《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 1


"You've got to be kidding me!" Dabi shouted, kicking at the steel bars that held all of the villains in.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the little outburst. "Calm down, breaking your foot isn't going to help any of us. We just need to figure out a plan." He said in a calm manner. He was easily the best out of the five teens when it came to remaining calm and was usually the one to make the other four chill out and not panic.

The blonde with messy space buns, messier than usually due to the fights, looked up with nearly teary eyes. "How can you say that so easily Izu? We're all going to jail. For like ever." She said, trying her hardest not to cry. She might see all four boys as brothers, but that didn't mean she wanted to cry in front of them.

With a huff, Izuku peeled his eyes off of the door he had been staring at for close to an hour. "No we aren't. I'll get us out of this, I always do." He said confidently. He might not have ever gotten them out of jail before, but he's gotten them out of life threatening situations. This would be a cake walk. Right?

The villains were in a jail cell with heat resistant bars that were strong enough to withstand Izuku's quirk. Shigaraki was stuck in cuffs that covered three of his fingers on each hand, so his quirk wasn't useful either.

The cell was inside of a slightly larger room with a glass mirror on one wall. The teens weren't stupid, they knew it was two way glass and that someone was more than likely watching them.

All Might, Aizawa, and Nezu were on the other side, watching just like the teens thought.

"That's the kid you gave your quirk to?" Aizawa asked All Might, sounding disappointed in his judgement.

All Might sighed, already having that conversation a million times since Izuku had gone missing. "He's a good kid, he really is. I just wasn't there when he really needed me and... well this happened." He explained, gesturing to the window.

Aizawa groaned, throwing his head back. He was going to make a suggestion. He was going to make a crazy suggestion. One he wasn't even sure he wanted to make, but he couldn't just let those confused and lost kids rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

"What if we don't send them to jail?" He mumbled.

All Might snapped his head to his colleague in surprise. Nezu just wore an amused smile. "What?" All Might asked.


"What if we give them an option? School or jail. They can go through like a reformation program. Become functioning members of society. Get back on the right track. If you're so sure this kid is good, why not give him a second chance?" Aizawa said, lifting his head to look at the smaller version of the other pro hero.

Not wanting to argue with Aizawa, seeing as he agreed, All Might turned to Nezu. "What'd you think about the idea?" He asked.

Nezu sipped the tea in his hand, still watching the teens with calculating eyes. "I think... that I was going to suggest the same thing." He said, dropping the tea cup and clapping his hands once. "But Aizawa, you realize that they'll be your responsibility, yes? They'll be in your homeroom class and you'll be in charge of the extra lessons." He explained, looking over at his teacher. He wouldn't go forward with the plan if he had objections. He wouldn't force the pro to take on more work if he didn't want it.

Aizawa didn't surprise him though. He nodded once and said a quick, "Understood."

"Great!" Nezu cheered. "Shall we go tell them the good news?" He asked, making his way towards the door to the room that held the villain's cell. "All Might, you should probably stay here. I don't think the green haired one is fond of you." Nezu mused, thinking back to the fight that got them all landed in a jail cell.

Izuku had been brutal against the older pro. He had let his emotions run wild. He was either going to kill All Might or die trying.

"Not a bad idea." All Might mumbled, staying behind the glass so he could observe.

All of the villains, besides Dabi, snapped their heads up at the sound of the door. Nezu and Aizawa made their way into the room.

"What'd you want rat?" Toga hissed, getting protective of the other teens. She was probably one of the most outright protective, even though the boys were usually the ones to protect her.

Izuku smiled at her, waving a hand. "Down girl, jeez. At least let them talk before you start name calling." He said, leaning against the solid wall of the cell, close to the bars.

Toga glared at him, but knew it was just a front for the pros. He turned into a completely different person when they were around, a rouse of sorts. More confident and cocky, when in reality he was just a cinnamon roll with a messed up past.


"Well? Talk." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"You're all kids." Aizawa observed.

