《Transformers *My Little Sister* Book One》Chapter 4 The Autobots
We drove in silence until Mikaela decided to speak.
"This car's a pretty good driver" Mikaela said.
"I know" Sam replied.
"Hey maybe you should sit in my lap" Sam said out of nowhere. I look at him from the corner of my eye with a 'What The Fuck' face.
"Why?" Mikaela asked.
"Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first" Sam replied. I smirk knowing really well what was Sam trying to accomplish.
'Like if that will work' I thought.
"Yeah, all right" Mikaela said making me look at her. She then crawled into the front and settled herself down on Sam's lap.
'It actually works' I asked myself.
I look at them then smile. Maybe Mikaela is indeed the perfect match for Sam. I smile once more than turn my attention back to the road.
"You know, that seatbelt thing was a pretty smooth move" I heard Mikale said making Sam and I chuckle.
"Thank you" Sam responded.
"Could you two stop being so cheesy?" I asked with a chuckle making them both also chuckle.
"You know what I don't understand. Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into his piece-of-crap Camaro" I heard Mikaela whispered to Sam but Bumblebee heard because he then pressed the brake pedal all the way down.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Sam yelled in alarm.
"Oh, see. No. Get...No, that doesn't work. see" Sam said as he and Mikaela got off. I was about to open the door to get off but then Bumblebee took a u-turn and drove off with me still in the car.
"Bee what are you doing?" I asked once he went to drive on two wheels were I had to grab the seat belt like my life depend on it.
I didn't get a replied but then see Bumblebee scan a car that pass by and he began to transform his alt-mode design. Once finish he was no longer an old looking Camaro but a 2009 Chevy Camaro. He then turns back and went to the Sam and Mikaela.
"Looking good Bee" I said.
": Thank you Zoe:" Bee replied.
"Moonlight" I said with a smile.
": Huh?:" he asked.
"The actual name is Moonlight" I said.
": Moonlight? Cool name:" Bee replied.
"Thank you" I said.
We then made it back to where Bumblebee drop Sam and Mikaela. When they saw Bumblebee their jaw hang open and their eyes were wided open. They immediately came up running and got inside. Sam in the passenger seat and Mikaela on the back seat. Sam and Mikaela look around the now new atl-mode of Bumblebee. After a few second Bumblebee went back to driving.
"Just that you know I like your other alt-mode as well" I whispered to Bumblebee so Sam and Mikaela won't hear.
": Thank you:" Bumblebee replied.
After a while I see Bumblebee push a fence open and he stop up ahead. He opens his doors for us to get out. We three then walk to the front of Bumblebee alt-mode looking at the sky as we saw four meteors like balls in fire entering the Earth atmosphere flying across the sky.
I look from the corner of my eye Sam and Mikaela grabbing each others hands making me smile at them.
I look up at the sky once again and watch as each of the meteors crash on Earth in a different direction. For a strange reason. I felt my heart beat rapidly when they did. I was about to meet him again.
I watch Sam and Mikaela leave to go and see the meteor that fell close by. I sigh then lean on Bumblebee alt-mode.
": Moon what's wrong?:" Bumblebee asked.
"It's just that I'm not really to see him again" I replied.
": See who:" Bumblebee asked.
Before I could reply Sam and Mikaela came back. We all then got inside Bumblebee alt-mode and we drove off. The whole ride I stay quiet and just called my real body to get faster to my location. We head to an abandoned alley where we stop and got out.
I hesitantly got out and watch as four cars drove over to where we were at. In the back of us came three cars. One of them was a black GMC Topkick truck. The next one was a grey Pontiac Solstice. Last but not least a light greenish ambulance. I saw Sam and Mikaela look in back of me and I hesitated on turning but I did. What I saw was a blue Semi truck with red flames coming from the front.
I saw him come to a stop then began to transform. The other ones followed just as he was finishing transformation which their transformation took faster because of their size.
Finally, he finishes transforming and just in front of me was one of the bots that I thought I never see again. Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots and older brother of mine.
He then kneeled in front of us three making me take a step back. I look around at the other Autobots and saw him. Ratchet. I knew him so well because he uses to be Optimus best friend. He also knew me so well and treated me as his own daughter. The other Autobots I didn't know them just this two. My thoughts are interrupted once Optimus began to talk.
"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" Optimus asked.
"They know your name" Mikaela whispered to Sam in shock.
"Yeah" Sam replied with a still nervous and shock tone.
"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron" Optimus said.
"But you can call us Autobots for short" Ratchet said.
"Autobots" Sam repeated still his gaze not leaving Optimus.
"What's cracking, little bitches" I heard someone said behind us so we all turn and look at the grey Pontiac Autobots.
"My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz" Optimus said then Jazz did a backflip while he landing in a pose.
"This looks like a cool place to kick it" Jazz said then got up and plot himself on a broken down car.
"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam asked Optimus.
"We've learned Earth's languages through the...." Optimus starts but I cut him short on his sentence.
"World Wide Web" I said out loud without thinking. I quickly shut my mouth and look away as I feel them looking at me.
"Okay... how?" Sam asked.
"I know this because after all, you could search anything on the internet these days Sam" I replied.
"My weapons specialist, Ironhide" Optimus said as we then all turn around when we heard some clicking noises in back of us. We came face to face with the black GMC Topkick truck Autobots cannons when we did so.
