《Todobakudeku x reader》(Deku pt.4) Where are we Again?


Well we learned something new about each other. We're both afraid of spiders." I smiled.

"Yeah I guess so." Deku said smiling, slightly causing him to blush.

"But what are we supposed to do if we see another one." I asked worried.

"We can just call Kacchan to come kill it. He loves blowing things up." Deku said.

We put the tent back in the backpack and started walking around the maze again.

As the night progressed, the moon reached its peak. There was no longer any need to waste the battery on the flashlight so I turned it off and placed it back in the bag. Deku was walking slightly in front of me and things have been silent for a while, so I decided to take this opportunity to break the silence myself. I picked up my pace until I was next to him and leaned forward to look at his face.

"What? Don't tell me...is it another spider?" He asked as he stopped and put his back against the hedge that was next to him.

"No no." I laughed. "It's just that you've been in front of me for so long that I haven't seen your face in a while." I smiled.

A slight blush appeared on his face again, though, this time, I'm not completely innocent. I knew that what I said would make him blush, but I couldn't help it. His face is just too cute.

"Anyways, what if we never get out of this maze?" I asked, curious about what he thought we should do if that was the case.

"I doubt that we'll be stuck here, but if we do happen to give up, we can go hedge hopping in one direction until we're out." He said looking up at the tall hedges. It wouldn't be the first time we'd hop up there.


"Hedge hopping. I like that name." I chuckled

"Yeah, but getting out of the maze that way isn't as fun. I'm fine staying here and talking to your forever." He looked at me and smiled.

This time I was the one blushing uncontrollably. I didn't know what else to say, so I stayed silent, even though I wanted to talk to him. Thankfully, he kept the conversation going.

"Speaking of talking, would you rather sleep in the cold or the hot?" He asked.

"Cold obviously. If you're too cold add some more blankets. If you're too hot, take some off. But if you're sleeping when it's hot, you don't have the option to cool down." I reasoned.

"I agree." He said.

"Would you rather eat plain Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios?" I asked moving the game along.

"Honey Nut. Definitely." He said instantly with no hesitation.

"What?! We all know plain Cheerios is the way to go. You can literally eat it at any time." I argued.

"But they're so flavorless." He whined.

"That's what makes them delicious." I added.

"Whatever. Next question. YouTube or Netflix?" He said changing the subject.

"That's a hard one. They both have red, white, and black so we call it even?" I asked.

"Nope." Deku hummed

"Well probably YouTube because content is uploaded daily while Netflix has to wait to make their shows and movies." I said.

"Fair enough reasoning. I can't decide though." He said.

"Hey that's not fair." I pouted.

"You're right. It's not. Next." Deku laughed. I laughed too.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" I asked, taking a second to think of my own answer. It wasn't a would you rather question, but I'm sure deku wouldn't mind.


"Does All Might count?" He asked.

"Sure. We'll go with that." I said letting him get away with it this time. "Mines would have to be Penn Badgley because of his role of Joe from You."

"Hey, didn't you say you liked YouTube better than Netflix?" He asked, referring to my previous answer.

"I never said I didn't like Netflix." I answered.

"Okay well my question is....what's your favorite ice cream?" Deku ask. This question was easy to answer.

"Shi chocolate." I said proudly, knowing it was an underrated ice cream that he wouldn't know of.

"Shi chocolate?" He asked curiously.

"Check the Todoroki route." I told him.

"Route? Todoroki? Huh?" He asked confused. I could almost imagine a question mark above his head.

"Notinggg." I said and skipped ahead of him until I reached a fork in the road. "Left or right?" I asked.

Deku was still behind me, so he interpreted it as another question in our game rather than deciding which way to go in the maze.

"Right is always right." He said.

"Right it is." I said as I walked to the right out of his line of sight. He quickly caught up afraid of loosing me. "But aren't you supposed to always go left in a maze?"

"Studies show that most people subconsciously go left. The people who made the maze also know that this is true so they could've made it so that going left is the incorrect path." He informed.

"You right, you right. Get it?" I smiled.

"Yeah I get it." He said letting out a quiet laugh.

The sun was starting to come up. We had been walking for hours now, but it was worth it.

"Is that the exit?" I asked.

"I think it is!" Deku said with his face brightening.

We both ran full speed towards the ending and there we were. We were finally out of the maze after spending almost a full day there. Our hard work and determination paid off.

It was 4:23pm when we got back to school. Everyone must've been in there dorms at this time since there wasn't school today.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa wants to see you in his office." Mina told me before walking off. I wonder what he wants. Maybe for me to carry some supplies to the classroom for tomorrow's classes?

When I got there, Deku was standing in front of the desk. I walked up so that we stood side by side.

"Where were you two? You were gone all night and then you didn't show up for school all today." Mr. Aizawa asked.

"School?" Me and deku said at the same time. I checked the date on my phone. I thought it was Sunday, but it was Monday.


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