《Invincible Ones [A Walking Dead Story]》Chapter 13- Thirteen Is An Unlucky Number


I woke up in the middle of the night and Jackie wasn't in her bed.


She never left the cell at night, she was afraid of the bogie monster for crying out loud!

I sigh and lace up my combat boots and grab my gun and knife. I leave the cell and knock lightly on the bathroom door. "Jackie, sweetie, you in there?" I say softly.

No response.

I swear if anything ever happens to Jackie...

No, she's somewhere here. And I'm going to find her, make sure she's okay.

I search the whole prison and found myself in the prison yard.

I saw a basketball on the bleachers, maybe Jackie had come out here to clear her thoughts?

I was about to give up when I heard a blood-curdling scream.

I run outside the prison and follow the screams.

I was deep in the woods when someone grabbed me. I yelled out and plunge my knife into the attacker's neck. Slicing his vital artery and killing him. I stab him in the head for good measure.

My heart is thumping, my legs are shaking. The screams stopped. And it felt like my heart did too.

"Hey! There's someone here! They killed Xavier!" A man calls out and I suck in a breath.

I start sprinting, deeper into the woods. But they followed. The people followed. I wasn't going to get out of this alive...

Someone pulls me behind a bush and I cry out. I was about to scream for help when they put a hand over my mouth.

"Hey, shush." A boy commands. "Don't move or say anything, or they'll find you and you'll sure as hell wish you would've listened to me." I struggle against his grasp.

I don't need someone saving me, I'm a Dixon. Dude, I can do things myself.


"Hey, you're going to get us both caught!" He snarls. But I just wanted to get Jackie and get back to the prison. This boy was getting in the way of that.

"Let go!" I tried to yell, but it was muffled. This dude obviously doesn't trust me.

I hear footsteps rush past the bush we were hiding in. Well, this boy was hiding here. I was threatened to hide here, so...

I don't mean to be ungrateful. But a Dixon doesn't run, a Dixon faces imminent death and punches it straight in the jaw.

The boy releases me and I push him away and let out a frustrated sound. "Hey, what's your problem!?" He yells/whispers. "I just saved your ass!"

I gave him a death glare. "Dude, they have my friend! She went missing and then the screams--"

The boy shakes his head. "Chill out. We have the little girl with us. She's okay. She just encountered the bandits." I raise an eyebrow.

"The bandits?" I mumble. The boy nods.

"Yeah." He says plainly. "Anyway, what's your name?" He asks me as he gets up. He holds out his hand to help me up. But I don't take it and get up on my own.

"Great ol' Bertha The Fifth." I say sarcastically. I was not going to tell this guy anything.

He rolls his eyes. "I'll tell you mine and you tell me yours." He suggests. "I'm Zack--"

"Hold it right there, lovebirds." A voice demands and I whirl around.

Ahem, excuse me but I'm taken you idiot.

A man points a gun at me and Zack. "Put your hands up and drop your weapons." He snarls and I roll my eyes. "I said drop--"

Within a nano-second, I whip out my gun and shot the man in the head before he could comprehend. The boy gawks at me, but a gunshot rang out and I fell to my knees.

And that was the last thing I remembered.

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