《the mr and mrs : e.d》twenty


jordyn dolan

"Oh my god." I tried not to make a noise in the middle of the night, but the pain in my belly was killing me. I flipped the blanket off of me and dangled my legs over the edge of the bed. I took in deep breaths to try and get over the pain.

But of course, nothing worked.

I was almost half way through my pregnancy and it was just getting worse and worse. I was just getting more uncomfortable. I wasn't even that huge yet, clearly you could tell I was pregnant, but not anywhere close to big baby belly.

"Hey, you okay?" Ethan saw me swaying forward and backwards on the bed trying to spread the pain somewhere else in my body. He put his hand on my back.

I shook my head and stood up off of the bed. I began to walk around the room. I was willing to try anything at this point, the pain was just so brutal.

"What's hurting?" Ethan shot out of bed and ran over to me. He lightly touched my belly and with concern in his eyes, he looked at me.

"They're moving around." I tightened my face as the pain got even worse at that moment.

"The babies?" A giant smile appeared on his face. "I wanna feel."

"Ethan!" I groaned.

"Right, right." He focused again and walked me towards the bed. "Just lay down and take deep breathes." He lightly moved the blanket out of way and gently lowered me down on the mattress.

I leaned my head back on the few pillows and closed my eyes. I slowly took in deep breathes and slowly exhaled them. I felt Ethan lay on the bed next to me and he placed his hand on my belly since I was just wearing a loose sports bra. To my surprise it actually soothed me a little bit.


I heard a light gasp come from Ethan's lips. I opened my eyes to see a smile plastered on his cheeks.

"One of them kicked." He sat up quickly and placed his hand back on my belly. His excitement was the cutest thing that my pain was completely gone. "I've never felt that before."

I lightly bit my thumb's fingernail and smiled towards him. His smile made my happiness overpower my entire body.

"This is so cool." He put his cheek on my belly.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled.

"I want them to kick my face." He looked at me with a smile.

"What?" I laughed. "You're so weird." I threw my head back on the pillows.

"Do you feel this everyday?" He asks.

"I think so, yeah." I nodded. "It just doesn't always feel like a kick."

"This is so cool!" He sat up and kissed my cheek.

"Uncle Ethan?" River was standing in our doorway while rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, little one. What's up?" He patted the bed for her to come over. She climbed onto the bed in her pajamas.

"I can't sleep."

"Do you want to feel something?" I asked with a smile and she nodded. "Touch my belly and you can feel the babies kick." I lightly placed her hand on my tummy and we both waited.

A light gasp came from her lips and a smile appeared.

"You felt that?" I smiled.

"Yeah!" She jumped up onto her knees. "What was that?"

"The babies moving around inside my belly."

"Woahhh!" She put both hands on my stomach.

"River?" Grayson looked in the doorway in a panic. "Oh my god, sorry guys." He walked over to the bed and reached to pick up his daughter.


"It's okay, Grayson." I smiled. "We were already up."

He walked over to the bed and put his hands on River's small shoulders. She rubbed her eyes again which made me lightly smile.

"How are you doing?" Ethan asked his brother while River continued to touch my stomach.

"I'm trying. It's hard to do all of this alone, especially when I'm trying to get a custody court date." We weren't worried about River hearing because she doesn't know what any of these words mean.

I looked over to Ethan and he had a pitiful look on his face. There was no other facial expression to give Grayson at this point. You can't help but feel for him.

"It's going to work out in your favor." I reassured him and he nodded to thank me.

"River." Grayson looked to his daughter. "We're going to Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow, so we gotta go to bed and get some sleep." He held out his hand and she grabbed it. He picked her up and placed her on the ground.

"Goodnight, River." Ethan waved.

"Goodnight!" She yelled back to the both of us. Grayson closed the door once they were out of the room and then Ethan looked at me.

"What?" I chuckled.

"You're just so pretty." He rested his head on my shoulder. "And I'm just so happy." He grabbed my hand and played with my fingers.


"Cause you're carrying our two babies. Our baby girl and our baby boy. I get to have a Daddy's Little Girl and a little boy who I shape into being a man. This is going to be my new favorite life and you're giving that to me."

I pressed my lips on his forehead for a couple of seconds before pulling away. "You're going to be the best dad."

He continued to rest his head on my shoulder and lightly run his fingers along my hand. It was really quite soothing.

Soon enough I began to drift off to sleep thinking about how much I really do love my husband Ethan Dolan and how much we were going to love these two little ones.

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