《teen wolf imagines ⭐️》lydia/allison/malia/kira - pet (smut)
cr: archiveofourown
Kira Yukimura was nervous. Which was nothing new, she got nervous really easily. Embarrassingly easily, if she was honest. But at least this time she had a really, really good reason to be. After all, everyone got at least a little nervous before sex. Right? And this wasn't just sex, this was group sex. This was lesbian group sex, Kira potentially having sex with all three of her female best friends in what would be the craziest night of her life. In fact, it would be the greatest night of her life if she just watched, and that was really saying something because the last few years her life had gotten extremely crazy.
One of the greatest things was discovering that her three best female friend were actually in a three-way relationship. Sort of. Allison and Lydia were married, which in itself was a recent development, and apparently while planning their wedding they had fallen into some kind of really kinky arrangement with Malia, who had literally become their pet. Kira still had trouble picturing exactly what that entailed, despite Malia explaining it to her in graphic detail. That was what part of tonight was about, showing Kira exactly what her friends were up to, and exactly what she could be herself in for if she decided to join them on a permanent basis.
Malia was particularly eager for Kira to join them as she had confessed she had feelings for her, and apparently Allison and Lydia were interested to, which was the latest thing about all this. But it wasn't just really kinky sex on the table, but a possible relationship involving all those beautiful girls. Which was the main reason why this fight her nerves Kira just couldn't stay away. She just hoped she wouldn't regret giving into her teenaged hormones, because while this could be a very pleasant night she didn't want to lose the people who had come to mean so much to her.
At least the night started out well enough, Malia greeting her at the front door, looking as eager as a puppy dog. Kira half expected her to shift into her full coyote form and start literally wagging her tail. Instead she led her into the living room, where Mrs and Mrs Argent were waiting for her. The four friends then exchanged some awkward small talk, and Kira was handed a glass of red wine, which she proceeded to down it in one gulp, and despite fighting the urge to do the same with her refills she was on her third glass by the time the reason she was here was finally brought up. And of course, it was by Malia.
"So, how are we going to do this?" Malia asked eagerly, no longer able to wait.
Feeling all eyes turned to her Kira stammered, "How, how about you just start, and I'll join in later?"
After briefly glancing at her wife, who nodded in approval, Lydia shrugged, "Works for me... Malia, get down on your knees and kiss my feet. Show Kira you know your place."
"Yes Mistress Lydia." Malia quickly replied as she dashed to do as she was told.
Foot worship was far from Malia's favourite thing, but she certainly didn't mind it. Especially when Lydia was wearing a pair of her high-heeled shoes, which cost more than anything Malia had ever owned. Thinking about that fact as she pressed her lips to those ridiculously expensive shoes made Malia feel like filthy trash worshipping at the feet of a superior woman, which was what she craved. The way Lydia looked down her nose at her during this helped fuel that particular fantasy in a way Allison never could, although Malia enjoyed worshipping her feet almost just as much as with Lydia because Allison was still her superior. Her owner. Her Mistress.
After a few minutes of kissing Lydia's feet Malia got that opportunity, Allison calling out, "Don't forget about me Malia. I expect to be shown the same respect as my wife."
"Of course Mistress Allison. Right away Mistress Allison." Malia replied.
The werecoyote was delighted to find her other Mistress wearing almost as expensive heels as Mistress Lydia. Mistress Allison didn't normally wear such nice shoes, but clearly her wife had talked her into it just for tonight as it was a special occasion. Of course, it wasn't quite the same, but still, the woman who's shoes she was now kissing was superior to her because she was married to Lydia, and not just her sex slave. Plus Alison gave Malia reasons to submit to her and view her superior on a nightly basis, so Malia still thoroughly enjoyed herself.
A few minutes later, Alison ordered, "Okay, that's enough. Stand-up and strip for us."
Eagerly jumping to her feet Malia bit her lip and hesitated for a moment. Sometimes her owners liked her to take her time, teased them with the slow reveal of her body. Other times they wanted her to literally tear her clothes off in seconds. Occasionally she would be told which one they wanted, but mostly she was left to figure it out, and she often got it wrong and she hated that. Not that she minded being punished afterwards, she enjoyed that and honestly her Mistresses were probably just looking for an excuse to spank her. What she didn't like was the thought of disappointing her tops. Malia wanted to please them like a good bottom should, but she also didn't want to push the clearly still nervous Kira.
