《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Re-Promise
I looked at Niall's crying face and my heart broke. I hadn't wanted him to cry.
*******************Flash Back****************
The doctor came into the room and smiled at me, "Alright Ms. Clifford you'll have to be in the cast for six months, but the surgery went great. Your head might be a little sore and watch for serious signs of a concussion, but other than that you really should be fine."
"Oh okay." I said looking down at the lime green cast on my leg. "Um doctor?"
"Can I ask you to do something for me?"
"Sure. What is it?"
***************************************Not Flash Back*******************************
"Niall." I whispered, and he looked at me with those blue eyes I love so much.
"Come here." I whispered grasping his arm. "I think the girls just won the prank war."
Niall snapped his head back and looked at me. He just looked like a confused baby penguin. But then his face quickly changed, "Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled stepping away from the bed.
"Niall! Why are you yelling you're going to scare her!" Liam said jumping up and trying to sit him down.
"No! It's a prank! She fucking remembers everything!" Niall yelled.
Everyone turned and looked at me shock and hurt in their eyes, I burst into tears.
"Why are you crying?" Eleanor asked wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"I just wanted to lighten the mood. I didn't want to hurt anyone." I sobbed.
I heard a groan I recognized as Niall's and then I felt the bed move as Eleanor slipped away. "I'm sorry I made you cry." Niall whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry I made you cry, too." I said as I cradled my head in the crook of his neck.
"I'm not going to say it's okay because it wasn't. Please never ever, ever do that to me again. You don't understand what it was like to think that you didn't remember us together." He whispered in my ear.
I tilted my head up and pressed a light but passionate kiss to his lips. "Can we go home now?" I asked getting tired.
"No, baby we can't. We've still got a couple more months of tour." Niall replied kissing my forehead. "El, why don't you Samie, and Dani run and get Kiersten some clothes and then bring them back here. The bus is just outside, since we have to hit the road once we're done here."
"The bus is outside? How long have I been here?" I asked thinking it had just been like an hour or so.
"It's almost noon." Niall said, "You had this crazy surgery to help your leg that took forever."
"Oh..." I said and Niall kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his shoulder. All of the other boys carefully climbed onto the bed and gave me a hug, but they were gentle because my whole body was covered in bruises.
"I hate you. But I love you." Louis said kissing my cheek.
"I'm sorry, guys. I just wanted to make this not so bad." I mumbled into Zayn's arm.
"Okay. You are free to go. If you have any problems just make sure to get help right away." The doctor said interrupting the little love session we were having on my bed.
The girls came back with my clothes. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_37/set?id=57308316) The nurse had recommended a lot short shorts and dresses because it would be hard to fit much of anything else over my cast which went from the middle of my thigh to the middle of my foot. Niall was rather happy with this recommendation.
We climbed back onto the tour bus and I was whisked off to the girls' bus to do wedding planning with the rest of the girls.
"Okay so I know for sure I want this dress." Danielle said when we settled down on the couches. She opened up her computer where one of her dancer friends who would be her maid of honor was going to Skype with us. Eleanor and I got our Skypes set up with Liam's two sisters who would also be in the wedding. I propped my leg up on the table and rested my hand back as Danielle held a picture of a dress in front of my face.
"Aw! Dani that's perfect for you!" I said. The girls nodded in agreement and we sat flipping through magazines and online articles trying to find the perfect flowers, bridesmaid dresses, make-up techniques. Everything.
"Oh!" Danielle said "I wanted to show you guys these." She said pulling out two boxes. "Once we announced our wedding date and stuff I got all this stuff sent in. Liam said in an interview that our colors were royal sapphire blue and a lighter pastel blue. So Tiffany's sent me these." She said opening the smaller box to reveal a pair of gorgeous sapphire and diamond earrings. "And Christian Louboutin sent me these. Aren't they amazing? Obviously my dress will cover them but they're still gorgeous? And they say Mr. and Mrs. Payne December 13, 2014 on the bottom." She said turning the shoes over so we could see the perfectly written words on the red soles. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57613633)
We finished picking out everything for Danielle and I knew she would look beautiful at her wedding, and we decided it would be best to let Danielle's hair just be in its natural crazy curly state because that's how Liam likes it best. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57614866)
Next we had to figure out the bridesmaids dresses, we all agreed on a long one so my ugly cast would be covered and then Niall called me, "Hello?" I said trying to keep myself awake.
"Babe? I was just calling to tell you, you should go to sleep. You're on some heavy pain meds, it's not good to keep yourself awake."
"We have to get this done. I'll go to bed as soon as we figure out what heels we're going to wear." I groaned into the phone.
"Kiersten, baby you can't wear heels, you're going to be on crutches." Niall said chuckling a little.
"Dang it." I mumbled turning to look at Danielle who was seated next to me.
"Already planned on having all you girls wear flats." She said grinning at me.
"I'll get to sleep as soon as we finish okay, babe?"
"We're stopping in forty-five minutes and I want to sleep on the same bus as you." Niall said.
