《Hot 4 Teacher | Johnny Depp [Complete]》The New Teacher


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and groaned. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, a tinge of excitement and nervousness settled into the pit of my stomach. I was so happy that I'd get to meet some of the friends I made over the past two years. I knew that I wouldn't see all of them, because most of them probably transferred to a different college. As I got out of bed, I shut off my alarm clock and got ready for the day. 'I hope I really like my classes this semester.' I thought inside of my head as I looked through my closet for something to wear. After a few minutes I finally decided on an outfit. I put on my favorite Nightmare Before Christmas t-shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans, my black and white converse, a light black jacket, and my usual jewelry. I just wear bracelets, rings, and necklaces. After I was dressed, I checked my backpack to make sure I had all the books I needed for my classes. I didn't have many, especially since most of classes were art and computer classes. I zipped up my backpack and slipped it on before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. My parents are currently on vacation in Florida, so I knew a hot breakfast wouldn't be ready for me. My mom usually always fixes my breakfast, but I don't mind making my own every once in awhile. I decided to just get myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. Without coffee, I feel like a zombie especially when I have to get up early. When I was finished eating I brushed my teeth and then locked up the house before getting in my car. I turned on the radio before pulling out of the driveway, which helped with the anxiety I was feeling. I hoped that all of my teachers were really cool and nice. Last year surfing the spring semester, half of my teachers were jerks and they really didn't care if we learned anything or not. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I focused on the music that was playing through my car radio. Before I knew it, I was pulling into the college parking lot. I made sure that I got here a little early so I could get some stuff done before my classes started. I turned off my radio and then shut off my car before grabbing my backpack and getting out of the car. After making sure my doors were locked, I walked towards the front doors of the building. 'I have to situate my meal plan.' I said inside of my head as I opened the door. I walked over to the tuition office and handed in my papers; I was surprised that everything went so smoothly as well. Last year I had a hell of a time getting everything sorted, so this year seemed to be starting off good. I checked the time and seen that I had a few minutes to spare before my first class started. I decided to go to the library and check to see if the room numbers changed on my schedule. My phone buzzed, and I wondered who was texting me.

Hey, how are you today?

I'm good, how are you?

I'm alright. I just woke up a few minutes ago. Lol

Lol. When's your first class?

Ten o'clock. It's speech class, which sucks. I hate getting up and speaking in front of people.

I hate it too. I had that class last year.