'Okay, I have to say it but damn he's hot' I thought then blush but it quickly faded.
"You're feeling lucky, punk?" Ironhide asked.
I smirk already liking him. If I was in my real form then I will have taken my weapon out and pointed them at him.
"Easy, Ironhide" Optimus said stopping him from doing whatever thing he had in mind.
"Just kidding. I just wanted to show them my cannons" Ironhide said transforming his cannons back into his servos.
"Our medical officer, Ratchet" Optimus said next and we all turn to look at Ratchet which was the ambulance. I watch Ratchet then sniff the air just like a dog will do so.
"The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female" Ratchet said making me bust out laughing as I watch both Sam and Mikaela face's.
"And that other human female has a strange smell. Like if she was not even human" Ratchet said making me immediately stop laughing and look at him.
'Damn he found out' I thought.
"Wait what? What do you mean not human? Zoe is a human don't you see her?" Sam asked.
"She may look like a human but she's not a human but a hologram. She one of us from the smell that she resembles" Ratchet explained.
"What I don't understand? What is he talking Zoe?" Mikaela asked. I look at them then sigh and look down at my feet while I sense that my alt-mode was nearby.
"He's right Sam and Mikaela. I'm not human. This body it's just a replacement so I could blend in with you humans" I said than my alt-mode enter the alley and drove over getting everyone attention so there gaze turn to the upcoming vehicle.
"Wait what's going on? Why is your Lamborghini driving itself?" Sam asked all freak-out.
"I'm actually a Cybertronian as well Sam and this is how I really look like in my real body" I said than my hologram deactivated and I was now back on my real body. I began to transform.
This transformation was like the slowest transformation ever. Even slower than Optimus. Until it finally end and I was now standing on both my real feet and not my hologram ones. I slowly open my blue eyes and meet everyone gaze who look at me with surprise. The one that was more shock was Optimus. His optics were twice as big as well as Ratchets.
That's how Moonlight looks in her Bi-pedal mode.
"Also my real name is Moonlight" I said to them.
"Wow, been a while since I seen a Cybertronian femme" Jazz said.
"Wow, Zo..I mean Moonlight you were an alien robot and never told me?!" Sam asked.
"Yeah don't think you will believe me if I had" I replied.
"Moonlight is it really you?" I heard Optimus asked so I turn my gaze from Sam to him. Everyone else also looks at Optimus. Rveryone except Ratchet who was still looking at me.
"Yes. It's me......brother" I said.
"BROTHER?!" they all yelled.
"That correct Moonlight is Optimus little sister" Ratchet explained.
": So your an Autobot but I don't see an insignia?:" Bumblebee asked.
"Because I'm not an Autobot or a Decepticon. I already told you that I was neutral Bee" I replied.
Bumblebee looks at me and replied with an 'Oh'.
"So you been living on Earth all this time" Optimus said.
"Yes, I have been. Been living here far away from that stupid war and you two" I said look down at my pedals.
"Moon I'm sorry. I know that you never were a fond of his war and that why you left Cybertron" Optimus said.
"That's in the past but I still haven't forgiven you or him. I don't know why you need Sam but if he gets hurt you will deal with me afterward. I will help but that doesn't mean that I'm in your or his side" I said while getting closer and closer to Optimus face then turn away from all of them and walk over to the end of the alley. But not too far so humans could see me and so I could be able to still hear their conversation.
"What's wrong with her?" I hear Mikaela asked.
"She's mad because of the war that was created on our home planet" Ratchet replied. I heard Optimus sigh before continuing with the introductions.
"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee" Optimus said.
"Bumblebee, right" Sam repeated.
": Check on the rep, yep, second to none:" I hear Bumblebee said with a song playing along.
"His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them" Ratchet said while hearing some kind of laser being shot at someone then choking noises.
"Why are you here?" I hear Mikaela asked.
"We are here looking for the Allspark. And we must find it before Megatron" Optimus said. Once he said my other brother name I turn my helm a little bit to watch what they were doing.
"Mega-what?" Sam asked.
"Megatron... He's my other older brother also the one that started this stupid war. The other reason that I left my home planet" I said while turning my whole body to them but not making eye contact with no one.
Optimus nod then he put two digits to his helm and a bright laser came out and created the version of our home planet that was on war.
"Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. our war finally consumed the planet, and the All-spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him" Optimus explained as the illusion disappeared. My spark hurt once I saw my home planet in that condition even if it was just an illusion it felt as if I was there looking at it just now.
"My grandfather?" Sam asked.
"It was an accident that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses" Optimus said.
'So that's why they need Sam. Wait so those broken down glasses have the coordinates to the Cube' I thought.
"How'd you know about his glasses?" Sam asked.
"eBay" Optimus replied making me look down at Sam and glare at him. I think he senses me glaring at him because he turns around and when he saw my glare he immediately turns away.
"If the Decepticons find the All-spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army" Ratchet said.
"And the human race will be extinguished" Optimus finished for Ratchet. Optimus then stood up to his fully since he been kneel down to Sam and Mikaela level all this time.
"Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival" Optimus said. Then all the Autobots look down at Sam waiting for his answer.
"Please tell me that you have those glasses?" Mikaela asked Sam.
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