《People Meet Percabeth》Joseph Burns


Joseph's POV:

Hi. My name is Joseph Burns. I am so handsome. I have curly brown hair and stunning blue eyes. I go to The Bay School of San Fransico. Since I am the hottest boy, I should be paired up with the hottest girl, right? The hottest girl in school is Annabeth Chase. She has curly blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. Some guys think that the grey is weird, but I find it attracting. Speaking of Annabeth, there she is at her locker. I sidle up to her.

"Hey Babe," I say, wiggling my eyebrows. Annabeth sighs. She must just be really frustrated with her English class. She has dyslexia. I can just picture us in a fire lit room. Me tutoring her, (okay maybe I have straight D's, but that is beside the point!) and her leaning in for a kiss...

"JOSEPH!" Annabeth practically shouts at me. "What do you want?"

"Huh?" Is my brilliant response.

"You were just standing there! What do you want? And DO NOT call me babe!"

"Okay, Annie-"

"AND DON'T CALL ME ANNIE!" I hold up my hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay! I was just wondering if you needed help studying." Annabeth sighs again.

"Just because I have dyslexia, doesn't mean I need help! I actually have straight A's!" I stare at her dumbstruck. Then I sigh. A smart, pretty girl. Even better.


Two days later...

After a few more, well not failed attempts, attempts I could learn from. I decide that the only way I can get her is to corner here. I spot her right around the corner talking to a small girl. As I get closer I overhear part of their conversation.

"You have dyslexia and ADHD?" The little girl nods.


"And your dad "died?" The girl nods again. I clear my throat. Annabeth looks up.

"Joseph," Annabeth's voice is flat. "Would you mind leaving? I am doing something very important!"

"You mean talking to a little girl?" I lean closer and closer... and then a huge monster truck comes out of nowhere, lunging for the girl and Annabeth. I instantly put myself in front of her. She says something in Greek, I think.

"πάει στα κοράκια!" The little girl looks shocked. Annabeth pulls out a handgun and shoots at the truck. It collapses.

"What the-"

"No time Joseph!" Annabeth pulls out a phone. "PERCY! WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE!"

"Okay, I am going to get Neeks to shadow travel!"

"What is going on?" Then more importantly, "WHO WAS THAT!"

"That was my boyfriend, Percy Jackson." Annabeth is leading the little girl out of the school.

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?" Shock was mine.

"Yes," Annabeth replies. All of the sudden, two boys appear.

"Goodbye Joseph." That was the last I would ever see of Annabeth.

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