"No. We're having a girls night."
"Kiersten I know you. You'll stay up all night talking. You just had fucking surgery you need to get your rest."
"Ugh. Fine. But only because I want to cuddle." I said and Niall agreed.
We finally got the bridesmaids dresses picked out along with flowers and shoes. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_40/set?id=57617158).
Niall crawled into my bed on the bus and I laid down next to him. "Night, beautiful." He whispered before kissing me lightly.
"Night, Ni. I love you." I mumbled sleepily and I heard him say it back just before drifting off to sleep.
The next day the boys had a concert and Niall made me stay on the bus so I wouldn't get hurt since I was on crutches and was rather slow. So the boys did their concert and then went out for a couple of drinks so I slept in a bunk on the girls' bus, it was the night before my birthday and I excited to see what Niall had planned for me.
I woke up to the girls singing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs. Samie handed me a blueberry muffin with a candle in it. I blew out the candle and they all cheered. "Okay, birthday girl time to get up we're almost to the hotel." Danielle said helping me out of my bunk. I changed into my birthday outfit (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_41/set?id=57640815) and Eleanor curled my hair for me.
We arrived at the hotel got off the bus. Niall was the first one off the boys' bus. He kissed my cheek, "You look cute today. I've got a hangover, so I'm going ta bed. Have a good day baby cakes." He said before walking into the building. I just stared after him, that's all I got? Not even a happy birthday?
I turned around and looked at the girls who just wrapped me in a hug. "I bet he's just planning something really special." Danielle said rubbing my back.
"Happy Birthday beautiful!" I heard a very Louis like screech. I turned around and Louis wrapped me up in a big hug.
Everyone else wished me a happy birthday and we all went out for breakfast. I pulled five month Xara into my lap and ordered strawberry French toast. "Where's Niall?" Liam asked, after the waitress took everyone's orders.
"He's got a hangover." I said not even bothering to look up from Xara's intense green eyes.
"Oh. Well that's okay, because we'll give you the best birthday ever! And be happy! Not many small town girls from Wisconsin get to spend their 20th birthdays in Tokyo!" Liam said grinning at me from across the table.
"Thanks, LI." I said smiling at him and taking a sip of my apple juice.
I did have a good birthday, too. They took me to Tokyo Disney and to Disney Sea, and I had a blast. Harry pushed me around in a wheel chair all day so I didn't have to use my crutches to cover the huge space. It was so cool being there with everyone although I did really wish Niall could've been there too. I didn't hear from him all day. Not a happy birthday text, not an are you having a good day phone call, nothing.
We arrived back at the hotel at eleven thirty at night and I was still hoping Niall would remember it was my birthday. He hadn't been on Twitter all day so the trends obviously didn't help him out.
I walked on my crutches into our empty hotel room and sighed. I changed into a baggy t-shirt and a pair of short shorts. I got ready for bed and the crawled into it, shutting my eyes and willing sleep to come.
I heard Niall come in a while later at glanced up at the clock 11:58 it read in blinding green numbers.
Niall went into the bathroom and returned a few minutes later. I shut my eyes so he would think that I was asleep. I felt him crawl in next to me and wrap an arm around me. As I heard Niall's soft snoring a tear slid down my cheek, he really had forgotten my birthday.
I woke up the next morning to see Niall smiling at me, "Morning princess." He said leaning in for a kiss. I pushed him away and climbed out of the bed not even looking at him. "What the hell did I do?" He asked.
I crutched my way into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I thought about breaking bones when I was younger and how you had to wrap your cast in a garbage bag and I was thankful for the new waterproof casts. I sat down in the shower and took a nice and hot long one. The whole time I could hear Niall jiggling the handle, knocking on the door, and asking what was wrong with me. I climbed out and wrapped the extra-large fluffy white towel around my body and made my way back into the bedroom. I grabbed my brush out of my bag and started pulling it through my wet hair.
"Are you going to tell me why you're mad at me now?" Niall asked from where he lay on the bed still in just his boxers. I said nothing just continued brushing my hair. I put on my outfit (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57828870). I just dressed comfy because I had just planned on lounging around the hotel all day. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything. I started applying make-up as Niall continued to babble on about he hadn't done anything wrong. I finished up just as he laughed, "I didn't forget your birthday or something did I?" He asked in joking voice.
I turned around and glared at him. He glanced down at his phone, "Shit." He breathed out and looked up at me. I said nothing. I stood up and grabbed my crutches and made my way out of the room and into the hallway, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Baby!" I heard Niall yell. I just made my crutches go faster.
I could hear Niall's heavy footsteps behind me running. I knew I would forgive him. I just didn't want him to see me cry. He cut in front of me and turned around so I stopped. "Kiersten, babe I am so sorry I forgot your birthday. But I already have your present and I'll tell Paul that I need the day off and I'll make it up to you okay? I'll fix this and you'll have the best day after your birthday ever." He said wiping a couple tears off my face.
