《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》One World, One People


An: Okay guys, so this is the last chapter for this book, I want to thank everyone who has read this, and who enjoyed it so much, I want to thank everyone who suggested thing and helped me improve upon the writing, Sorry about how there were a lot of thens, English isn't my first language, but I'm working on it, Anyway It really has a meant a lot for everyone who has been on this journey.

No one POV

Gabby and Sam were in the air, Sam wearing his new super suit, and Gabby wearing her super suit, one with dark purple leather.

Sam using his wings and Gabby using her sonic powers and they were talking to Bucky on comms and Gabby told him"We're almost there."

Bucky asked "What's the plan?" and Sam said "Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open. "

Gabby looked at him and told him "Well, it could be anybody. "

Sam said " And by the way, I called in some backup. "

Through comms, Sam and Gabby heard someone said "Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be here?".

Then heard Sharon say " It's me. Sharon" and Bucky say "what the hell are you doing here? ".

Sharon said "Relax. No one's looking for me here."

Gabby was in surprised and asked " Is that Sharon? " and Bucky told them "Unfortunately. "

Sharon said "Hey,Gabby, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together. "

Sam said "Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here. "

Sharon said "I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be " and Bucky said "Depends on the therapist. "

Gabby smiled and told them "They'll move on the building soon. Be ready" and Gabby and Sam flew closer.

Karli who was on the floor saw them and said "They're here. Do it now. "

Gabby and Sam flew closer to the buidling and Sam flew through the window smashing it and kicked back one of the flag smashers.

Gabby flew in the buidling and threw a sonic wave at another glass window, smashing the glass and flew in and looked up and Sam said "Why didn't you use that window, why did you smash another?".

Gabby said "Well, I thought we were both smashing it" and Sam told her "Yeah only one window".

Gabby looked at him and said "Oh so only you get to look cool" and the flag smasher got up and attacked Gabby and she ducked and waved her hand and threw him back with a sonic wave.

Bucky on comms said "Can you two focus" and Gabby said "Sorry, what's going on on your end".

Bucky on comms said " Nothing. All quiet."

Gabby and Sam started to get people out of there and one of them looked at Sam and said " I'm sorry, wait. Who are you?".

Sam looked at him and answered " I'm Captain America. "

He was confused and questioned "I thought he was on the Moon. "

As everyone left, Sharon on comms said "No one's moving toward the building. "

Bucky said "Karli's not coming in. he's trying to force everybody out. East evac teams...".

Sam said " It's a misdirect. We gotta keep everybody inside" and someone knocked Gabby back and Gabby fell to the floor and Sam and Gabby turned around to see Georges Batroc and Gabby said "Oh my god seriously?".

Sam and him fought and he knocked Sam back and said " You cost me a lot of money. I wonder how much I can get for your new bird costume. And yours, Sonic".


Gabby said " A baguette and a few French fries" and Gabby got up and he fought Sam and Sam blocked his punches and used the shield to hit him and Gabby waved her hand, purple energy appearing using sonic waves to lift the chairs around her.

Gabby said "Cap, move out of the way" and Sam cartwheeled out of the way and Gabby said "Here, catch".

Gabby waved her hand and used her powers to throw the chairs at him and he gasped and fell to the floor and Gabby put the chairs down and Gabby said "Your welcome".

Sam looked at her and told her" I had that" and Gabby smiled at him and told him "Sure you did".

Georges got up and angrily said "You little brat, I'm not going to fight a girl, if I'm going to fight someone, it's better if it's the stronger gender, so why don't you smile and walk away".

Gabby gasped and Sam said "Wow, man you are screwed, I'll let you have this one" and Gabby said "Thanks".

Gabby ran up to him and he said "I told you, I don't fight girls" and Gabby looked at him , she declared "Well, this is gonna be easy".

Gabby kicked him and he was brought down and she moved and grabbed his wrist and punched him and Georges said "You asked for it".

Georges went to punch her and she blocked it by ducking and he went to punch her again and she grabbed his wrist and kicked him and punched him from behind and she moved him around and he fell on the floor.

Georges got up and kicked her back and Gabby cartwheeled and he grabbed her from behind and she fought him and head butted him and grabbed his hand and knocked him down and he got up and Gabby kicked him through the glass wall and he smashed through it.