Ultimately Malia decided to slowly strip to put her friend at ease, and that seemed to be the correct choice as Lydia praised, "Good girl, now get on your hands and knees with your cute little *** pointing at Kira."
"Yes Mistress Lydia." Malia replied, quickly doing as she was told.
There was then a few seconds of silence, the three other women clearly enjoying the view Malia was giving them, which made the werecoyote very, very happy. Then Mistress Lydia kneeled down beside her, grabbed two handfuls of her *** and then started gently caressing it, obviously trying to entice Kira who let out the most adorable little squeak as Mistress Lydia started groping her butt. She then spread the cheeks and slid a finger over Malia's pussy, the brunette moaning and then tingling with anticipation as the redhead moved her finger north to rub against her butt hole, making Malia giddy with anticipation.
Lydia kept a close eye on what her fingers were doing until she was gently circling Malia's back door, then she looked up at Kira. Kira seemed just as fascinated by those fingers, so before she could look away Lydia slowly but firmly pushed her index finger into Malia's ***, causing Malia to moan shamelessly. Lydia kept her eyes on Kira the entire time and enjoyed the expression on her face, until Kira noticed she was being watched and then immediately blushed and looked away. Which was adorable, but also a little worrying as Lydia hadn't been intending to scare her friend off but it seemed she was on the verge of doing so.
Apparently also worried Lydia had made an error in judgement Allison softly said, "Lydia sweetie, I love you, but maybe we should start off with something a little more, you know, PG-13?"
"It's, it's ok." Kira stammered as she looked up again, "Malia told me what she likes. What you guys do to each other, and... and I wanna see it."
There was a moment of silence and then Lydia smirked, "Oh really... and what did she tell you?"
Seeing Kira looking incredibly uncomfortable, and blush even more, Allison chimed in, "Lydia, maybe-"
"Did she tell you she likes it in the ***?" Lydia asked her friend almost casually, ignoring her wife's worries.
There was a long pause, and then Kira nodded, "Yes."
"Did she tell you what we like to do to prepare her for a butt fucking?" Lydia pushed.
There was barely any hesitation from Kira this time, "Yes."
"Would you like to see?" Lydia pushed even more.
There was a pause longer than before and then Kira blushed and admitted, "Yes."
Turning to her wife Lydia smirked, "Allison, sweetie, would you mind getting Malia's tail for me."
Allison stared at her wife for a few long seconds, then replied, "Of course not."
Lydia knew she hadn't got away with this, that there would be an argument later, when they weren't in front of guests. But she pretty much had Allison wrapped around her little finger and was confident she could win the argument, especially if the gamble paid off like she was 99% sure it would. Well, maybe 95%. Because Kira might be easily embarrassed, but like the rest of them she was no little flower. She had been through things most teenagers couldn't imagine, and had been incredibly brave when she had too. More importantly Malia had no doubt delighted in telling all the gory details of their BDSM relationship, and yet Kira had still come.
Of course Lydia would stop, quickly turned down the heat, if Kira really wanted her too, but from the look in her friend's eyes she guessed Kira was more into this than she might want to admit. The fact that Kira practically drooled watching Lydia finger Malia's *** was further proof of this, the Asian girl captivated by the sight of the teen genius's finger pumping in and out of their fellow brunette's most private hole and really enjoyed the look on Kira's face. Then when Allison returned Lydia slipped a second finger into Malia's butt and really concentrated on stretching that wonderfully tight hole for a few long seconds, before turning her attention to her wife and giving her a soft smile to hopefully soften the tension between them.
Then Lydia held out her hand and said, "Thanks Allison. You're the best."
"You're welcome." Allison smiled, almost sounding sincere but there was a slight hint in her voice she was still annoyed with her.
