

Walking out through the hospital doorway I'm surprised to see how many people are there, some crying most smiling, Del let's go of our hands and runs to them all they all hug her it makes me smile how much she means to people.

"Luna Luna" Del calls I walk over to her "this is Luna my angel" they bow there head, I got so many thank you and hugs that I was starting to get uncomfortable

"Del I'm feeling a little sleepy I'm going to lie down, but I'll come see you later"

"Ok bye" she hugs me, I walk away seeing Beta Phillip.

"Beta Phillip do you think you can show me where my room is?" I hear a growl from behind me, I turn around to find one pissed off Alpha.

"You are staying with me!" he walks away I smile at Phillip and follow Austin, I see his hand twitch like he is going to grab mine so I put my hands In front of me and clasp them together, I see him ball his hands into fists we arrive back at his home I walk in and see Tabby on a chair I walk over to her and pick her up.

"Hi Tabby girl" I hold her close to me she purrs

"I'm going training!" he walks out the door slamming it I'm surprised that the door is still on it's hinges. I sigh

"Come on Tabby let's take you for a wee"

I really need to get her a litter tray but with no money that's impossible and I'm not asking for money, I open the back door and sit on the veranda steps I watch Tabby walk about and do her business, when she is finished I take her back inside and lock the door. I walk up the stairs and look in the room opposite his there is a single bed in there and lots of boxes. A bed is all I need I close the door once Tabby comes in and take my shoes and jeans off and get under the sheets I wait for Tabby to jump on the bed then I cover us both. I must be dreaming again I'm being lifted



"Go back to sleep" I'm placed on a mattress. I wake up and see I'm in his bed only this time I'm not alone, I look over to see that he is asleep he has his arm thrown over my waist I try to move his arm.

"Stay!" I let go of his arm and stay where I am.

"Why did you move me?"

"You belong with me" I sigh

"I don't know what you want from me!" he gets up and looks at me he pulls on his pants and storms out the room slamming the door, I look at Tabby "see I say something he walks out" picking Tabby up I go to the other room and get my jeans I put them on then walk downstairs I put some milk out for Tabby and get some food out the fridge for her. When she is done she jumps on a chair and curls up

"Well I'm happy you have settled in" I rub behind her ears she purrs, I walk outside and see Beta Phillip

"Beta Phillip"


"Please call me Molly"

"Only if you call me Phillip"

"Ok Phillip" he smiles at me

"What can I help you with?"

"Can I go into town?"

"Not on your own why?"

"I just need to go to town can someone come with me?"

"I can ask Alpha if I can take you" his eyes glaze over and I know he is talking to him "he said yes"


"Do you want to go now?"

"If that's ok with you"

"Yes let's go I'll get the car"

"Do you mind if we walk? it's ok if not I just want to explore"

"Sure come on" we walk through the woods it's quite a walk but I love it, we enter the town and I see a bookstore with a help wanted sign


"I'm just popping in here"

"Alright" I walk inside and see an older woman

"Hello dear"

"Hello my name is Molly I saw your help wanted sign in the window and I want to apply for the job, I'm a hard worker, fast learner and I can start straight away"

"I'm happy that you are interested I need to ask you some questions"

"Of course"

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty"

"Have you worked in a shop before?"

"No I haven't"

"Do you read books?"

"I haven't read a book in a long time"

"I'm sorry dear I need someone that has some dealings with books, I have customers that ask for certain books, what work have you done before?"

"I was a cleaner"

"I really wish I could help you dear if you leave me your number I will call you if I hear of anything"

"I don't have a phone, but thank you so much for your time".

"She doesn't need to work!"

I turn around to see Austin glaring at me I turn to smile at the woman again and walk out, I walk past Phillip but Austin grabs me and walks me over to a car he opens the passenger door and shoves me in, he walks around the other side and gets in I look at Phillip who is outside the shop and he looks guilty and looks at his phone.

"What the hell are you playing at?"

"Trying to find a job"


"I need money to take care of me and Tabby"

"I take care of you and Tabby"

"I don't want your money"

"Your my mate I take care of you"

"We can't even talk to each other without shouting, I'm in your home afraid to touch anything incase you start shouting, I don't even eat incase you go off, I need money to feed me and Tabby plus I need a change of clothes ok!" my stomach rumbles at that moment.

"Have you eaten today?"

"No" he sighs

"I guess we need to talk when we get home, let's go get you some breakfast and what you need and Tabby then go home"

"Ok" we get out the car and he takes my hand I don't say anything we walk over to Phillip.

"Let's go eat" we walk down the road till we come to a cafe, walking inside we sit down I have Austin next to me and Phillip opposite.

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