《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Elise Claire Payne
I just stood frozen unsure of what to do, Princess Payne was on the way and I was just standing there like a fool.
"Okay, let's get you to the hospital." Paul said suddenly next to me.
"B-but the baby isn't due for two weeks."
"Yeah, well this baby is coming now, whether you like it or not." Danielle said.
"Right, right sorry. Let's go." I said ushering her out to the first vehicle we saw. We headed to the hospital and I got a text from Harry saying that they were right behind us.
We arrived at the hospital and Paul got Danielle a wheelchair and I pushed her into the reception area. "How can I help you?" The nurse asked.
"My wife is going into labor! Please hurry!" I said gesturing to Danielle who looked abnormally calm.
"Li," Danielle grabbing my hand, "Relax I'm hardly having contractions."
"Okay, let's get you settled into a room and I'll have you fill out some paper work." A nurse said coming over and taking over my wheelchair duties. I kept a firm grasp on Danielle's hand as we walked to the room.
The nurse helped Danielle get changed into a hospital gown and I filled out some paper work.
"Is the baby here yet?" Niall asked sprinting into the room, just as Danielle had settled onto the bed.
Danielle laughed, "No Niall it's going to be a little while yet. Where's everyone else?"
"Jesus, Niall did you have to run any goddamn faster?" Louis asked as everyone else filed into the room.
The nurse looked at Danielle, "Do you know all of these people?"
Danielle nodded smiling, "They're family."
The nurse just shrugged and finished setting everything up, "I'm going to have to ask everyone but the father of the baby to step out I need to see how far you're dilated. Then everyone can come back in okay?"
Everyone nodded and left room. "Well you're just barely dilated, so it looks like we could be here for a while. Are you comfortable? Do you need anything at all? How bad are the contractions?"
"I could use some water, and they aren't bad at all."
"Okay, I'll be right back with your water. Would you like me to tell everyone else to come in?"
"Um no, just wait a second. Liam can get them in a few minutes." Danielle said squeezing my hand.
"Okay. I'll be back soon." The nurse said smiling and leaving the room.
"Why don't you want everyone to come back inside?" I asked calm since I knew the baby wouldn't be born for a while.
"Can you grab my phone so I can call my family? You should call yours too." I nodded handing her the phone and using my own to call my parents.
"Hi mum."
"Liam, baby how are you?"
"I'm really good, Danielle just went into labor." I said smiling as I heard my mum scream for my dad.
"That's great! Are you flying to the Philippines to be there?"
"No, the girls left their holiday a week early we're in the States. We're at the hospital right now. Dani's on the phone with her family."
"Oh that's great honey. Do you want us to fly there tonight?"
"No, no don't be silly. I'm sure she'll be here by the time you get here anyway."
"Are you sure, Li? We can head to the airport right now."
"No mum, that's not necessary. I'm not sure what the plan is with the tour now, I think Paul is trying to figure it out, but we should be back in a week at the latest. We'll come up and see you, okay?"
"Okay, Li, make sure to call your sisters? I think they're together so just call Ruth's phone."
"Okay, mum. I love you and Dad."
"We love you too, give Danielle our love."
"Will do, by mum." I hung up the phone and called my sister Ruth.
"Hey, Liam, what's up?"
"Are you with Nic?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Put me on speaker."
"Okay, we're both here."
"Good. So are you ready to be aunts?"
"DANIELLE IS IN LABOR?!" They screamed.
"Yeah, her and the girls flew in to join us earlier and she went into labor not long after she got here."
"Oh my gosh my baby brother is going to be daddy!"
"Yeah I'm freaking out. But, I've got to go I'll talk to you both later."
"Okay bye, Li! Love you! Tell Danielle too! Keep us updated!"
"I will, love you too." I hung up the phone and went and joined Danielle. "My family sends their love." I said kissing her forehead as she drank the water the nurse had brought in.
She smiled up and me, "Want to go get Niall and Kiersten?"
