《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 10
:::Astro Megaship Conference room:::
All the rangers were seated or standing around the room to discuss what to do next concerning John Ford and now with the defeat of Mesogog there future.
"What is John's prognosis?" Conner asked while standing next to Kira.
Andros stepped up. "Using the Medical equipment on board and some KO-35 science to remove the upgrades Mesogog had given him as well as determining his mental condition, it seems he suffers from severe schizophrenia with the John we have seen being the dominant personality he is gonna need to be committed most likely for the rest of his life." Andros explained.
"Andros is there anything that can be done for him at all what about the medical tech from your planet?" Wes asked him.
The Kavorian shook his head no. "I am sorry even on medication his violent personality is dominant." He said.
Hayley had called Tommy after he got off the phone with her he walked over to the group. "Guys some bad news it looks like Lothor survived as did Venjix/Zeltrax as well Hayley is detecting there energy signatures." Tommy said to the groups.
"Really man don't these idiots know when to die?" Jason asked him.
"Does not seem like it bro so this is still not over." Tommy stated.
Kira was standing with Conner and Trent when Wes looked over at her then back to Tommy. "What I don't get is why is Kira the target of most of the attacks, I mean besides the fact she is yours and Kim's daughter no one knew that yet she was focused on from this John guy." Wes asked.
Billy stepped up. "To be honest Wes the attacks from John Ford seem to have originally not been based off her being a ranger but his mental condition, and it served to destabilize her to the point Mesogog used it against her on the battlefield but with Mesogog gone that might stop now." Billy explained.
Emily who had been on the ship stepped forward. "Dr. Cranston that is not all there is to it I remember why Mesogog wanted her targeted from when I was Elsa, it is because she is the daughter of 2 rangers that received the great power of Phadoes so he was hoping that with her distraught state from the abuse at home plus her fragile mind with all this going on he wanted to drain that power from her, and Lothor was in on that plan she is not out of the woodwork yet." Emily explained with a sad look to her face.
Kira was confused. "What is this great power and how would I even have it?" She asked.
"Back when me and your mom were rangers a being known as Ivan Ooze had attacked our command center and caused us to lose our powers, Alpha sent us to Phadoes to get what was called the great power and it changed us into the Ninjetti me being the falcon and your mom being the crane 2 of the most powerful animal spirits of the great power, and with that combined in your conception Mesogog probably wanted it to power his machine to turn the Earth back not sure why Lothor would want it though." Tommy explained.
Cam stepped up at this point. "I remember my father talking about the Ninjetti and how in the Ninja Schools they are revered as great paragons of good, however if a dark Ninja ever got his hands on the power of the Ninjetti then he could become unstoppable." Cam explained.
Kira looking at the floor looked up at everyone then at Conner, she sighed then got up and headed out of the room she walked down to the engine room and went inside and sat down and started crying.
Conner noticing that she left as did Kim and Tommy. "I got this Dr. O I will go and talk to her." Conner said as he headed down to find Kira.
He walked into the engine room and found her crying off to the side.
"Hey rock star what's wrong?" Conner asked her as he sat down beside her.
Kira without even looking up at him. "Look at me Conner I'm a wreck even though he is captured and he will go to a hospital I am still scared of him and now this whole thing of why they target me I don't know how much more I can take Conner, I don't think I should even be a ranger anymore I don't think I am worthy of this and now I'm a huge burden on my parents how long till they want me gone like the Ford's did, how long till you can't stand me anymore." Kira rambled on about.
Conner stared at her. "Kira knock this off you are very worthy or the gem would not have picked you if it did not think you could handle this, as for your parents they will never give you up Kira so stop thinking that, ands as for me I love you Kira and I will be here for you no matter what." Conner stated.
Kira just glared at him tears still streaming down her face. "Yeah ok Conner you say that now but what happens after this is over huh what happens if I do lose it and I break huh Conner gonna still stand by the mentally deranged girlfriend that will drag you down." She screamed at him.