Choosing not to concentrate on that right now Lydia took 'Malia's tail' from Allison and held it up so that Kira could get a good look at it, the Firefox blushing as she realised what it was. Lydia then smiled and popped the butt-plug into her mouth for a brief sucking, no doubt looking ridiculous thanks to the long bushy tail protruding from the sex toy. It also looked ridiculous when Lydia inserted that butt-plug into it's proper place, which of course was Malia's *** hole, but that was the point. It was supposed to make Malia look ridiculous, Lydia already wet at the prospect of really humiliating her pet. Among other things.
As Lydia slowly pushed the saliva covered bushy tailed plug into Malia's butt Allison quickly closed the distance between herself and Kira and whispered to her, "Seriously, if at any time it gets too much, just tell me and-"
"I'm fine." Kira interrupted, sounding more sure of herself than before.
Allison looked her friend up and down. Kira was obviously still nervous, the poor girl practically shivering, which was why she kept throwing her lifelines. But she didn't need to be a werewolf, or some other supernatural creature, to know Kira was aroused by what was going on. To Allison's delight Kira was even staring at Malia's butt as Lydia stuffed it with the bushy tailed plug, and only seemed more turned on when the Argent family pet moaned in pleasure as her anal ring stretched wide enough to swallow the butt-plug and once again proving that Malia Tate was a shameless *** whore.
Kira and Allison then watched in delight as Lydia slowly stood up, paused for a few seconds, then roughly slapped Malia's *** and ordered, "Show off your tail like a good doggy!"
Showing she understood exactly what that meant Malia wiggled her *** and barked like a dog. She then looked over her shoulder, grinned and then 'woofed'. Malia then started crawling around on all fours, making sure to wiggle her *** all the time but especially when it was pointed at one or all of the other girls, and of course made sure to make more dog, or coyote, sounds for the amusement of her Mistresses, and their guest. Not that Allison found it very funny. In fact she could do without this particular part of their normal routine, but she knew that Lydia and Malia loved it, and even sweet Kira seemed to get a certain amount of perverted joy out of seeing their friend humiliate herself, and it was their reactions Allison enjoyed.
After a few minutes of giggling at Malia's antics Lydia retrieved a small rubber ball, waved it in front of her pet's face and then ordered, "Fetch!"
Lydia then threw the ball across the room and Malia ran off like a shot with an eager, high-pitched yelped. As there wasn't that much room the ball ended up in the corner, Malia happily picking it up in her mouth and then crawling back to Lydia, who took the ball from the brunette's mouth and threw it again. This process was repeated a few times, Allison mostly just glad that Malia kept all their floors well cleaned, that more than this current act was definitely something which turned Allison on, as not only did she love having a sex slave who did all of the household chores, but there was something really empowering about it.
"Would you like a turn, babe?" Lydia offered her wife, Allison reluctantly taking the ball and going through the motions before Lydia turn to Kira and offered, "How about you?"
Taking the ball more eagerly than Allison Kira quickly threw the ball and giggled with delight as Malia quickly retrieved it for her, Kira repeating the process a few times before nervously asking, "Can I spank her?"
Lydia grinned, "Of course you can."
Now this was something Allison had been forward to, a smirk crossing her face as she watched her beloved wife coax Kira to sit on the bed and then Malia to lay across her lap. Kira then stared at the bare *** presented to her, and the bushy tail sticking out of it, for a few long seconds before then putting one of her dainty little hands on Malia's butt and then slowly starting to caress the soft flesh. Then after a few long seconds Kira gave her friend's butt a quick smack, causing Malia to cry out in delight. This process was repeated, causing Allison to shift a little awkwardly and Lydia to grin in amusement as they watched Kira give her first spanking.
While Lydia understood Allison's misgivings about the situation she felt her wife had totally misread the signs. Sure, Kira may seem sweet and innocent, but she had seen the way that the Firefox looked at Malia and knew deep down that the sweet and innocent girl wanted to do at least some of the things she and Allison did to Malia on a daily basis. She just needed the right encouragement. Unfortunately that included letting Kira take it far too easy on the shameless pain slut for several long minutes, although it turned out to be more cute than annoying, especially because Lydia could tell that Malia wanted to beg for more but her training was preventing her.
Finally deciding to put her pet out of her misery Lydia called out, "Harder Kira! Put some effort into it."