Sam said "Ouch" and Gabby walked up to Geoerges and said "So what was that you were saying?" and Georges said "Your" and Gabby kicked him in the head and he was knocked out.

Gabby said "Au Revoir" and Sam looked back at her and declared "That was awesome" and Gabby said "I know, right".

Sam looked at her and said "Alright let's go, Chopper is en route" and Gabby said "What about Bucky?".

Bucky said "I don't fly, Gabs. That's your guys thing" and Gabby said "Okay, what did I say about calling me Gabs?".

Sam said "Let's go" and him and Gabby flew out of the building and Sam said "I would listen to her, man she really kicked someone's ass".

Gabby looked at Sam and said "Hey, he was a sexist jackass, He deserved it" and Gabby and Sam flew towards the helicopter and Gabby flew closer to the pilot who was Diego and she saw inside his mind, that his plan was to shoot her.

Diego shot her and Gabby created a force field and Gabby flew up and said "Sam, He has a gun he's gonna keep shooting us".

Sam said "Damn it, okay I'll handle this, go help Bucky" and Gabby said "What? You need my help".

Sam said "No, I have this handled, look you can't use your sonic powers it's too dangerous, you know that" and Gabby said "Yeah, If I use them, I'll disrupt the sonic frequency of the helicopter, it could make it blow up" .

Sam used redwing and said "That's why you need to go with Bucky" and Gabby said "I'll use telepathy, I'll mind control him to go down".


Sam looked at her and knowing that she hated using that power he said "No, I won't make you do that, Please I got this, Do you trust me?".

Gabby said "Of course I do" and Sam said "Please, go help Bucky" and Gabby said "Fine" and she flew down.

Gabby flew down where Bucky was fighting the flagsmashers who were gonna kidnap the ones on the transports.

Bucky was brought down and one was about to kill him and Gabby said "Hey, try that on me" and he turned around and pointed the gun at her and she grabbed it and used it to hit him in the face and he got up and went to punch her and she dodged his punches and grabbed a pipe.

She hit him with it and Bucky got up and she walked over to him and Bucky said "I had that" and Gabby said"Would it kill you to say Thanks, This is like 18th time I saved your life".

More of the flag smashers got up to attack them and Bucky said "You ready?" and Gabby said "Always".

Gabby created a ball of purple energy and they fought the flag smashers and Bucky kicked some of the back and Gabby avoided their punches by kicking them and one of them grabbed her from behind and one of them went to attack her and she kicked the one back.

Gabby created sound waves from her hands using it to levitate a little above the ground, taking the one holding her back with her and he gasped and Gabby headbutted him and he fell on the ground.

Gabby fell to the ground and another one grabbed her and Gabby kept fighting him and Purple energy went from her hand and into the flag smashers and his eyes turned purple, and purple energy appeared at his head and Gabby said "Get off me".

Without meaning to, Gabby was mind controlling him and he let her go and Gabby turned around and Gabby saw her hand of purple energy and his eyes and Gabby said "Oh crap".

Gabby put it away and he gasped and Gabby knocked him out.

Gabby fought more Flag Smashers and Karli looked at them and said "We need a diversion. Give them someone to rescue. "

Gigi (Another Flag Smasher) and Gigi questioned her "What do you mean?" and Karlie demanded "Light it up."

They light up the truck with the people inside and it was on fire and Gabby and Bucky while fighting the flag smashers turned around and saw it and Gabby threw the flag smasher she was fighting back with a sonic wave.

Gabby and Bucky ran over to the truck and tried to open it while everyone inside screamed for help.

Bucky tried to open and Gabby said "Everyone hold on, Bucky stand back" and Bucky said "What? We need to help them".

Gabby said "I will, Just stand back" and Bucky stood back and Gabby appeared a sonic wave from her hand and threw it at the door and the door smashed a little bit and Gabby waved her hand forward and the door was thrown off the hinges to the garbage can and Gabby put her hand down.

Gabby and Bucky walked over there and got everyone out and Gabby said "Come on, let's go" and Bucky said "Go. Go! ".

Gabby got more people out of there and so did Bucky and Gabby said "Come on, hey your okay".

