《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 five 』


after eating, the two played rock-paper-scissors to see who'll wash the dishes and guess what, yeonjun lost. it doesn't matter on him though since he knew that the younger was the one who cooked earlier, it will be a shame if he'll also wash the dishes. but it is a shame also when you let a visitor wash the dishes right?

but anyhows, soobin doesn't see him as a visitor so he don't felt any conscience about it. while yeonjun will wash the dishes, soobin went on the living room to watch his favorite movie, feeling like a boss at the way how he sit in his couch because he's not the one who's washing the dishes. he actually hate doing household chores even simple things.

he don't usually eat in the house that's why he also don't have any dishes to wash always. he's always not at home that's why the house has less mess. there's a reason why they call him a 'sloth' but don't get it wrong, he do all his projects and passed it in right time. he just hates doing household chores.

hearing a thud coming from the kitchen made soobin flinch and rushed towards the kitchen. he hopes the older is not mad to wreck his things.

❝❞ he asked yeonjun who's slowly picking a broken glass scattered on the floor. the boy suddenly flinch hearing soobin's raspy voice, making his finger accidentally jab onto the broken glass and started to bleed.

❝❞ yeonjun muttered while hissing in pain and continue to pick the pieces of the broken glass, ignoring the blood coming out from his finger.

if he didn't space out while washing the glass, he'll not accidentally let go of it and fell on the ground. he should be careful next time, he's not in his house, he just broke a glass and he wounded soobin body which he know the younger will get mad.


❝y❞ yeonjun eyes widenend hearing the lad's soft voice. he stopped what he's doing as soobin held his hand making the older's heart beat so fast like wanting to win in a marathon.

❝❞ soobin uttered and slowly supported yeonjun to stand up. yeonjun just nodded while looking down, avoiding soobin gaze on him. he bite his lips, holding himself to let his tears not to fall as it is forming on his eyes.

soobin told him to sit down on the chair first while he get the first aid kit in the bathroom. he don't know if he's concerned about Yeonjun or concerned about his body because he was angry for wounding his hand at the same time he's worried about the older, the fact he's the one who's hurt.

as he went back, he notice yeonjun staring at the blood dripping from his hand, getting afraid that soobin will get mad at him.

but instead of getting mad, the younger got worried. ❝❞ he asked while sitting down beside the older. yeonjun quickly lift his head and shook his head as no. he was confuse why soobin isn't mad at all since he wounded the body that isn't his. soobin noticed yeonjun's concern but he didn't say anything. he then started to wipe the blood.

yeonjun just stare at the callant while treating his hand. his soft touch made the butterflies in his stomach go wild and his face heat up.

his lips curved into a smile seeing how the lad was serious. he imagined him being in his real appearance and not his (soobin's) appearance right now. he'll be lying if he says that he's seeing right now is not cute, as the younger is pouting, eyes being focused on his hand and his motions that is being careful on putting ointment on the wound.

soobin lifted his head up after putting the ointment on the wound and look at the lad who's staring his hand.


❝❞ he asked. coming back from his senses, he look at soobin's sparkling eyes.

❝❞ his sentence was cut as the younger kiss the wound in his hand. his eyes got wider and butterflies- no a zoo went wild inside his stomach from the lad's sudden action.

after planting a kiss on yeonjun's wound for three seconds, soobin spoke,❝❞ and lips curved into a smile. yeonjun gulp his saliva and just stare at his hand, his eyes started to get teary after hearing what soobin just said.

he suddenly missed his mom. his mom was the one who's doing it always whenever she treat yeonjun's wounds.

❝❞ the woman asked her six-year-old son who's crying on the floor.

❝❞ he cried out loud while touching his forehead and pointed the ball not far away from him.

his mother slowly kneel down and kissed her son's forehead. ❝❞ she uttered and planted her lips into a smile. ❝give you the ice cream i bought if you continue crying.❞

the boy quickly wipe his tears and stood up, ❝❞ he pouted which made his mom chuckle and tousle his hair.


his lips curved into a bright smile as he cheerfully clapped his hand and jump up and down.


how yeonjun misses his mother. her presence, her hug, her sweet voice. if he just told that he'll stay at his friend's house for a night, his mom would not be worried and not got into an accident. he blames himself. he was the reason why she's gone, why his father is now like that, and why he needs to work. it was all his fault.

soobin panicked seeing tears dropping from yeonjun's eyes and hearing soft sobs from him. ❝❞

yeonjun flinched and quickly wipe his tears away, realizing that soobin was still in front of him. he slowly nodded and stood up. before he could walk away, soobin grabbed his hand making him froze on his spot.

he suddenly became curious, feeling something on his wound which made him look to the younger.

❝❞ the lad smiled after putting a band-aid on the wound and let go of the older's hand and stood up. ❝❞ he uttered and walk away with the first aid kit, not waiting for yeonjub to response.

even he hate doing the chores, he cannot make yeonjun do it since he got wounded and it seems like he's not in a good condition to do it so he had no choice but to do it by himself.

yeonjun bite his lip and slowly walk towards the living room. he felt sorry for now being a burden to soobin. making him eat the food that he love and ate too much, treating the wound he made on his body, for washing the dishes, cleaning the mess he made and now letting him rest and wait for him to finish everything he left.

this is the reason why he don't want to ask help from his friends whenever he needs help and his dad beat him. being a burden to someone is what he hate the most.

letting out a sigh, he reach the remote on the glass table in front but before he lift his hand, he noticed the decoration of the band-aid. he may thought that the younger is sweet and have a soft heart in his stern expression and rude attitude as he look at the decoration.

it fits soobin's look, in his opinion, the decoration was cute just like him. truth to be told, it literally looks like him. no lies. no wonder he like these decoration of band-aids because it is him,


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