《The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)》Chapter 6 Kiss


It's been a few days since the little cave incident where I got stuck in with the Autobot Wheeljack.

Ever since then, Wheeljack and I been having private calls with each other without anyone knowing. We have also sneak out from the base only to meet on a special location that only Wheeljack and I know about.

Like right now...

I'm waiting for Wheeljack as we agreed on this morning.

Finally, after waiting for 10 long minutes, I heard an engine approaching. I look back and saw Wheeljack transforming from his alt-mode into his Bi-pedal mode.

"What took you so long?" I asked, already knowing the answer to my question.

"Ultra Magnus" he replied.

"What happened?" I asked with a chuckled.

"He didn't stop lecturing me about how irresponsible I am" Wheeljack said sitting down on the same rock that I was sitting on.

"Can you blame him?" I asked.

"Not you too, MoonWave!" Wheeljack complained making me burst out laughing.

"Well, you're not the only one" I said, remembering Starscream who was annoying the heck out of me until I punched him in the face.

"Anyway, what will you like to talk about today?" Wheeljack asked.

"Want to play 21 question?" I asked.

"21 questions?" he asked with a confused look.

"Yeah, it's a human game. The game consists of asking random question to each other" I explained.

"That sounds like fun" he said.

So, we are now seated across each other.

"I will go first" I said.

"Okay" he replied.

"Do you have a hobby?" I asked.

"Mmm... I really don't have a hobby, but I used to build things before the war began" he replied.

"Cool" I replied.

"Okay, I'm next" Wheeljack said.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" he asked.


"I like to go flying" I replied.

We went like that until we came to our last question.

"What's one beautiful thing that you have seen on Earth?" I asked.

"One beautiful thing that I have seen on Earth will be your optics" he replied.

I blushed and looked away.

"Uhm... thank you" I nervously replied.

Wheeljack chuckled making me blush even more.

"It... It's your turn now" I said.

"Right" he replied.

"What brings a smile to your face?" he asked.

"Your smile" I replied without thinking. Immediately, I realized what I said and cover my intake with both my servos.

"I... I mean. I... I like it when you smile... no, wait... I like it... Oh, my primus" I said and ended up covering my whole face.

"So, you like it when I smile?" he teases, making me look at him with an embarrassing look.

"Yes... wait, no... I mean yes... oh, just forget it" I said, blushing, even more, when he busted out laughing.

I was about to stand up, but missed one of my footsteps, making me fall backward. I grabbed into Wheeljack's servo to stopped myself, but it only ended up with both of us falling down. We hit the ground with a really loud 'THUMP' making dust go everywhere.

"Ouch! That hurt" I said just as the dust began to clear out.

Just then, I notice the embarrassing landing position that Wheeljack and I ended up. He was basically right between my legs and both his servos were on each side of my face with his face right in front of mine.

Our optics locked into each other while trying to look away. Then, without knowing, our faces began to get closer and closer to each other by the second. I could feel his hot breath right in front of me. Our lips were now inches from each other.


Until it happened...

Our lips connect.

Upon coming in contact, I felt like time stopped for me. Just like the flow of Energon in my veins. The only thing I felt accelerated was my spark that was beating so fast. It felt like my spark will bust out of my chest. Basically, I got myself lost between his lips.

While we continued kissing, Wheeljack grabbed my waist to pulled me closer to him. Without knowing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his midsection as the two of us remained occupied with each other's lips.

Unfortunately, every beautiful moment has to end at some point.

":: Wheeljack, do you read?::" I heard the Autobot medic voice come from Wheeljack's comm, interrupting our little make-out session.

Immediately, both Wheeljack and I separated and stood back up while looking away.

"Uh... Yes" I heard Wheeljack replied.

":: We need you back on base immediately::" Ratchet said.

"I'm on my way" Wheeljack replied before hanging up.

Then the awkward silence began.

Neither of us talked or moved from our spots.

"I... I think... I think I should also go back" I said, turning my back to him.

"Yeah... me to" he said.

I nodded before beginning to walk away.

"MoonWave, wait" I heard Wheeljack called.

I stopped and looked back to meet those beautiful blue electric optics that make my spark go crazy.

"Yes?" I asked.

"A... About what happened a moment ago..."Wheeljack began.

"It's okay... I know?... It never happened. Let's just forget about it. See you tomorrow, Wheeljack" I said before transforming into my Beast mode and going back to the Warship.

"But I don't want to forget about it" I said, watching MoonWave figure disappeared in the distance.

I sigh before transforming into my alt-mode and driving back to base.

The whole ride, I didn't stop thinking about the kiss that I shared with MoonWave.

It felt so good.

Her lips tasted like sweet Energon candy.

'Oh, my primus, MoonWave. What have you done to me' I thought.

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