As everyone left, one Man said "Thank you for saving us" and Bucky looked happy and Gabby smiled at him and Bucky said "You're welcome. "

Gabby said "Aww, your first thank you as a hero, are you blushing" and Bukcy said "No, I'm not, Let's focus up".

Gabby and Bucky went to help and fought them and Karli fought them and kicked Bucky back down and Gabby said "Bucky" and she went to look but Karli kicked her back too and Gabby screamed as she was about to fall on top of a car but when she screamed , from her mouth came a sonic scream.

Gabby's sonic scream crushed the car and Gabby fell on it and got up and Bucky said "You okay?".

Gabby said "Yeah, I'm fine" and Bucky said "You got distracted" and Gabby said "Yeah, well you got kicked down to the ground from a height, okay, I wanted to see if you were okay, sue me for caring".

Bucky laughed and Gabby saw the truck about to fall off and Gabby said "Oh my god" and Gabby went to fly up when John Walker was pulling the truck back, but flag smashers stopped him.

John was thrown down and Gabby said "Oh hold on" and Gabby flew up and grabbed him and flew him down and Gabby said"Are you okay".

John said "Yeah, thank you" and then the truck was stopped and put back by Sam who let all the senators out and Gabby smiled and Karli jumped down and so did Sam.

Gabby and Bucky stood next to Sam and Karli said "You of all people bought into that bullshit? " and Sam said "I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same."

Gabby heard something and Gabby said "Um, something's up" and there was an explosion and gas was everything and someone was firing guns.

Gabby, Sam, Bucky and John went under the tunnel and Gabby said "Come on".

Bucky said " Hey, Sharon. We're underground. We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south. Looks like they split up."

Gabby said "Okay, if they split up, together we won't find them this time" and Sam said "All right, I can find Karli".

Bucky said "What about the rest of the flag smashers? We might not be able to fight all of them" and Gabby said "Wait, they use apps for attacks right, meaning they're using apps for this too".

John said "Okay, but how do we use that against them, we don't even know what app they're using" and Gabby said "I do, when I accidentally mind controlled him , I was in his mind, I saw it".

Bucky said "Okay, well do we hack it? None of us are expert hackers" and Sam looked at her and smiled and Gabby said "I am".

Sam said "Okay, Gabby you hack the app, trick them I'll try to find Karli" and Gabby said "Got it, Sam let's go".

Outside The Tunnels

Gabby was using a tablet and Gabby kept typing on the control pannel and Bucky said "Do you got it".

Gabby said "Yup, sent the message, they shoudl be coming around any second now".

Dovich, Deede and Gigi and Gigi said "The app says it's this way. Let's go."

They looked up to see John, Gabby and Bucky with the authories and John said "Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."

Bucky said "It's a great app" and Gabby held up her tablet and said "Super weak firewall, easy to hack".

The enforcemnt arrested them, Gabby, Bucky and John walked away and Bucky said "Lincoln, really?".

John said" Great man. Great quote " and Gabby said " Not when you say it."

Gabby was walking when her eyes glowed purple as she was in Karli's mind and she could see Karl fighting Sam, hearing "I need to kill him".

Gabby gasped as her eyes turned back to normal and she screamed and Bucky said "Gabby are you okay".

Gabby said "Sam, oh my god she's gonna I need to go" and Bucky said "Wait, Gabby you need" and Gabby flew up.

The Tunnels

Gabby walked in and ran in to see Karli kept punching and kicking Sam and she saw her take out her gun and Gabby said "No".

She ran up to her and tackled her down and Karli gasped and said "You" and Karli fought her and knocked her back.

Gabby and Karli fought and Karli kept punching her and kicked her down and Gabby said "I'm not gonna fight you, Look I know your just trying to help, but this isn't the way".

Karli said "I'm trying to help others, just like you only I'm willing to do whatever it takes" and Gabby appeared purple energy and said "Look, I know how you feel but if your willing to do whatevers it takes what makes you different than them?".

Kari said "I'm sorry" and Karli kept hitting her and said "Fight back Fight back" and she kept punching her and took out her gun and said "I'm sorry" and she went to shoot her and Sam said "No".

Sharon shot Karli multiple times and Karli fell to the floor and Gabby ran over to her and said "Oh my god oh my god" and she held her as Karli took her last breath and gasped and Gabby looked back at Sam and Sharon.