Garrett and I talked for a little while before I had to go to class. As I left the library, my anxiety kicked back in a little. I couldn't help but feel nervous about being around new people and new teachers. Being in a room with a bunch of other students always gives me anxiety, even during high school, especially on the first couple of days. When I found my classroom, I wasn't surprised that I was the first one there; I always like being there early to get a good seat. I walked all the way towards the other side of the room and sat in the third seat from the front. I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my poetry text book, binder, and notebook. A few minutes went by and a bunch of people started flooding into the room. I recognized a couple of them from last year, but most of them were new faces. Before long the entire classroom was filled with students, which didn't help my nerves. 'Just relax. Everything is gonna be fine. They're just as nervous as you are.' I said inside of my head. A man with shoulder length white hair walked into the room, and I figured he was our teacher. He was wearing a light denim jacket with a thickly striped white and blue buttoned shirt. His jeans matched his jacket, and his shoes were... well.... sandals. "Good morning." He said to us all as he wrote his name on the board. A couple of students said good morning back to him, but most of us didn't. He called out the names of people who were suppose to be in his class before he got started. He handed out several papers for us to look over like every teacher does. He handed out a little survey for us to fill out after he explained what we would be learning in this class. I was actually excited for poetry, unlike most of the people here. I figured some had to take this class for their career pathway requirement. When we finished the survey, Mr. Kane said we were free to leave the classroom and do whatever we wanted. That's one thing I loved about College. When your professors finish what they wanna teach you that day, they'll let you leave early. I checked the time as I walked into the library and figured I'd just read the current book I've been working on. After watching IT, I figured I'd read the book since I loved the movie; I think Bill Skarsgard really brought another element to Pennywise that Tim Curry didn't. I found a peaceful little nook in the library and cracked open my book. I didn't have another class until one thirty, so I had a great deal of time on my hands. On a normal day I would have been in my poetry class from nine o'clock to eleven thirty. I just wished that Garrett's teacher let him out early so we could hangout. After reading a few chapters my phone buzzed, and it was Garrett asking me where I was. I told him and he showed up a few minutes later. "So, how was your summer?" He asked me curiously as he sat down in the chair next to me. "It was good. I didn't really do anything but paint, read, and write though." I said with a slight laugh. "That's good though. I mostly surfed and spent my days on the beach." He replied as he ran a hand through his bleach blond hair. "I can tell." I said with a slight smile. He was brown as a walnut from all the time sitting out in the sun. He was wearing some kind of surfing shirt and a pair of dark green shorts, and he was wearing flip flops. We talked about what we did during summer break and a bunch of other stuff as well. Around lunch time we left the library and walked over to the cafeteria. Unlike high school, the food here is amazing! "Have you seen Lane or any of the others?" I asked him curiously as we got in line. "No, but I messaged a few of them. Apparently they all transferred to different colleges." He said. "Well, good for them. I'm gonna miss them though." I said, and he agreed. We ordered our food and then picked a table to sit at as we waited on our numbers to be called. We talked and ate our food, which was nice after not seeing each other in a few months. After comparing schedules, we found out that we had all of our computer classes together. I was so happy that we had more than one class with each other this year. "We better get going if we don't wanna be late for class." I said, and Garrett agreed with me. We threw our trash in the garbage can and headed to one of our various computer classes. We sat next to each other and hoped that our teacher didn't do sitting charts. Almost no one makes sitting charts, but every once in awhile there's that one teacher that does. Mrs. Carter walked into the classroom after the classroom was packed full of students. Everything went pretty much the same as it did with Mr. Kane, except for the fact that she gave us a pre test instead of a fun little survey. The rest of my teachers seemed really nice and eager to teach us, which was reassuring for me. It meant that I'd actually like my classes, all of them except for math. Math can burn in hell for all I care, but it's still a required class for all students and we have to take it.... every.... single.... year. "When's your last class?" Garrett asked me curiously. "Five o'clock. When's yours?" I replied as he and I walked over to the adventure sports building. I'm not into sports, but Garrett loves to surf, rock climb, swim, etc. "We just left my last class." He said with a slight smirk. "Luck!" I said, and we both laughed a little. "At least it's an art class though." I said as we walked into the rock climbing room. "Who's the teacher?" He asked curiously as he signed in on a sheet. "Mr. Depp. He took Mrs. Pyle's position since she retired. I'm really gonna miss her." I said as he grabbed his rock climbing equipment. "I heard a bunch of girls talking about Mr. Depp in my first class today, apparently he's unbelievably sexy." He said the last part in a feminine sounding voice, which made me laugh. "Well, I guess we'll find out for sure when I go to class." I said. "That we will." He said with a smile. He went and done some rock climbing while I read more of my book. Before I knew it, it was time for my last and final class of the day. Garrett and I said our goodbyes before I made my way across campus to the main building. It wasn't too far since you have to walk through the art wing to get to the adventure sports building. I walked in and breathed a sigh of relief. The art wing is probably the most quiet parts of the college; it's even quieter than the library. Occasionally there will be music playing since the music classes are in this wing as well, but that's about it. I walked into the art room and took my usual seat. Unlike a normal classroom, this one had long tables rather than individual desks; it gives you more room, especially if you're working on a big project. I noticed that the new teacher didn't bother to change anything in the room, which made me happy. No one else was here, but I didn't mind. I took my sketchbook out of my backpack and waited patiently for either students or the teacher to arrive. I heard the door open, and I looked over to see a man wearing a slightly oversized white buttoned shirt. He had black jeans on that had chains hanging from the belt loops, and his shoes looked almost like combat boots. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up, which revealed a great deal of tattoos. His skin was lightly tanned, and his hair short, but not too short; it was a dark brown color as well. He was wearing a good amount of jewelry as well. "Good evening, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here this early. I'm usually a little late myself." He said in a slightly raspy voice that was deep and lovely to the ears. "I like to be early, that was I can get the best seat." I replied. He smiled and looked down at the floor as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, at least I can count on you to be here on time." He replied as he walked to the front of the class. He sat his papers down and took a seat as he waited for more people to show up. "What's your name?" He asked me curiously. "Raven. Raven Gardener." I replied. "That's a pretty name." He said with a smile before he looked down at his list of names. I assumed he wanted to know so he could mark me present before everyone else came in. "Thanks." I said, blushing slightly. Suddenly, the door opened and a flood of girls came into the room. I was overwhelmed by the sudden amount of people in the room, and my anxiety came back. There were so many people that some had to sit on the floor. 'I bet half of them aren't even here for art. They just signed up because of Mr. Depp.' I said inside of my head. Some of them were whispering about how hot and sexy he looked. I knew he heard them, but he acted as if he didn't. "I'll have to talk to some people about the number of students they let enroll in this class. There's just way too many in here for anyone to properly learn or get anything done; we have limited art supplies." He said as he made himself a note. I could feel the girls behind me glaring at each other as if they were about to fight for a spot in the class. He made sure that everyone on his list was here and then passed out papers. He went over everything we were gonna learn in the class and then gave us a little homework assignment. The few guys in the class were the first to leave, but that didn't surprise me. After I had everything in my backpack, I left Mr. Depp with his drooling admirers. I admit that he's the most attractive teacher I've ever met, but I'm not gonna drool over him. I texted Garrett and gave him my verdict on the Mr. Depp case before heading home. I had a good feeling that this was gonna be a good year compared to last year.

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