I nodded, "I love you so much." I said giving her a kiss. "I love you too, Elise." I said putting my hand on Danielle's belly. I quickly walked out of the room and saw everyone sitting in the waiting room,
"Can we come in now?" Louis asked bouncing in his seat.
"In a minute, yeah. Nialler? Can you and Kiersten come in for a second we want to talk to you."
Niall nodded help Kiersten up. He helped her walk since she could straighten her knees out all the way. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything is great! How you doing, K?" I asked as we walked back to the room.
"Oh I'm fine. How's Danielle doing?"
"She's doing really well. She's barely dilated though so the nurse thinks we'll be here awhile." I said opening the door.
"Hey guys!" Danielle said smiling. "Liam get a chair for her."
I grabbed a chair and put in next to the bed and Kiersten sat in it and sighed in relief. "Is everything okay?" Kiersten asked.
Danielle nodded, "Liam and I were talking and we want you two to be God Parents."
"Really?" Kiersten asked grinning and carefully getting up to give Danielle a hug.
Niall gave me a huge hug and hugged him back tightly. "I'll go get everyone else now." He said backing out of the hug and quickly walking out of the room. I was pretty positive he wiped away a tear but I wasn't a hundred percent sure.
"Niall, mate, are you crying?" Louis asked as everyone came back into the room.
"What? No. I just got something stuck in my eye." Niall said rubbing his eye harshly.
He walked over to where Kiersten was sitting and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Perrie?" Kiersten asked.
"Yeah?" Perrie asked looking up at her.
"I was wondering if you would be one of my bridesmaids."
"Of course!" Perrie yelled flying across the room and giving Kiersten a hug, making everyone in the room laugh.
I looked around the room and smiled, everyone seemed happy. Our lives would be prefect as soon as the whole Demi thing was over.
We sat in the room watching TV and talking for hours. Every time the nurse came into to see how far Danielle was dilated the group would come back with more food and more gifts.
It was around midnight and we had been at the hospital for around eight hours. Kiersten and Xara were sleeping on the couch that Harry and Louis had brought in for them. The nurses of course noticed but just looked the other way.
Niall, Louis, and Zayn were sitting on the floor playing some game that they had made up. Harry had fallen asleep in a chair in the corner of the room. Samie, Eleanor, and Perrie were talking with Danielle, and I was pacing. The more Danielle dilated the more nervous I got. Her contractions were more intense but she was still doing great.
"Hey Zayn?" I asked stopping in front of where he was seated on the floor.
"Yeah, mate? What's up?"
"Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
"Sure." He said getting up off the floor and we walked to the door.
"Liam? Where are you going?" Danielle asked sounding suddenly nervous, like she thought I was bailing on her.
I quickly rushed over to her said, "I'm just going to talk to Zayn for a minute. I promise you I will be right back." I said kissing her forehead. "Do you need anything, before I go?"
Danielle shook her head, "Just promise me you'll come back?"
I smiled softly, "I promise you I will always come back. I'm never going anywhere okay?"
Danielle nodded, "Give me a real kiss."
I smiled and bent down giving her a soft kiss before leaving the room with Zayn. We walked down to the nursery and stood there looking at all of the little pink and blue bundles in their cribs.
"What's going on mate?" Zayn asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
"What's it like?"
"What's what like?"
"Being a dad."
"You already are a dad, to us boys."
"Yeah, but Elise is going to be so small, and a girl. My own flesh and blood, what if I screw up and ruin her whole life?"
Zayn smiled, "Being a dad the greatest feeling in the entire world, especially with a little girl. When she looks up at you with those big eyes you know that you're the most important man in her life and you always we be. Elise is going to think you are the greatest thing to ever walk the earth. You're going to make mistakes, Liam. Nothing is going to stop that from happening, but you're not going to ruin her whole life. I can guarantee it. All you have to do is love her. And you already do that, so you're going to be great. I know it."
"You really think I'll be a good dad?"
