《Play of Fate》Chapter 17


فقط میرے دل سے اتر جائیگا

My trips to foreign increased. I spent less time in Pakistan and more in London as an excuse that the company was still getting established. It worked fine.

It was one of those days that I came back to London after a month. I was waiting in my office for finance manager.

There she came Sara through the door. She looked shocked and she took time to get out of that state. On other hand, I felt nothing. She was an employ. It was impossible for me to not keep in check with new hires.

"Proceed." I waved her to continue with report. I had other things to do then wait for her to come in her senses.

"Ohh. Yes." She opened the file and started giving me details.

I asked some questions regarding finances here and there. At the end when she was finished. I expected her to leave immediately but she stood there.

"Thank you for your hard work." I was asking her politely to leave to which she still didn't get the memo.

"We can have drinks afterwards to catch up. If you would like?"

"I don't drink." Flat response, enough to give her a hint that I wasn't interested but did she take it. No.

"Coffee then?"

I sighed heavily. I really didn't want to be rude with her again. I kept my tone as less offending as I could.

"I assure you. I am a very busy man." I gestured my hand toward the door a clear indication that we are done here.

"You are still rude like before." She was amazed or distraught. I really couldn't tell.

I raised my left brow leaning back on my chair with one leg another to tell her who was the boss here.

My lips pursed with my glare set on her as I waited for to get out. I was in no mood to play this game again. I wanted things professional if she can keep it then it's ok. It not then she could leave.

"I get it. You are the boss."

"Good." A one word answers and thankfully she left after that. I really wasn't looking forward to any our interactions.

I was in London for a longer visit. Sara still pursued me with her coffee sometime tea or lunch offer. I would decline politely. It was just offers. I would tolerate her until she really get out of line.

It was just another day. I just looked at the date. The date was familiar. It was her nineteenth birthday. Sara came in office with finance report and yes a tray containing two streaming coffee cups.

Which she placed on my desk before taking a seat on the chair before the table. She gave me the review while I took the cup of coffee in hand and pulled it to my lips taking a sip.

It didn't taste as good as that one but it worked. I only needed that. I placed the cup back on desk looking at the coffee strangely. Every cup of coffee managed to remind me about her. I would yearn to taste the one made my her.


"Do you have someone in your heart?" She coyly pulled the cup to her lips.

I pulled my gaze away from the cup looking at her stiffly with narrowed gaze. "Excuse me."

"I have been so persistent and you have been constantly rejecting me so."

She was a kind of woman who was spoiled with male attraction. To her. I was a challenge that she named as love. I guess she didn't know it herself.


If my answer was going to get her off my back then so let it be.

"Does she have you in her heart?"

My body grew stiff at her innocent question which wasn't that innocent.


The sparkle in her eyes returned as she took another sip with smiling face.

"Good. Then I still have a chance."


I was on a visit to Dubai for a bussines deal. I was in my suit. The meeting was just some hours later.

My phone rang. Amy blinked on the screen. I attended the call putting the phone to my ear.

"Aslam Alikum."

"Jahan come back home now." There was no greeting. My body grew tense in hearing her words.

"Is everything alright Amy?"

"No Jahan." She cried softly from the other end. "Faris Bhai is in hospital. He is in bad condition."

"I will be there."

I cut the call and texted my secretary to give apology to clients on my behalf. I packed my suit case and booked an emergency flight.

I set in the plane and my thoughts wandered to that time. Her words played on my mind again and again. Over conversation played in my head.

"Do you miss your mother?"

The reply that came wasn't expected. She always somehow managed to surprise me and this time again. She didn't disappoint.

"You can't miss something that you never had but Abba do miss her."

I looked curiously examining her every expression. There really wasn't any longing.

"But if I lost Abba. I don't know what I would do. My world would just crumble."

The expression on her face told everything that it pained her to even imagine it.

I walked in to the hospital asked the reception for room number and then got in lift at floor four which was private. Ami was sitting there on one of chair in hallway and Abu was pacing back and forth and Noor was nowhere to be found.

I walked to Abu. "What happened?"

"The doctor told us that he have pancreatic cancer. He have at maximum a month. "

I looked through the screen which gave the view of the room. Some nurses even their changing the drips checking him.

"We can take him to London and get him checked by some good doctors."

My father shook his head. "It's no use. He doesn't want to go anywhere and I have sent reports to some of best surgeons. They say the same."

