《Consummatum Est》tría


The next morning, I made my way towards Julian's office. On the i saw Francis sitting on a window sill in the hall,smoking a cigarette. The wind that breathed itself through, blew his coat, it almost made him look crow like. For some reason, and I still question why I felt this, but the thought that he might see me, sent a strange sense of anxiety to course through my body. Again to this day I still don't know why I felt the need to hide when my eyes locked with the back of his fiery mop, I went to duck for a doorway, but before I could take a step his voice called out, "Wait," his voice was cool and Bostonian almost British like, "Are you the new neanias?"

He asked mockingly.

The new young is what he asked me. I said that I was.

"Cubitum eamus?"


"Nothing." Francis stated blankly. He transferred his cigarette to his left hand and offered me the one in his right, I kindly refused. His fingers were bony and soft-skinned, they almost looked like they belong to a teenage girl. He didn't bother to introduce himself. After a long awkward silence, I told my name. Francis took a long drag of his cigarette and tossed it out of the open window. "I know who you are," he spoke with elegance and arrogance.

We continued the walk to Julian's office, when I opened the door Bunny, Angelina, and Henry were already in the room. Henry was reading a book at the table, Bunny was leaning across the table speaking to Henry, and Angelina sat reading in one of the armchairs by the large opened window, "... tasteless, that's what it is, old man. Disappointed in you. I gave you credit for a little more savior faire then that, if you don't mind me saying so..." Bunny spoke with enthusiasm,

"It's alright for Henry to change his opinion, that's why have them, Bun." Angelina said with distance, off in her imagination reading about the Greek ancient land. "Good morning..." Francis said coming in behind me and closing the door. "Hi," Bunny said to Francis, he then turned and saw me, "Oh, hello there." He said to me. "Guess what," he continued, "Henry bought himself a Montblanc pen."


"Oh, really?" Francis said with a playful, yet mischievous eyebrow raise.

"Yes, and Bunny has his knickers in a twist because of Henry's change in opinion." Angelina said getting up and coming over to give Francis a quick peck on the cheek before turning to me and saying, "I once again successfully knocked some sense into that man's head," She said with triumph. "Glad you could be here Rich." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and stood between me and Francis.

"When was the first you knocked sense into Julian again?" Francis said playfully to the girl, she gave him a look and shook her head in amusement, "Oh yeah, I remember." Bunny said. "When you went on an entire rant about how Romeo and Juliet wasn't romantic it was a tragedy." Bunny explained amusingly. "Yes, and how you said they never really loved one another, they just said they did as an act of rebellion against their families." Francis added to Bunny's train of thought. I looked at Angelina astonished, 'How is she able to dive deep into that story and dissect it that well?' I thought. "Anyway, back to Henry's pen." Said Bunny,

"Oh, lord, here we go again. Richard will definitely want to listen to you two quarreling on his first day here." Angelina spoke with sarcasm and facepalmed.

"I told Henry he better be careful, or Julian will think he stole his."

This is when both Winter siblings chimed in, "He was with me I had bought." Henry said as Angelina said at the same time, "Julian was with Henry when he bought it."

"How much was it anyway?" Bunny asked

Neither of the Winter siblings answered.

"Come on, how much? Three hundred a pop?" Bunny leaned all of his considerable weight on the table.

Dead silence.

"Let me see it again, will ya?" Henry looked up from his book, marked his spot and pulled the said pen out of his pocket and handed it to Bunny. "There." Henry spoke blankly and firmly.


Bunny held and turned the pen in between his fingers. "This reminds me of the fat pencils I used in first grade," he said, "Did Julian talk you into get this?" Bunny asked genuinely.

"No, I wanted a fountain pen."

"That's not why you got this one."

"I'm getting sick of this," Angelina muttered under her breath from beside me.

"It's tasteless."

"You," Henry slammed his book shut and pointed to Bunny, "are not one to talk about taste." He said firmly.

"Bunny, I've had quite enough of this," she said sternly, "Henry got the damn pen because he wanted the damn pen, alright. So please let's drop this topic and Henry to finish his book, okay?" Angelina raised her voice an octave to get her point across. She sounded almost motherly.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Bunny raised his hands in surrender, handed Henry his pen back, leaned back in his chair, hung his head like a scolded child and picked at his cuticles. Angelina walked back to her spot and continued reading her book.

"She can be scary sometimes when she wants to be." Francis whispered beside me. "And it looks to me as if you're intimidated by her as well." He put a hand on my shoulder and chuckled to himself.

I made my way to the armchair across from Angelina and sat down.

"So, Richard, how long have you studied classics?" A voice said a my elbow. It was Henry, he turned in his chair to face me.

"Two years." I answered him.

"And what have you read in Greek?"

"The New Testament."

"Well, of course you've read Koine," he said crossly. "What else. Surely you've read Homer and the lyric poets. Plato?" It felt like he was an officer trying to extract information from me like I committed a murder.

"Henry I understand you're not in the best of moods but don't interrogate Richard and take it out on him."

Angelina scolded her younger brother, he huffed and turned in his chair to face his book again, and with that Charles and Camila entered the small classroom. "Hello ladies," Charles said referring to Francis, Henry, and Bunny, "and, a hello to you too kind gent." Charles then turned to Angelina when he said this, "Well, thank you, kind sir." Angelina spoke about n a gentleman's voice from the 20's. "How was you weekend, slick?" Charles asked walking over to give her a side hug,

"Keen, worked all weekend. What about you Cam,Charlie?" She asked looking between the Macaulay twins.

"It was alright. Nothing to exciting."

"Oh, hello Richard, I'm going to take a wild guess on why you're here." Camila spoke with a playful tone and arm cross. I looked at her, I could feel my face flush with admiration. 'Had Angelina really worked this hard to get into this class?' I asked myself, not aloud of course. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a pink tint had made it's way across Angelina's face.

Their interactions with one another was quite interesting and intriguing one, they would quarrel and bicker like siblings, yet no matter what even though four out the six were actually related, they still always seemed to have that family dynamic. They all went in separate ways and conversed with each other. Me, Angelina, Francis, and once in every few change of subjects Bunny, and sometimes Charles would join us. We sat around the room talking until the door clicked and Julian entered the room, and today was the first day of my Greek class. But, what I didn't know is how far Julian's pupils would go for a true Greek experience.

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