Zayn laughed, "Liam you were born to born to be a dad. You're the definition of a perfect dad. You're fun, you act like a kid most of the time, but you're sensible, you're caring. Seriously, Liam. Everything is going to be fine. Better than fine actually."
"Thanks, mate."
"You're welcome." He said pulling me into a hug, "Now let's get back in there so your beautiful wife can give you that beautiful daughter alright?"
I nodded and we walked back into the room and Danielle looked up at me. I quickly walked across the room and gave her a kiss.
"Everything okay?" She asked looking up at me worriedly.
"Everything is perfect."
It was nearing five in the morning and Danielle was almost fully dilated. Her contractions were frequent and intense but she hardly noticed them because of the epidural and the nurse said it would be much longer.
The people in the room had slowly gotten smaller and smaller and now it was just Niall sitting in a chair fidgeting. I was pretty sure that everyone else was asleep in the waiting room.
"Niall you don't have to be in here. Go out and get some sleep." I said from my spot next to Danielle's bed.
"Don't be stupid, Liam. That's my God daughter. I can't just sleep when she's about to be born."
I smiled happy with the decision to make Kiersten and Niall God parents.
"Hey." Kiersten carefully coming into the room, "How's she doing?"
Niall quickly jumped up and sat Kiersten in the chair he was sitting in. "What are you doing, babe? I thought you were sleeping."
"Can't sleep when my God daughter is about to be born, can I?" She said smiling.
"That's what I said!" Niall said grabbing another chair and sitting next to his fiancé.
I just chuckled and the nurse came in, "I'm going to check and see how far along we are." She said looking at Niall and Kiersten.
They nodded and started to get up but Danielle stopped them, "I want them to stay."
The nurse nodded and checked and then she grinned, "We're at ten centimeters! I'm going to go get the doctor and we're going to deliver this baby." She said quickly leaving the room.
"She's coming." Danielle said smiling.
"Yes she is," I grinned and pushed Danielle's hair back so I could kiss her forehead.
Danielle turned her attention to Kiersten and Niall, "I want you guys to stay for the delivery. I won't take no for an answer."
They just nodded lacing their fingers together and smiling.
"Are we ready to have this baby?" A man walked in grinning and pulling on some gloves, "I'm Doctor Matthews, are you ready to push?"
Danielle nodded and three nurses walked in. One handed a set of scrubs and gloves to Kiersten, Niall, and I and we put them on quickly.
After twenty minutes of cursing, screaming, and pushing we finally heard Elise Claire cry. "It's a very healthy baby girl." The doctor said smiling.
The doctor set her on Danielle chest and I saw the tears on Danielle's cheeks and felt them on my own. "She's here, Li. She's here." Danielle said squeezing my hand.
"I know and she's perfect." I said kissing Danielle's forehead for what seemed like the thousandth time.
"I'll get her cleaned up and bring her right back okay?" The nurse said taking the baby off of Danielle's chest.
"Why don't you two go out make sure everyone is awake?" The nurse said to Kiersten and Niall who nodded and left the room.
"Okay, dear. We've got to get rid of the placenta and then we'll get you cleaned up and you can hold your baby, okay?"
Danielle nodded and after some more screaming I was told to go get everyone.
I walked out to the waiting room and smiled as I heard everyone arguing.
"I get to hold her first!" Harry said.
"No I'm her God mother I get to hold her first."
"Yeah well I'm Louis, so I get to hold her first."
I felt a slight tug on my scrub pants and I looked down and saw Xara, "Beebee Ewise here?" She asked quietly.
I nodded and bent down picking her up, "Would you like to hold her?" I asked. She nodded excitedly and I quietly backed out of the waiting room hoping no one else would notice us.
"Here's who gets to hold her first." I said coming into the room. I stopped when I saw the beautiful sight before me. Danielle was holding the baby and humming quietly as they looked into each other's eyes.
Danielle looked up at me and smiled, "Hey Tootie, you want to meet your cousin Elise?"
