《Hot 4 Teacher | Johnny Depp [Complete]》Garden Party


"This place is beautiful!" Rebecca said with a smile on her face. Her, Garrett, and Mark were the first people to show up to my garden party. I was so happy that they were able to come, and I hoped everyone else were able to show up tonight as well. They all called in to let me know they would be here for the party, but you never know what might happen. "Thanks! I'm really glad you like it." I replied with a smile as I poured my friends a drink. "At least now you won't have to be worried about your parents breathing down your neck all of the time." Garrett said, and they agreed. After a while of just hangout and snacking on the food Johnny and Garrett helped me prepare, more people arrived. Rebecca and Mark ended up inviting some of their college friends. I was a little nervous about having people I didn't know too well over at my place, but I hoped they would be pretty cool people. The party was going well, and everyone was complementing me on how beautiful the place was. I really enjoyed the lights Johnny and I put up; they made the garden look really magical and fantastic. A couple hours went by and a couple of people ended up leaving; I kinda think they were expecting there would be alcohol and drugs here. I didn't wanna have any of that stuff around my house, and I was glad that some of my guests didn't mind that. After talking with everyone, I suddenly noticed that Mark was all by himself. "Are you having a good time?" I asked Mark curiously. He was sitting by the camp fire we started. Garrett and I started the fire, so had a little more light. And I sort of wanted to have a nice little cuddle by the fire with Johnny when he showed up later. "Yeah. I'm just enjoying the peacefulness, especially since most of the people left." He replied as I joined him. "That's good." I replied. Rebecca and Garrett were standing my the food table with a few other people. They were talking and laughing, which made me happy. I was so glad that my friends were happy as well. "Are you having a good time?" He asked me curiously before he took a sip of his drink. "Yeah, I am. I'm glad everyone was as able to show up." I replied with a smile. He and I talked and joked around a bit before a couple of people walked over to say goodbye. Before long Rebecca, Mark, Garrett, and I were alone once more. We were all sitting around the fire with drinks in our hands. Mark suggested we roast marshmallows, so we did. It was nice just having my three main friends here with me. I think they felt the same way as well. My phone buzzed, and I figured it was Johnny who was messaging me.


How did the party go? I wish I could have been there to see everything and everyone.

It went well, actually. Rebecca, Garrett, and Mark are still here though. I wish you could have been here too, but I'm just glad that you're coming over in a little while.

Yeah, I'm on my way right now. I can't wait to see you sweetheart. I've missed you all day.

Awww. I've missed you all day as well.

Johnny said he'd talk to me when he got there; he didn't wanna text me while he was driving. I didn't blame him; I don't want him getting into a wreck or anything. After I put my phone in my pocket, I talked to my friends for a while before we plunged into a comfortable silence. We all just sort of sat there and watched the crackling fire. "Well, we better get going. It's getting late, and our dormitory hall monitor will be pissed if we get back after curfew." Rebecca said after a good long while. We said our goodbyes, and I was left all alone. I decided to just clean up and put the left over food away, even though there wasn't much left. After everything was put away I walked back outside and found Johnny sitting by the fire. "Hey, there you are." I said with a smile on my face. "Here I am." He said with a chuckle. I walked over to him and we wrapped our arms around each other in a sweet embrace. We broke the hug slightly, and he placed on of his hands on the side of my face. He caressed my cheek a little before we closed the distance between each other. Our lips met in a passionate, yet soft kiss that made my insides melt. We broke the kiss briefly for breath before we kissed each other again. When we broke the kiss again we ended up sitting by the fire and cuddled up to each other. Being with him felt so good. Both of us have been so busy lately. I've been busy with getting my house feeling a little more like home, and studying for finals. He has been busy with creating new lesson plans, and our final project. But with me having my own place, he can stay over whenever he wants. "Raven, there's something I need to tell you." He said, and my stomach filled with anxiety. "What's wrong?" I asked him curiously. "Nothing's wrong, I just need to tell you something. I made a big decision today, and I hope you're okay with it." He said. I urged him to tell me what he decided to do, but I was a little nervous. "Today, I officially decided to quit teaching at the college." He said after he took a deep breath. "Really? Why?" I asked curiously with furrowed brows. "It's just so hard working there. It's hard seeing you everyday and not being able to hug and kiss you, because we have to keep our relationship a secret. You made a huge decision to move into this new place, and I figured I should make a big decision as well." He said with a smile. I completely supported him, and I was actually a little happy that he chose to quit the college. But I knew I'd miss him come next semester, but at least we didn't have to keep sneaking around. He told me he wanted to started writing and that it was his dream to become an author. Even though our future was uncertain, I just knew it was gonna be amazing and wonderful as long as we were together. "I bet all of those girls in your classes will be disappointed that you aren't gonna be there any more after this semester." I said after a long moment of comfortable silence. "True, but they don't really matter. You were the only girl that caught my attention, and I knew I just had to make you mine." He whispered softly in my ear, which sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh, Johnny... I love you" I said with a slight giggle as I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled closer to him. "I love you too, Raven." He replied sweetly. You could say I was pretty happy, and I wondered how my life was gonna turn out after this. But I pressed all of my thoughts to the back of my mind as I just focused on right now. Because being his, is the best feeling ever.

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