.

“You need rest for both you and the sparkling’s health” he replied.

“The sparkling… Omp, that’s right!” I yelled.

“How is our sparkling?!” I asked.

“The sparkling is fine but you need to rest now” Ratchet said. I nodded and Wheeljack then helped me back to the medical berth.

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