《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 twenty 』


both of the lads were silently walking down the streets and sipping their bubble tea which Yeonjun bought for them. Soobin treated him earlier for dinner in the Korean fast food restaurant and to be equal, Yeonjun treat him bubble tea.

the bubble tea shop was actually closing but luckily, the owner still gave them a chance to buy. it's kinda odd because who would have thought of drinking a cold beverage in night when the surroundings is cold? but anyhows, they both feel warm as they were close next to each other and still holding their hands.

it's like they are shooting in some Drama film, walking down in a cold night while streetlights are giving them brightness to their dark surroundings, silently holding each other's hands while feeling their presence, least people are walking and there are less cars that can be seen on the road, and there are no clouds in the sky which the stars can be seen clearly sparkling above and the moon giving light.

what a perfect night to enjoy their date.

Yeonjun's heart is still beating faster than its normal beat since earlier as Soobin's skin contact to him is making a zoo getting wild inside his stomach. he don't why he suddenly felt like these when yesterday he's kind of pissed to the younger.

a day just passed and their night yesterday and today has a lot of difference.

❝❞ Soobin spoke, making the older hum in response then looked at him. ❝❞

Yeonjun shrug his head as a no then curved his lips into a smile but deep inside of him knows that his dad will kill him if he don't come back to their house. his father might think that he is being rebellious to him now.

Soobin furrowed his brows then spoke, ❝❞ before sipping his bubble tea. ❝❞ Yeonjun uttered then gave the younger a reassuring smile while touching his soft hair. he's quite sad that he's touching his own hair. he wished that it's Soobin's so that he can feel Soobin's real hair.


Soobin hummed then smiled back to the older. he removed Yeonjun's hand on his hair then put it into his own hair. ❝❞ he uttered then motioned Yeonjun's hand by tapping his head.

Yeonjun's cheeks suddenly heated up again making him blush. noticing the older being a little bit reddish, Soobin let out a chuckle. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun said then rolled his eyes.

❝❞ hearing those words made Yeonjun's cheeks red as a tomato. he took a sip of his bubble tea then looked somewhere but not on the younger's eyes.

noticing that they were now both at the front of the younger's house, Soobin removed his hand off Yeonjun as he pull out the key of his door inside his pocket which made the older pout. a second just past by but he already want Soobin's hands to hold his again.

why is he being like this anyways.

the two both entered the house after Soobin opened the door and turned on the lights. Yeonjun quickly threw himself on the couch before stretching his arms and back and letting out a whine. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun complained. Soobin just hummed. the fact, his body is not heavy, he's just really timid and get tired easily.

seeing the older yawn, Soobin let out a chuckle. ❝❞ he uttered before walking upstairs, leaving Yeonjun already half-sleeping on the couch.

as Soobin enter his room, he firstly plopped his keys on the nightstand before going inside the bathroom to have some quick half-bath shower. he needs to freshen his self first before going to his dreamland so that he can have a better sleep. he still feel awkward in his body though but maybe he'll get used to it someday if this things get take longer.

turning on his shower, scenarios of his date with Yeonjun earlier quickly popped inside his mind making him unexpectedly smile.


"Yeonjun hyung was the one who you always talk about before, right?"

remembering Huening Kai's question made Soobin's heart beat faster as if it will come out from his chest sooner. he didn't mentioned any names to the younger before everytime he talk about it because he expected that he will never see him again.

but maybe, destiny is being good to him right now and their paths have crossed again. unfortunately, the older didn't know anything about the past since Soobin was the only one who can recall about it for some reasons.

anyhows, he's still glad that he met him again after more than a decade.

Soobin went outside the bathroom after wrapping his towel around his torso. ❝❞ he quickly uttered as he saw the older lying down on his bed and spreading his arms and legs.

❝❞ Yeonjun whinned then hugged one of Soobin's pillow before curving his lips into a smile.

the younger noticed that Yeonjun is still half-sleeping as his eyes were partially closed. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun frowned. he quickly sat down then pout his lips making Soobin confused. his eyes are still half close thinking that maybe the older is always like this whenever he's really sleepy and tired. he looked drunk, ❝❞ and act like he got drunk.

Soobin facepalm himself before letting out a sigh. ❝❞

❝❞ Soobin looked at Yeonjun who's pouting his lips even more. it looks like the older is sleep talking and sleep moving but no, he's just half-awake. he's aware of what he is doing but he thinks that he's just dreaming even though he is not.

he's not used sleeping with anybody but since it's Yeonjun, nothing is wrong with that. ❝❞

Yeonjun quickly grinned then throw his back on the bed before grabbing the pillow he hugged earlier. seeing the older's actions made Soobin's heart melt. he imagined Yeonjun being in his own appearance and acting like that thinking how cute he is.

he grabbed his pajamas in his closet before walking inside the bathroom again to wear it. Yeonjun noticed that and wanted to tell why he still went inside the bathroom if it is his own body anyways, but being so tired to speak, he just let it be.

❝❞ Soobin spoke after walking out the bathroom.

the older groan, ❝❞ he whined again then hugged the pillow tighter. Soobin just let out a sigh then lay beside Yeonjun.

Soobin faced on the opposite side where Yeonjun is since he still felt awkward at the same time nervous at the older who is sleeping with him, in the same room and on the same bed.


Yeonjun hummed in response. before Soobin close his eyes, the older spoke again. ❝❞

then suddenly, Soobin felt arm surrounding his stomach, making his heart starting to beat crazier as if it will explode sooner. he also felt a head burying on his back which made him squeal inside.

❝❞ Yeonjun uttered before tightening his hug on the younger.

❝❞ the older mumbled but clear enough for Soobin to understand.

he was about to speak but quickly kept his mouth shut after hearing soft snores from Yeonjun. the older had now finally drifted himself to his dreamland.

Soobin hold Yeonjun's hand before closing his eyes.

he wish this night won't end.

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