Gabby and Sam walked out with Sam holding Karli and the paramedics walked towards them and Sam put Karli in the bed and they wheeled her away and the reportes around said "What happened to the Flag Smashers? ".

Another one asked "When did the government make you Captain America?" and Reporter 1 said "Is it still Falcon? ".

The second reporter said " Or is it Captain Falcon?" and Ayla and another senetor walked up to Sam and Gabby and said " Gabby, Sam , thank you so much, from all of us. "

Senator said "Sincerely. You two did your part in dealing with those terrorists, now we'll do ours. Are you still going forward with resetting the borders? Our peacekeeping troops will begin relocating people soon. The terrorists only set us back a bit. "

Gabby looked at him and said "Stop calling them terrorists" and Senator said "What else would we call them?".

Gabby said " Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What do you think those people are gonna call you? These labels, "terrorists," "refugee," "thug," they're often used to get around the question, why? ".

Lacont said "Those settlements that happened five years ago, do you think it is fair for governments to have to support them? ".

Sam said "Yes" and Senator said " And the people who reappeared only to find someone else living in their family home, they just end up homeless? Look, I get it. But you two have no idea how complicated this situation is."

Sam said " You know what? You're right. And that's a good thing. We finally have a common struggle now. Think about that. For once, all the people who've been begging, and I mean, literally begging for you to feel how hard any given day is... ".

Gabby said "Now you know. How did it feel to be helpless? Now if you could remember what it was like to be helpless and face a force so powerful it could erase half the planet, you would know that you're about to have the exact same impact. This isn't about easy decisions, Senator. "

Senator said "You don't understand" and Sam scoffed and said " I'm a Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don't I understand? Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people who are gonna hate me for it. Even now, here... I feel it. The stares, the judgment. And there's nothin' I can do to change it. Yet, I'm still here. No super serum, no blond hair, or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better. We can't demand that people step up if we don't meet them halfway. Look, you control the banks. sh1t, you can move borders! You can knock down a forest with an email, you can feed a million people with a phone call. But the question is, who's in the room when you make those decisions? Hmm? Is it the people you're gonna impact? Or is it just more people like you? I mean, this girl died trying to stop you, and no one has stopped for one second to ask why. You've gotta do better, Senator. "

Gabby said "You've gotta step up. Because if you don't, the next Karli will. And you don't wanna see 2.0. People believed in her cause so much that they helped her defy the strongest governments in the world. Why do you think that is? ".

Sam said "Look, you people have just as much power as an insane god or a misguided teenager. The question you have to ask yourself is, "How are you going to use it?" .

Gabby and Sam walked away towards Bucky and walked away and Bucky said "Sorry, I was, uh, I was texting and so, all I heard was, um, "a Black guy in stars and stripes." "

Gabby , Bucky and SAm chuckled and Bucky said "Nice job, Cap. You too, Sonic".

Gabby smiled and they walked to Sharon who was holding her stomach in pain from being shot and Sam said "Sharon?".

Sharon said " Blocking my light " and Gabby said " We gotta get you to a hospital. "

Bucky said "She's not gonna listen. "

Sharon said "It's not the worst thing that's happened to me all week."

A man said " Uh, Cap? " .

Sharon said " I think he's talking to you. Look, I'm sorry for how things ended down there. For what it's worth, suit looks good on you."

Sam said "Thanks. "

Sharon said "All right, look, can we get out of here, please? " and Sam said " I didn't forget my promise. "

Sharon walked away.

Wilson Family Home , Couple Of Days Later

Gabby was with Oliver outside and they were playing Soccer and Gabby said "And with one final goal, Oliver Anderson wins".

Oliver said "Yeah, I'm gonna get water" and Oliver walked back inside and Bucky said "Hey' and Gabby turned around and said "Hey, what's up".

Bucky said "There's something I need to tell you"and Gabby said "Alright, who are we fighting" and Bucky said "Whoa, we're not fighting anyone".

Gabby said "Oh, sorry force of habit, It's just what do you want to talk about" and Bucky said "Look um Sam recently said that I don't need to avenge, Real Amends is about doing the work, and I apoligized but I owe you more than that, I need to apologize for everything".

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