I sighed. Abu was being tough but it was difficult for him to see Uncle Faris like this. They always had a very good bond. They were best friends since their college years. It wasn't easy for him.


"I am just worried about Noor. With no mother and now her father."

He whispered sadly. I was worried about her too. I didn't want to see her crumble.

"Where is she?"

"She has been in the mosque praying for a miracle."

I stood there for some minutes but then without my own permissions. My feet took me to the mosque.

I stood outside looking through the glass. She was only one there in black chadar with her head against the floor in position of sujood. I was standing there for long and she remained there like that with her body shaking.

I couldn't see it so I walked back. Ami and Abu were there sitting on chairs when the nurse came telling that Uncle was awake. We could see him.

Abu went inside and he remained there for ten minutes. He walked out and then announced that he is calling for Noor.

Ami stood up to get her. Later she came with Ami. The chadar on her head loose showing some of her hairs. The face red and pale due to crying. Eyes puffy and red. There was a visible tremble in her figure.

She walked inside. She remained there inside the room only leaving at fajar to pray. The day started with people moving around for work.

It was after Zuhar something shifted. Ami approached me.



"We are going to hold your nikkah with Noor tonight. "

"Ami." I was shocked.

"Jahan. It was going to happen sooner or later. We have talked about this."

I couldn't tell her exactly what changed since last time we talked it out.

"Ami, It's not the same now. "

"Jahan. Don't make you father lose his face in front of his dying friend. "

The words did something to me but I couldn't agree knowing that Noor didn't want it. I did understand where are they coming from.

"We can't force Noor in this."

"Beta. Bhai Faris talked to her last night. She asked for time to think till Zahur and now she has given her consent. I wouldn't have talked to you if she hadn't agreed."

She made a compromise. I knew why. She must haven't been able to get in contact with Ibad as he left the country switching off the phone after knowing that his father married another young model.

"Ji. Okay."

I gave my consent and I knew that this relationship wasn't going to be easy but I was ready to try.

At the end of nikkah. I saw the tears that she emitted in name of her love. It hurt. I was possessive and the fact that my wife was still in love with some other man. It didn't sound good to me.

I had a deal to sign in Dubai and there was something that I needed to do in London. With Uncle Faris being stable. I thought it was better if I left for sometime.

It would give her some space to accept this relationship without my presence disturbing her. She didn't need the pressure from this relationship with her father being on death bed. It would give me some time to accept her feelings and that I needed to work to make her accept me.

I believed that she would learn to love me in time. I needed to hold on to it.

I took the first flight to Dubai. It took me more time there then expected as they were already getting an offer from another company. Finally, the deal was signed.

The last day. I was walking on the street to get a coffee before my flight. My phone next to my ear as Abu informed me about Uncle condition. He was the same. Not worse but not better too.

Someone snatched the phone from my hand and run in the crowd making it difficult for me to catch him. I looked at my wrist watch. I had no time to file a report.

I wasn't worried. Even if he tried to open the phone. I had a function due to which all the data would be deleted.

I didn't take direct flight as it was the only available. You can't be a chooser with last minute booking. It took me 12hours and some minutes to reach London with a stop in Germany.

When I reached my apartment. I decided to get a full off day. It was Sunday too. I was tired with all the work with trying to wrap up everything to get back soon.

The next day late at afternoon. When I reached office late. My secretary came straight to me.

"Sir you have an emergency message from Pakistan. You mother wanted me to inform you that Your Uncle has died."

I was shocked to hear the news and it took me a minute to regain my composure.

"Give me your phone."

He gave me the phone and I dialled Ami number.


"Jahan. Where have you been? We have been dialing your number since Saturday night."

She didn't give me time to speak but started talking immediately.

"My phone was stolen. When it happened?"

"After you call with your father in evening. His condition started getting worse. We thought that he may get better but he died at 2:00 am."

My thoughts turned to Noor. It must have been difficult for her. It's like Ami read what was in my heart and replied.

"She isn't fine. Come back Jahan."

"I will be there soon."

I cut the call. I asked my secretary to book a nearest flight as I told him that I was taking his phone with me.

I took packed my laptop and some other necessary things. I was about to just leave when Ibad entered in my office without even a knock. Anger visible on his face.


That was the start of things from going to okay to wong. It could be said it was this that lead to turn of the events and my betrayal.


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