Dabi shot up, "Who you calling kid, old man?" He barked hitting the bars of the cell, but neither pro flinched.

Izuku was quick to place a hand on his chest and push him back, not hard, but enough to move him. "Calm the fuck down Dabi, or so help me god." He hissed so only he could hear. Dabi glared at him, but held his hands up in surrender.

Izuku was the best when it came to dealing with the authorities and the pros. He had spent the most time as a normal kid and civilian, studying the pros. If anyone was going to talk their way out of this, it was him.

"As I was saying, you're all kids. We aren't keen on throwing a bunch of teenagers into prison to rot away." Aizawa clarified.

Dabi 'tched' quietly, but shut up when Izuku shot him a look. "You gonna let us out then?" Izuku asked, turning his eyes bac to the pros suspiciously.

"We can't just let you out to run aimlessly around the city again. You're still criminals." Nezu said, speaking up for the first time. Izuku gritted his teeth, but waited for further explaination.

"We're going to offer you a place at UA." He finished, making every single one of the villain's jaws drop.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Shigaraki mumbled, being the first to recover.

"We are in fact, not kidding you Mr. Shimura." This time it was Shigaraki who ran at the bars, hitting them with his cuffed hands.

"Don't fucking call me that!" He screeched. Izuku and Dabi had to pull him back, as Toga and Twice stood in front of the pros, blocking their view of the other three.

"You gotta calm down Tomu." Dabi whispered, knowing that he was being a huge hypocrite at the moment.

"He can't- He just- I don't-" Shigaraki was having a hard time forming sentences.

"Yeah, I know. I know." Dabi said, wrapping his arms around the distressed boy. "Don't let them see that it got to you." He encouraged.

Izuku walked back over to the pros, clearly pissed off now. "School or jail?" He asked angrily.

"School or jail." Aizawa said in confirmation.

"Well fuck this, I can handle high school." Toga spoke up, actually a little excited about the idea.

"Jail." Twice said. "School!"

"He'll take school as well." Toga said with a nervous, fanged smile.

"School." Izuku said, a dark smile taking over his face. He wasn't stupid. He knew who went to UA. He couldn't wait to toy with them.

"Don't do that." Aizawa snapped at him.

Izuku blinked in surprise, looking up at the taller man. "Do what? Smile?" He asked.

"You look like your about to murder someone's puppy." Aizawa clarified.

"Oh." Izuku said, a little stunned by the remark. "I don't kill puppies." He said simply.

"Just teenagers." Dabi spoke up.

Izuku threw his hands up. "I didn't kill him! Would everyone please stop trying to blame me for something master did?" He asked, glaring at Dabi.

"You two were the only one's in the room. He's crippled and the guy was beaten to death. We can connect the dots." Dabi said with a shrug.

"Wasn't. Me." Izuku said with a growl.

"Yeah, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night."

"Fuck off. School or jail dumbass?" Izuku asked, changing the topic. The pros hadn't reacted to the talk of murder, but he didn't know how long that would last. He really hadn't killed anyone.

"Jail. Fuck hero school." Dabi said.

"I go where he goes." Shigaraki said, still leaning on him.

"Fuck you both, they chose school." Izuku said, turning back to the pros.

"What? No-"

"Fight me about it later. I just saved your life, so shut up and be grateful." Izuku snapped, not in the mood to fight with someone who was supposed to be older than him.

"The whole reason I'm here is because I wouldn't go to that god damn school. You can't seriously do this to me." Dabi argued.

Izuku flinched, feeling a bit of remorse after that. He slowly turned to Dabi. "It's that or jail Dabi, I'm not about to let you throw your whole life away. Or tomura's. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for him. " Then he turned back to the pros, who were both just watching patiently. "They chose school."

Nezu clapped his hands again. "Fantastic, give us an hour or two to set up your dorms, and then we'll get you all settled in."

"Welcome to UA, problem children."

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