《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 23


He looked at her. Her cool visage was remarkable, dainty and it unnerved him. Just hours ago he dreaded the thought of having to throw her over his shoulders, hissing and scratching like a cat to leave Dunkirk Manor. But, to his surprise she was dressed and ready with Sarah by her side.

She did not budge or show any sign of expression when he mentioned they would be going back so soon.

Not a word was exchanged between them or a look. Breathing heavily he leaned closer to his side of the seat praying for this torture to end.

He could not stand her silence!!!

It had been two days since they had returned and Dominic left her with her family. She sat quietly during breakfast listening to her grandfather who had just arrived from London on important business.

She was crestfallen to hear that tonight would be Dominic and Lady Hannah's engagement party and to her utter shock her family was invited. She wanted to scream and kick something.

Her thoughts were broken by Jeoffry entering and announcing the arrival of a package and letter for Emilia.

Surprised at what it could be she stood and walked towards Jeoffry with smile. He gently handed her the letter.

"Gertrude has placed your box on your bed."

Puzzled she nodded her head.

She looked down at the letter with the elegant handwritten initial A.V.

Adam VanCamp

Her heart sank she hadn't thought of him since she arrived. So much has happened she didn't remember he was away.

Slowly she opened the letter less anxious to read it contents.

Dear Emilia,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. Please excuse my absence, for I have been very tied up with business matters. I will be arriving later this evening to attend Lord McAllister's and Lady Hannah's engagement party. If you do not mind, I have taken the liberty in sending you a gown to wear. When I saw it, I thought of you and how absolutely breathtaking you will look in it. Again, forgive my delay.

I will see you soon,

Lord Evers


Breathing deeply she folded it.

"Emilia dear what does it say?" Her aunt asked.

Turning she looked at the prying eyes at the table.

"It is a letter from Lord Evers, he will be joining us at the engagement party. He ...sent a gown for me to wear."


With a giggle and a clap, her aunt cheerfully stood from her chair and walked towards her.

"That is wonderful, mon cher," she beamed.

With a blink of an eye, her aunt squeezed her in a loving embrace before holding her hands and pulling her towards the hall up the stairs to her room.

She stood quietly next to Gertrude as her aunt cooed and awed at the gown pulled out of the box.

And indeed it was breathtaking. It was a beautiful elegant green gown, the bodice laced with an exquisite beading design.

It was divine her aunt gasped.

It was a package complete from head to toe.

Slippers, gloves, pearls and all. Fit for a princess a card read.

She went through the motions of being fixed up and dressed. The whole time her heart and soul was somewhere else slowly but surely dying.

The gasps that came from her aunt, Gertrude and Sarah when they finished told her much more than what she felt looking at herself in the mirror.

She was gorgeous.

She did not recognize the girl before her.

They ushered her out of the room and down the stairs to greet her grandfather and uncle and off they went.


He stood and greeted one by one each guest as they all came close to give him well wishes. Deep down he knew very well that each word from their lips lacked sincerity.

He eyed Hannah beside him doing the same ever so often he mustered up a handsome smile to her coquettish grin.

His eyes flitted lightly to the familiar faces entering the hall. Slowly guests fanned out and parted a path for them to enter, and as he suspected all eyes were on her.

An alluring beauty stood before him and his heart thumped so hard at the sight of her.

He cooley greeted her uncle, aunt and grandfather then her. Trying not to show any emotion, he bent his head to her hand and kissed it lightly.

Beneath hooded eyes, he could see her eyes sadden and her cheeks flush a light pink before standing straight and greeting the rest of the guests.

Drinks and dancing started. He watched beneath hooded eyes beside Hannah, how Emilia sat quietly watching the dancers. He sipped gingerly at his wine and continued his small talk with the surrounding men.


As the music slowed, Hannah urged him giving him the cue that it was time for a speech. All candidly stood smiling and laughing as she pulled him to the middle of the floor.

He smiled chuckling with outstretched hands waiting for the cheers to lower.

He stood for a while lowering his head giving some thought to what he was going to say.

Clearing his throat, he gave another smile.

He gave a quick turn to acknowledge everyone before him.

"I guess I should start off by giving a speech of how we met." he smiled.

The chuckles followed.

He eyed Hannah that coquettishly shook her head.

He boyishly grinned and ducked his head.

"I can most definitely tell you all that the day I met her she took my breath away."

The awes and coos followed.

"When I am with her nothing else in this world exists. All time stops."

He lowered his head.

"I can assure you there are times when she infuriated me with her stubbornness and rebellious ways but just the look of her softens me to the core."

"She is free willed, spirited and very beautiful."

Between hooded eyes, he took a quick glance towards Emilia. She immediately lowered her eyes and tried to step back but she couldn't.

"I can't imagine my life without her,"

He turned towards Hannah and watched her smile fade and slip from confusion to horror following gasps from onlookers watched Dominic walk over to Emilia.

He held out his hand.

She looked up to him with confused beautiful eyes. Her aunt gave her a gentle push before smiling happily at them both.

Nervous and shaky she followed him to the center of the hall.

Wide eyes filled with shock stared at them.

His eyes held hers and they were filled with so much passion and love.

"I want all of you to know that this delicate beauty before me is who I am speaking of,"

He pulled her cold hands towards his lips kissing them both.

Nervously she looked around before looking up into his eyes.

"Dominic, what are you doing?" her lips quivered.

He looked at everyone with shocked gazes.

"I want all of you to know it was never my intention to marry Lady Hannah. I cannot marry someone as conniving, evil and manipulative as she," he looked straight at her.

She stomped furiously.

"All of you take a good look at the scheming snake that nearly ruined any chances of me being happy. She was plotting with her lover to separate Emilia and I, then pass off Emilia's child as her own."

Gasps and whispers followed immediately as they began to step away from Hannah with disappointing stares.

Astonished by that Emilia looked into his eyes for the truth and it was clear as day it was.

"I did all of this for you all to see the length I am willing to go. To fight for the love of my life and our unborn child."

He stared deep into her eyes.

He gently caressed her cheek.

"I told you before I will never let you go." he whispered.

Her heart raced in her chest as she watched him bend on one knee before her. He pulled a small box out of his pocket took the shiny ring and presented it to her.

"Emilia Claire Westham, will you do me the honor making me the happiest man on earth by becoming my wife."

Her hands trembled and covered her lips, tears fell freely clouding her vision. She turned to look at her uncle shockingly finding seven familiar faces: Helmsley, Bufford, Jeoffrey, Sarah, Gertrude and Dimitri. All of them beaming with joy and nodding their approval.

She turned to look down into a gorgeous wicked smile.

With a brief giggle and sob, she said. "Yes."

With a smile, he lifted her in to his arms and twirled her around. To their surprise, claps and hurrahs followed.

He set her down gently and looked deep into her eyes.

He claimed her lips and kissed her with an intense need.

"I love you." She whispered.

His seductive smile warmed her to the core.

"I love you, more."

After such a display, they were sure they would be exiled and casted out of the posh aristocratic society. However, to their surprise they were the most sought after to attend soirees and feasts.

Their wedding was performed immediately by a special license obtained by her grandfather. It was a wedding in its entire splendor and all witnessed the union of two souls destined to be together forever.

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