Tearing her eyes away from Malia's butt for the first time since she had bent over her knee Kira looked up at Lydia and confessed, "I don't want to hurt her."
Lydia smirked, "When it comes to this, I'm not sure it's possible to hurt Malia in a way she won't love."
Seeing her friends reluctance, andmore importantly her wife's insistence, Allison took a risk and ordered, "Malia, tell Kira exactly what you want."
Quickly responding Malia shamelessly begged, "Spank me harder! Please Mistress Kira, spank me hard. Spank my slutty little butt as hard as you can and make me squeal like the bitch I am! Beat my butt! Beat it til it's a bright fucking red! Oh God Kira, harder! Spank my bitch butt so hard that I can't sit for a week."
There was a brief silence, which felt much longer than it was, then Kira softly said, "That's Mistress Kira to you, bitch."
Even though those words were spoken softly they sounded deafening in what had become a mostly silent room. That went double for the smacking sound of Kira striking Malia's *** with all of her strength, or at least all of her human strength, and the cry of pain and pleasure which quickly followed. More of those cries consistently came out of Malia's mouth as Kira settled into giving her quite the respectable butt beating, causing Lydia to first smile proudly at Kira, then triumphantly at Allison before ultimately focusing on Malia's ***. She just caught Allison rolling her eyes at her, but she could deal with that later. For now Lydia was completely focused on the way Malia's bottom turned from the cute pink it had been from the earlier spanking to a bright and angry red from Kira's more forceful strikes, and the way Malia's well-rounded cheeks jiggled from every blow.
Malia was in heaven right now. It wasn't the utter bliss she received when one of her owners made her cum through a combination of hard fucking and humiliation, but the pain and humiliation she was currently feeling was still euphoric in its own right, and caused her to go into a dreamlike state as her body was still abused and she still squealed like the bitch she was, just as she wanted too. Just as she would always want too. Oh yes, Malia hadn't realised it until Lydia had seduced her, but not only was she a natural submissive who got off on being dominated but she was the kind of bottom who actually loved pain and humiliation.
She had been Lydia's bitch ever since. Allison's too, but it was always Lydia who ran the show, and it was she alone who truly owned Malia's mind, body and soul. The only thing she didn't own was her heart, because while Malia loved both her Mistresses dearly, again especially Lydia, it was sweet and innocent little Kira who had stolen her heart, and until now she never thought they could truly be together because Kira just couldn't give her what she wanted. God, Malia had never been more glad to be proven wrong.
Sweet, clumsy and maybe even a little dorky Kira Yukimura was spanking her as hard as Allison and Lydia had ever spanked her, and while she didn't exactly have the skill she made up for it in enthusiasm. Then just when Malia didn't think it could possibly get any better a bright light filled the room, emanating from Kira, and Kira's eyes glowed as she was taken over by her inner Firefox. Fortunately, or possibly unfortunately considering how much Malia loved pain, the flames didn't hurt anyone. At least not directly. What they did do was give Kira a significant strength increase, causing Malia to cry out joyfully as her friend in secret crush gave her the most brutal butt beating of her life.
It was glorious, and Malia felt like she deserved every blow. After all, no matter how many times she heard 'it wasn't your fault' the fact remained that she had killed her Mom and sister during her first transformation, and the only thing that ever alleviated that pain was the physical pain that the Argents gave her on a daily basis. That Kira was now giving her so wonderfully hard that tears of pain, humiliation and even relief flooded her eyes, which surprisingly only encouraged Kira to spank her harder. Malia had been afraid it would have the opposite effect, and once again she had never been more glad to be proven wrong.
Kira wasn't sure what got into her, but she just couldn't help herself. This wasn't even close to the things she most talked about when her friend 'came out' to her and explained in way more detail then Kira wanted exactly what she liked having Allison and Lydia do to her, but now she was actually doing it she was totally getting carried away. Which was one thing when she had been just using her human strength, but now she was using every ounce of her supernatural strength, causing Malia's poor little bottom to not only become even more discoloured than before to but actually bruise. She was bruising her friend's butt, and she just couldn't stop herself.
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