《From Hate To Love ×Winterfalcon×》One Mistake and a Bullet or Two


Sam was walking down a dark alleyway, armor on and ready for a mission Fury gave him, Steve, and Bucky. Sam always hated even looking at Bucky. There were reasons, too.

1.) Bucky hates him too

2.) Bucky destroyed his car

3.) Bucky tore the wings off of his suit

4.) Bucky never even talks to Sam, and when he does he gives him flat out rude sentences

Or, at least that's what Sam thought. He kind of admired the metal-armed man. How strong he was, how his long hair flew perfectly in the wind. How his ocean blue eyes lit up when he was happy.

Sam's earpiece buzzed.

"Sam" Steve's voice came "The enemy is left, and down about a block from where you are"

Sam pressed his earpiece "Alright, I'll close in from above" And with that, Sam spread his wings and took off. He flew about a block before he heard gunshots and yelling. Then he landed on a rooftop. Sam pulled his guns out and waited to find Steve and Bucky. When he finally saw them coming up in a corner, they saw him. Steve gave a signal to start closing in on the enemy. Sam didn't actually know that much about the mission, except that he needed to get it done.

Sam walked quietly, and Bucky didn't move, he simply watched Sam.

Bucky had had a huge crush on Sam for a while now. No, this was an understatement, Bucky loved Sam. He craved Sam's love back, but knew he was never going to get it. He never actually told anyone because he didn't really want to bother everyone else with his problems. Bucky trusted Steve. but still, he couldn't risk it. Steve was a bad liar, and instead of leaking the secret to Steve, he just decided to ignore and suppress his feelings. Bucky shook himself out of his staring and focused on the mission. Steve threw his shield at a man and suddenly, there were gunshots. So many gunshots. They rang on Bucky's ears, just like a stone that had been smashed against a metal pipe. Within a few minutes, the small team had taken out all of their enemies and got what they needed. Steve grabbed a stone from one of the pockets of the enemies, and smashed it in the ground. Inside of it was a piece of paper that had a note.


Apparently, Fury wanted this note, and was going to get it. Bucky sort of relaxed, as the mission was done. That meant he could go back to the tower and hide in his room. He lowered his gun and started to walk off. But suddenly, there was another gunshot, and Bucky felt a sharp, excruciating pain in his right arm, the one that wasn't metal. Then came the feeling of liquid running down it. He but gritted his teeth and pulled out his gun. Then he shot his attacker back, hitting him in the arm. Another shot, Steve was shot in the leg just as he was throwing his shield at the attacker.

Bucky didn't exactly like seeing his best friend shot. He didn't know what came next, though, he'd blacked out already from the loss of blood.

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