Conner taken aback by what she said then snapped back. "Kira I don't know where this you thinking that your weak or that you will end up mentally deranged cause you're not hell I think you are stronger than me, remember one thing Kira you beat John not me or the others just you and only you, and finally I Love you end of story that is never gonna change Kira, even if you leave I will always love you." Conner snapped at her then got up and left.
"When you're ready to accept what I just said you know where to find me." He stated and left the room.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Lothor and Venjix were planning there next attack. "So tell me robot what is your stake in all of this I just want the yellow dino ranger for her Ninjetti powers she inherited from her parents." Lothor explained.
Venjix looked at him. "I want vengeance on the ones know as Tommy and Jason for what they did to me and the machine empire then I will rebuild the machine empire and take over the galaxy." Venjix explained.
"Well his main weakness is gonna be his daughter and that pink ranger use those against him and you will win all I care about is that yellow brat and the power within her." Lothor explained.
"Fine Ninja help me get my revenge and I will give her to you to do as you please with her." Venjix said.
"Deal now how do we attack because the whole monster thing is not gonna work." Lothor asked.
"Simple they were building a Zord for this Zeltrax with some modifications to it this Zell Zord will be more than powerful enough to destroy those ranger." Venjix showing Lothor a hologram of the Zell Zord.
"Very nice indeed." Lothor stated as they went to work upgrading the zord.
:::Megaship :::
Conner walked back into the conference room with a dejected look on his face. "I am sorry guys seems like she will not be joining us I tried but she for some reason think that she is a liability I can't convince her otherwise." Conner stated.
Kim and Tommy looked at him. "I will talk to her." Tommy stated as he got up and headed to her only to have Kim grab him.
"No Tommy she needs to figure this out herself as much as I would love to tell her otherwise she might not believe us." Kim said.
Tommy glared at her angry his daughter seems to be having a meltdown and her mother seems to be ok with this.
"Tommy I hate to say it she is right we have done nothing but coddle her with every break she needs and wants to get through this one on her own without us butting in." Jason said to a slightly angry Tommy.
Tommy goes to respond but is interrupted by the alarms in the megaship.
"Rangers there is a strange zord attacking downtown Reefside." Deca states to the other rangers.
The rangers looked at each other. "All right guys let's do this then." Jason says as all the rangers get ready to morph.
"Hayley have all the Zords we have available on the ready we are gonna need them, Karone you and the other non rangers stay here in case we need back up." Tommy ordered as everyone nodded and morphed.
:::Megaship Brig :::
Kira walked in and over to John's cell, he was sitting there he looked up at her and smiled.
"So here we are again you know just because those rangers took away what Mesogog gave me does not change anything at all you are still weak and pathetic." John said with a evil smile on his face.
Kira just glared at him. "Why huh John why do you do this up until 4 years ago you were a good brother now you delight with torturing me, and I think I deserve a answer as to why." Kira demanded.
John just smiled. "You would love to know the reason wouldn't you well hmmm where do I start how about the fact that despite what that idiot Mark Ford thinks I am not his son nor am I the bitch's son either." John stated while pacing around the cell.
Kira surprised by this revelation. "Wait your adopted?" She asked.
"No not really Mark thinks I am his biological son and well Mary does not even remember she is not human." He states with a evil smirk on his face.
Kira surprised. "Wait your not Human?" She asked.
He looked right at her with a smirk. "Nope see my parents my real parents well let's just say Zordon made them weak and me well I am just fulfilling fathers plan to corrupt you and the power within you." He stated while laughing.
Neither realized both Karone and Nadira were listening in.
"What I don't understand who are your real parents." She asked.
He just smiled as Karone stormed in. "Yes Thraxx tell us who your real parents are." Karone demanded.
He just looked at her surprised by how she knew that. "Of course the mighty Astronema would know this." He snarled at her.
