《Scarlet Heart Ryeo~Fanfiction》~Chapter Twenty-One~


Your initial feeling that working for Prince Won would soon to hell, turned out to be true.

He was very demanding of every little thing, and he always made sure to keep an eye on you at all times.

Not to mention that he was very rude and would get physical at times if things didn't go his way.

You had been working for Prince Won for about two weeks now. You hardly got to see any of the other princes.

Won kept you locked up in his home.

As you were outside cleaning the clothes that Won had wanted done you heard footsteps approaching.

Tense. That's all you felt throughout your body was tense as you heard the footsteps approach closer.

As you slowly turned your head, you slowly let out of a breath of relief. It was Baek Ah.

He smiled at you softly before he quickly approached you. "Baek Ah you cant be here." You told him softly.

Baek Ah smiled at you again. "Actually Won was the one who wanted to see me. I have no clue as to why he wanted to see me, but I'll find out soon I guess." He told you.

"How have things been? The others and I are still trying to get you out of here Myung Hee I swear."

Shaking your head you smiled. "Its okay Baek Ah I know you all have more important priorities than this. It's been okay. Not the greatest as you could expect, but I'm managing it."

Baek Ah frowned. "What has he done?"

You gave him a soft smile. "Nothing that I can't handle Baek Ah."

Baek Ah frowned. "What do you mean by that? What has he done to you?"

"I'm fine Baek Ah. You should head inside before Master Won wonders where you are." You told him softly as you made your way around him.


"Myung Hee." He called out. You turned to look at him.

"We'll get you out of here. I promise."

You smiled at him sadly. "Don't make promise's you don't intend to keep my prince." You told him as you left.

Baek Ah stepped forward. "I fully intend to keep this promise."

"You have a life to live as well my Prince. One that involves WooHee. So please just stop trying to save me." Y/N told him softly as she sighed.

Baek Ah stared at Y/N "How did you know about WooHee and I?"

Y/N gave a small smile. "You hear a lot of things while working. Plus I saw the way you looked at her the night of the gathering where you told me to stop causing trouble."

"You had to have cared about her to react the way you did to me that night. You care about her more than most...more than me." She whispered the last part.

Y/N quickly composed herself. "So again please Prince Baek Ah don't make promises you dont intend to keep. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do. I hope everyone is going well."

Y/N then took her leave, leaving a frozen Baek Ah behind.


Night soon came. Y/N started to head back to her sleeping chambers for the night.

As she was walking back, she heard some noises behind her. Y/N immediately tensed up, and picked up the pace.

All Y/N wanted to do was go home and sleep after the exhausting day she's had, but now she was worried about noises behind her.

"C'mon Y/N you're being paranoid. Nobody is behind you. Just turn around and you'll see." She thought to herself.

She quickly spun around. Her eyes widened at what she saw. Baek Ah, Jung and Eun were all standing there.


"What are you doing here?" She asked.

Jung stepped forward. "Baek Ah told us what was going on. We wanted to help. We've been planning this for a while."

"Planning what exactly?"

"We're going to take you away from here. Away from Won." Eun told her softly.

Y/N laughed. "You can't exactly just take me away from here. Won will notice and he wont be happy."

"Myung Hee, you can't stay here. We've seen the way he treats you. We want to get you away from here. Please." Baek Ah pleaded.

"You don't get it. Won will not let me leave. He will notice the first second I'm gone, and he'll start a war to get me back. I don't want that. Its safer for everyone if I just stay." Y/N told them.

"Why does he want you to stay so bad?" Jung asked.

"I know something that he doesn't want anyone knowing. So, to make sure I dont say anything I stay near him."

"What do you know?"

Y/N smiled. "If I tell I'll die."

The boys all looked at her shocked. Baek Ah stepped forward gently grabbing her hand.

"We would never let that happen Myung Hee." He told her softly.

Y/N looked up at him. "It could happen." She told him before gently pulling her hand away.

"Now hurry and go before someone sees you guys. I'm sure I will see all of you around the palace."

The prince's frowned. "We'll get you out of here Myung Hee." Jung told her confidently.

Y/N laughed softly. "I admire your determination Jung. Now if you will excuse me I must head back to my chambers. Goodnight my princes."

As Y/N turned and walked away, all of the prince's watched her leave.

"We will get her out of here right Baek Ah?" Eun asked his brother softly.

Jung smacked his arm. "Of course we will Eun. I won't stop until we do. Right Baek Ah?"

Baek Ah nodded while still watching her leave. "We will get her away from here, and to somewhere more safe."


Y/N quietly snuck into the chambers careful not to wake up the other girls that were sleeping.

As she laid down on her cot she smiled softly. 'Today was definitely not how I thought it would be.' She thought to herself as her eyes slipped closed.

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