《Lady Sarah's Secret》IX. Henry


"Where the devil have you been?" Henry exclaimed as Charles entered the Front Hall and passed his coat and hat to Barton roughly.

"Just taking a stroll in the gardens," Charles muttered darkly, straightening his jacket collar.

"That's a nice hello for your oldest friend," scolded Henry, before throwing his arms around Charles in a firm embrace. Charles ignored his reproach when and returned the embrace though they'd only parted company in London a week ago.

"You do not know how glad I am to see you," said Charles, that uncontrollable harshness had returned to his tone.

"Hmm," Henry commented with a long and knowing look at Charles, "You expect I will draw fire for you with Miss Croft?"

"I expect you to sacrifice yourself entirely to the whole bundle of them," Charles returned, and Henry laughed.

"Not a one would have me when there is titled bachelor in the room," Henry protested, clapping Charles on the back as the two men continued towards the Drawing Room.

"If you are any kind of friend, you will at least attempt to aid me," Charles retorted sourly, his way of acknowledging the truth in Henry's statement.

"Of course I'll do my best," Henry soothed, his cheerfulness un-dampened by Charles' demeanor. While Charles had come home from the horrors of war a hardened man, the death and gore had pushed Henry to be unwaveringly happy, his way of forgetting the nightmare, Charles suspected.This is what Charles liked so much about Henry's company, he did not constantly have to worry if the man would take offense at his gruffness. Henry was unshakable.

"I must leave you," Charles said, stopping just down the corridor from the door to the Drawing Room. He could already here several female voices.


"So you've taken to the management of Broadcroft well then?" asked Henry, a hint of seriousness in his tone.

"I will take to any kind of business that would keep me out of company," Charles replied. The two men turned towards the noise of shrill laughter at that very moment, coming through the door.

"Would that I had business, Charles," Henry mused forlornly enough to make Charles mouth twitch in amusement.

"I'll hire you on as a Hall Boy if you like," Charles suggested as he turned towards the direction of his study, Sarah would be there soon.

"Is your sister here?" Henry called after him and Charles turned back to reply.

"Yes, Caroline and John traveled with us from London," Charles replied. Henry gave an odd sort of cough and a nodd before foolishly saluting his friend and heading for the dreaded swarm. A memory of the same man nearly dying beside him in battle flashed through his mind, and a sudden soberness fell over him. Yes, Charles was very glad to see Henry.

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