Kira spun around to Karone. "Wait you knew who he was all this time?" She demanded.
Karone just shook her head no. "Sorry Kira but I only realized who he was after he made the comment about Zordons sacrifice that I figured it out." Karone stated.
"Yes you are weak as my real parents are now, but I will fulfill my father's orders to corrupt you and use that power of yours against the rangers though with what Venjix is doing now I will have a very easy time." He said while laughing.
"What do you mean?" Kira asked still very confused.
"That Zord they are using I added my own upgrades to it before we went to battle last and it is designed to destroy any Zord that attacks it and can only be destroyed from the inside." He said as Nadira went to signal the rangers he stopped her.
"No use in telling the rangers they cannot enter it, it will destroy them if they try only a being that is evil can go inside it." He said laughing again.
"There is not one on this ship that can do that this will be great father would be so proud if he had not been corrupted by that fool Zordon." John said.
"That is where you are wrong boy I will do it my Queen." Ecliptor said as he walked forward.
"You traitor you cannot it will destroy you work for good now." John said.
Ecliptor looked at him. "But I am a creation of evil and it is still inside of me I just choose to ignore it, my Queen I will go and destroy this Zell Zord." Ecliptor said as Karone nodded then hugged him.
"You better come back to me Ecliptor." She said as he broke the hug and headed out to teleport to the rangers.
Karone turned back around to John and Kira.
Kira was now more angry than anything. "Why me." She said now crying.
"Now look at this you are weak as I always thought, want to know why simple while the Zeo rangers were fighting Mondo my parents wanted their power back so they got back to the moon, my parents had me in tow at that time I was 4 Earth years old." John said.
"While they were plotting against the rangers my father found out your mom was pregnant with you and that Tommy was the father, he then realized that them being the 2 most powerful Ninjetti you would have a power greater than anything, the fabled Phoenix Ninjetti." He explained as Kira listened.
"But my father knew that it would be hard to find you and he also had to hide me from those accursed rangers and the machine empire so he called on a member of scorpina's race and cast a spell over her to think she was human and to mate with Mark Ford since my father knew he was helping the rangers." He explained.
"After that happened a spell was casted over him to make him believe that she was his wife and that I was his son, then the machine empire was defeated by my father and mother you however were hidden away from them by Zordon." He explained.
"By the time I realized that you were the little girl my dad was looking for and that you were living with me Zordon decided to sacrifice himself and that wave messed up Mary fords mind and wiped mine, it was not till 4 years ago I remembered who I truly was and so did Mary though her not as much as me she just regained her hate of anything power rangers." He explained.
"So now I will take you and destroy your parents your lover and everything good in this world and I will rule it." John said laughing.
"kinda hard to do we took the powers that Mesogog away." Nadira stated.
John just laughed and held out is hand to have the Z staff materlize in his hand. "You see you weak fools I have been holding back now it is time for my father's empire to be reborn." He snarled as he uses his staff to destroy the force field holding him in.
Karone lowers her staff to blast him only to have him hit her with a electric attack knocking her against the wall he then took out Nadira, Kira got into a fighting stance only to be hit with a magic wave from the staff her eyes going blank.
"Now my little Phoenix it is time for you burn all that is good in this world." John states as they both vanish out of the ship.
Emily had come running into the brig . "No i was too late." She said to herself to when she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked behind her she was very surprised.
:::Downtown Reefside:::
The Giant Zell Zord was fending off attacks from the Thunder Megazord the Q- Rex and the Dino Stegazord.
"Guys I don't know how much damage my zord can take this thing is not taking any damage from our attacks." Trent stated as there were sparks flying around in the cockpit of his own personal megazord.
"We are all that stands between the people and this thing." Myers yells back as he has the Q- rex go to megazord mode.
"Q-Rex fire blasters!" Myers yelled into his morpher when all of a sudden the Zell zord starts to explode from the inside.