I nodded and he kissed me lightly. "Now what would you like to do today?" He asked running his thumbs across my cheeks.
"Can we just cuddle and watch movies?" I asked.
"Of course, beautiful." He said and we went back to our room. "Now you wait here and I'll be back in like ten minutes." He said pulling on some clothes. He kissed my forehead and headed out the door. I grabbed his laptop off the table and opened up Twitter. People had finally stopped giving me so much hate. A lot of fans had actually tweeted me telling me that they hoped I was okay, and that my leg got better soon. Of course I still got hate daily, but it was not nearly as much as it had been before. There was a tweet from Demi about how annoying and attention seeking I was. I just rolled my eyes and replied to some fans, ignoring her stupidity all together. Five months and she still wasn't over it.
Niall walked in the door with a couple bags and a bouquet of light pink roses, "Twenty beautiful roses for the even more beautiful twenty year old." He said giving me a kiss. "Plus, Rocky Road, Banana Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, your favorites. Plus I stole all the Batman movies from Zayn." He walked over to his suitcase and grabbed out a robin's egg blue box with a little white ribbon tied on it. "And here's your present." He said sitting down on the bed next to me and handing me the delicate blue box.
I carefully untied the ribbon. I opened the box and looked at the ring and then hit Niall. "I showed this to you because it's ridiculous to spend a million on one ring, not because I wanted it! Take it back."
"Well yeah, but it's pretty. I'm not taking it back. Here, we needed a re-promise ring anyway." He said taking the ring he gave me almost a year ago off. He placed the pear shaped pink diamond platinum ring on my finger and I looked at it. It was really pretty.
"I love you." I said kissing his cheek.
"I love you, too." He said combing his fingers through my hair.
We sat and watched all the Batman movies and ate ice cream and ordered room service.
It was just before dinner time and Niall and I were both going stir crazy. "Wanna go grab some food from somewhere? Sushi, maybe?" He asked lightly running his hand up my bare thigh, absentmindedly.
"Sure." I said grabbing his hand and kissing it. He smiled at me and then stood up grabbing my crutches so I could get up. "Should I change do you think?" I asked looking down at the pink boxer like shorts I had on.
"Nope. You're perfect." He said kissing my nose.
I scrunched it up and titled my head up so our lips touched. "I'm crazy about you. Did you know that?" He asked grabbing his wallet and dropping his green snapback on my head, before placing a red one on his own.
"Really? I had no idea. I thought you hated me." I said as we made our way out of the room and down to the hall to the elevator.
Niall laughed as I hit the down button and someone cleared their throat behind us. We turned around and found Paul standing there with his arms crossed and an un-amused expression on his face. "And where were you two planning on going?"
"Erm, to get sushi?" Niall questioned with a smiled.
"By yourselves?" Paul asked an eyebrow raised.
"Um, yep. Looks that way." Niall said.
"Well come on, I'm hungry too. Let's go." Paul said as the elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.
We were on the 41st floor so it was long elevator ride. I was studying a poster on the wall of the elevator when I heard Niall, "Babe." He said tapping my shoulder.
"Yeah, crocaniall?" I asked turning to look at him, proud of the new nickname I had thought of.
He stared at me for a second before laughing loudly. He pointed to his cheek. I smirked and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek when he turned his head so I kissed his lips. "You're naughty." I said and he just winked at me.
I heard Paul chuckle behind us and we looked at him, "I remember being young and in love." He said smiling to himself.
"I wouldn't mind sharing a couple kisses with your wife, Paul. She's hot." Niall said and Paul and I both smacked him. "Just kidding boo, the only person I want to share kisses with is you." He said pecking my lips.
"Better be." I said poking his cheek, just as the doors opened. I winced as the screams got louder.
"You couldn't just order room service like everyone else." Paul mumbled as we made our way out into the lobby.
We ventured out into the crowd stopping to sign things, and take pictures. We finally made it through the crowd and found a decent sushi place.
We tried it and Paul and Niall liked it but I just wasn't really a sushi person. Coming from Wisconsin I was a meat and potatoes kind of girl. The only fish I really liked got fried and you ate it on Friday nights. So, after the boys finished we stopped at McDonalds and I got some chicken strips and Niall got even more food.
We got back to the hotel with no problems and then Niall and I went and played with Xara. "Hey Tootie Loo." Niall said stretching out on his stomach next to where she was on the floor. He made a face at her and she laughed.
"How are you feeling?" Zayn asked me grabbing a sharpie from his bag and pulling leg into his lap. I didn't have a lot of names and stuff written on my cast so there was a lot of room for Zayn to draw on it.
"I'm alright. It hurts sometimes, but I'll be okay. It comes off in January." I said.
Zayn nodded, "As long as you're careful and don't move around on it too much, and let it heal it will come off in January."
"Yeah, whatever shut up. So what's going on tomorrow?" I asked as Zayn continued to draw on my cast.
"We're shooting a music video!" Zayn said excitedly.
"Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to talk to you about that babe." Niall said from his spot on the floor.
"Oh, why?"
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