《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twenty Four


A couple of weeks had passed since the altercation between Christoper and Quinn. They weren't avoiding each other. However, their schedules made it so that they rarely ran into each other. She fell back into her familiar routine of working in the kitchen and he was busy with the extra patrols as well as pack business.

Although they had not yet found anything except a couple of rogues, Evan reassured Quinn that she'd be safe and that Michael would be found soon.

Quinn chose to find comfort in his words. She decided she was keeping her baby and worrying about something she could not control would bring unnecessary stress on the pregnancy. She wouldn't allow that man to take anything else from her.

Quinn looked forward to Sundays. Unless there was a special event, the kitchen staff was off on Sundays. She took advantage of that and headed into town for a while.

She spent the day window shopping and walking around the downtown park. In the afternoon, she decided to head to her favorite place for lunch, the coffee shop.

She walked in to the familiar sound of the bell above door, taking in all of the aromas. Quinn greeted everyone as she walked up to the counter. She ordered a pressed Cuban sandwich and chips with her usual coffee and muffin.

After eating her lunch in her normal booth, she sat sipping what was left of her iced coffee and writing notes in her journal.

Suddenly, the little bell above the door rang and her head shot up. In walked the one person she was hoping not to see this far out from the rest of the pack. Christopher was heading straight towards her with determination.

For a moment Quinn admired her mate. His hair was slicked back a bit; she noticed dark blonde stubble with hits of red across the lower half of his face. She loved the way he looked in jeans and a plain t-shirt. He wore the slightly rugged look well. She quickly snapped out if it when he stood in front of her, slowly lifting her gaze slowly to meet his.


"Can I join you?"

"Of course, beta" Quinn motioned to the seat in front of her trying to swallow the giant lump in her throat.

"You can call me Christopher, you know."

"With all due respect, that isn't what you said the last time we spoke, beta."

Christopher sighed, knowing that she was not wrong. He looked down at his hands and then up at her. "Quinn, I'm really sorry for what I did. I should have had more faith in you."

Quinn was silent. She didn't know what to say but mostly she was entirely caught off guard by his sudden apology.

"Look, you don't have to forgive me. I wouldn't blame you if you never did. But I still want to make it up to you because the truth is, I want you and I'd like a chance to be with you."

"You only want me because of the mate bond once you accept the rejection, that'll change."

"That's not true at all. Quinn," Christopher said as he grabbed her hand, "the truth is that I've always wanted you, even before I knew we were mates."

"But I'm carrying another man's child.."

"That doesn't matter to me. I want to be with you Quinn and if you'll have me, I could be the best father for that pup. All I'm asking for is a chance."

"Just a chance..?" She whispered.

The sparks from Christopher holding her hand we're becoming overwhelming, she had to close her eyes and breathe deep to compose herself.

"That's all I need and if after you decide that this isn't what you want, I will respect it and accept your rejection."

Quinn thought about it for a moment. A million scenarios ran through her head. Maybe I do deserve a chance at happiness? What could it hurt?

"Okay. I'll give you a chance."


He smiled from ear to ear at her response. Before Quinn knew it, he was right next to her in the booth. He had her embraced in a hug.

"Thank you. You have no idea how happy you've made me."

Quinn giggled at his reaction. She was excited at the prospect of mending their relationship. She did, after all, have genuine feelings for Christopher even before she knew they were mates. However, she couldn't be naive. She had to protect herself.

"I do have some rules though."

"I understand that and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. What are your rules?"

"Okay... well first, we go at my pace.. If I tell you I'm not ready to do something you have to respect that."

"Look, I should have never pushed you. I promise you it will never happen again."

"I believe you," she said with a halfhearted smile. "Two: I want you to respect whatever decisions I make regarding this child. And finally, I'd like to keep this as discreet as possible."

"Why..?" Christopher asked slightly hurt. "Don't you want the pack to know that we are mates?"

"It isn't that... I just... after what happened a couple of weeks ago there have been a lot of rumors... people just look at me and whisper. It's starting to die down and I don't want it to start up again. I just can't take it."

"I get it. I promise, outside of our circle no one will know and if I hear anyone saying anything about you, I'll take care of it."

"No! No... really. It isn't necessary. It's mostly harmless. I just don't want to add fuel to the fire. You'll only make it worse if you interfere."

"Okay," he said putting his hands up "I won't interfere."


"Can I make a stipulation?"


"On what?"

"Well, it depends on what you want. If it breaks any of the rules I just mentioned then no, obviously."

"Ha! No. I promise you it doesn't."

"Okay, then what is it?"

Christopher placed a small golden ring with a moonstone center on the table. "Will you please start wearing this again? It would mean a lot to me if you did."

"How did you even find it?!" Quinn picked the ring up, shocked that it was back in her hands.

"I followed your scent into the forest after you left and found it. I didn't know if you'd ever want it back but I kept it just in case."

"Of course I'll wear it," she said in almost a whisper as she slipped it back onto her finger. "My hand felt naked without it. I hadn't taken it off in almost four years" she said with a smile.

"Great," He said with a mischievous smile. "How about a date, then? Tonight? Maybe around 8:00?"

"Wow, you move fast don't you?"

"I just know what I want," he said.

That sent a shiver down Quinn's spine. "Okay then, but you have to take me home right now."

"Right now?"

"Yep, right now. I have some things to do before then."

"Okay, let's go!" Said Christopher getting up from his seat. He extended his hand out to Quinn to help her out of her seat. She didn't let go as they walked out of the coffee shop. She just enjoyed the sparks that danced up her arm.

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