"What the hell?" Jason asked from the cockpit of the Thunder Megazord as the Zell Zord blew apart, from the wreckage walked Ecliptor.
"Ecliptor how?" Andros asked.
The Cyborg looked at the red ranger. "It was the only way to destroy it." He said before he collapsed onto the ground.
As the other rangers got down to the ground and Billy was checking over Ecliptor. "His systems seem to be functioning fine Andros he must have used a lot of power to destroy the Zord." Billy said.
All of a sudden there was a orange flame that appeared and then vanished and standing there was John Ford and Kira.
"What the hell how did you get out Kira?" Ethan asked.
Kira just stood there with her eyes blank, John looked up at them and smiled as he pointed the staff at Lucas and fired a energy beam at him.
The blast hit him full force and knocked him to the ground causing him to demorph with his teammates running over to him.
Tommy glared at the staff. "How do you have that?" Tommy growled at him.
John looked at him and smiled. "What a son should inherit his father's things should he not." John stated as the rangers were all caught off guard by this revelation.
Before any of them could say anything Emily Karone and Nadira teleported in with Karone limping from the attack John did to her.
"That thing is called Thraxx he is the son of Zedd and Rita before they were purified." Karone stated.
"That is why he was able to at first steal energy from Mesogog and it allowed him to become more powerful without anyone knowing." Emily explained.
"Yes traitor it's a shame he was destroyed i could have used more, as for my parents you are correct that was them before they were made weak like you rangers, but enough of my family history it is time for my father's plan to come to fruition right my little Phoenix." John says as he looks to Kira.
Kira says nothing just raises her arms and a blast of fiery energy comes out and hits T.J and Ashley Knocking them to the ground and singing there armor.
"Now who is next oh I have a better plan." He says as he raises his staff into the air which causes the rangers all to collapse to their knees.
He then motions for Connor to walk over to them against his will.
"Now my dear sister why don't we let the red ranger know the truth of what you think of him." He says as he uses the staff to link their minds together.
"." Kira thinks to herself as John forces her old memories to surface.
:::Kira's Mind:::
"hey Kira." Connor says in the sight in her mind.
She looks over at him. "." She thinks and the real Connor hears it.
"Hey Connor sorry I can't hang out right now I got to get home I will talk to you later." She says as she runs off.
The scene then shifts to when Kira confessed to not being a virgin.
The real Connor hears coming from Kira's mind.
This goes on and on for what feels like hours but is only 2 minutes, John then separates the connection after he sees what Kira is thinking after their talk on the Megaship with her thinking Connor sees her as weak and unable to do anything herself.
Connor just looks at Kira with tears coming from his eyes under his helmet, before he could do anything John blasts him back he hits the ground and does not get up.
The other rangers now being able to get up due to John focusing his energy into the blast to Connor, Kim runs over to him and looks him over.
"Tommy he is not breathing oh god Tommy he is not breathing." Kim says as Trini runs over to him talking her helmet off and starts to perform CPR on him.
"" Kira thinks to herself as she tries to break the control he has on her.
John looks over at her thinking that he gaining more control over the Phoenix spirit inside Kira decides to push it further.
"One down more to go let's see who should we take out next how about mommy dearest." John says as he aims his staff at Kim's back as she tries to help Trini get Connor breathing again.
He fires the blast and it Kim square in the back she is thrown forward and rolls along the ground demorphing.
Inside Kira's mind she can hear a bird calling out for aid, she tries to focus on it but then hears a second bird calling out to her.
"No no more I must protect them Connor was right the Gem chose me I can hear my parents spirit animals calling out for aid." Kira thinks to herself.
John looks over at her and notices she powering up thinking he has her completely under his control goes to take out Tommy.
As he aims his staff a Tommy. "NO MORE YOU WILL NOT HURT ANYONE I LOVE EVER AGAIN!" Kira yells as she turns her powers on John he is thrown back.
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