Xara nodded and wiggled out of my arms and ran across the room. "Beebee." She said pointing.
"That's right, that's Baby Elise." I said picking Xara up and setting her on the bed. I helped her sit on the bed and hold her arms out.
I picked up Elise and smiled, "Hi baby. I'm your daddy." I said softly rubbing her cheek. "You're so beautiful, you look just like your mum. Would you like your cousin Xara to hold you?" I asked as I gently set the newborn on Xara's lap. Danielle helped Xara hold Elise's head up and I quickly took a picture with my phone.
I sent it to everyone in the waiting room along with, Xara beat you all.
"What a brat!" I heard Louis scream and then there was running feet and everyone appeared in the door way.
"Look me hold beebee!" Xara yelled grinning making everyone laugh."
"That's right baby, that's your cousin Elise." Zayn said brushing Xara's hair back and wrapping an arm around Perrie's waist.
We all stood in a circle around the bed and stared at the two One Direction babies.
Three days later we were sitting on the couches on the tour bus. Danielle wanted us to finish the tour so all of the girls came with us. I was holding Ellie, as we had taken to calling her, in my arms and Danielle was sitting next to me playing with the curls that were already forming on the baby's head.
"I have a question." Louis said from his spot on the kitchen bench. "If we're calling all of our kids cousins how are any of them going to get married?"
Everyone laughed, "Well I'm not letting any of my kids marry anyone who's last name means The Whore." Zayn said and Niall leaned over and punched him in the arm.
"Don't worry, Niall, my dad is letting me marry someone with that last name." Kiersten said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Ugh stop it you two are making my eyes burn." Harry said squeezing his eyes shut.
"Saaaaamie!" Louis screamed grunting a few times, mocking Harry. Samie blushed and hid her face in Harry's shoulder.
"You've got no room to talk, mate." Zayn said with a laugh.
"Uh you either, Z." Niall said, "Xara slept in our room the other night for what reason?"
"So I guess the only people that are in the clear of not having sex upon reuniting are the Paynes and Kiall." Harry said.
"Yeah well Liam's still go four to six weeks and how many days do you got Niall? Got a countdown yet?" Louis teased making Niall let out a loud laugh, but he was the only who really laughed, we all chuckled but stopped once we saw Kiersten's face.
Kiersten huffed in annoyance and headed back to the bunk section. Niall sighed and stood up following her.
"Louis William Tomlinson get back there and apologize now." Eleanor snapped.
Louis hopped off the bench with a guilty look on his face and walked back to the bunk area.
"Get. Out." Kiersten snapped. I could hear Louis and Niall talking to her but she cut them off, "I don't want to talk to either of you!" She yelled.
Louis and Niall both walked out with their heads down and sat back in their spots. Kiersten walked through the living room not looking at anyone.
"Kiersten, babe are you alright?" Eleanor asked carefully.
Kiersten shook her head and turned around, "I get that I'm a virgin. Trust me. I know I'm a virgin. But you don't have to make fun of me for it because I'm fucking proud of it, okay?" She walked into the recording studio and slammed the door shut and we heard the lock click.
Niall stood up and looked Louis right in the eye, "Thanks for that." He said before walking back to the bunk area.
We all separated and did our own things. Danielle and I curled up in my bunk with Elise and took a nap.
Harry woke us up later to tell us we were at the concert venue. "What are my girls going to do while I'm singing?" I asked rubbing Elise's cheek.
"I think we'll sit in the dressing room and watch daddy on the screen." Danielle said kissing me cheek.
I smiled and helped Danielle out of the bunk. I carried Elise inside and gave her to Lou who was practically begging to hold her.
"I'll be right back." I said kissing Danielle's cheek and going to find a bathroom.
I was on my way there when I ran into Kiersten. She gave me a weak smile and tried to keep walking past me but I stopped her and pulled her into my chest. "You okay, love?" I asked.
Kiersten nodded, "I'm just a bit emotional today."
"That time of the month?" I asked rubbing her back gently.
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