《If Only ✔》Chapter 27.


Laughter. Everywhere.

Everyone has gotten close with Simone while I was gone. They've already made their own inside jokes with her. I guess I missed a lot.

"V? You okay?" Daniel asks

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine." I answer

"You sure? You've been quiet" He says

"I'm sure." I nod with a fake smile. He nods and goes back to talking with Drew

I sigh as they all laugh again. I take my stuff and leave the table. I feel really out of place here. I head to my locker and see Julie waiting for me

"Ugh. I thought you're finally left me alone." I groan and she glares at me

"Well if it isn't the one who made Daniel break up with me" Julie says

"Daniel broke up with you cause you're relationship is trash, just like you" I say, and she rolls her eyes at me

"You know what else is trash? Your friendship. I mean come on, they've all replaced you for the new girl." Julie says

"If you're trying to make me feel sad it's not gonna work. I'm already used to that shit when you came into Daniel's life." I say

"Whatever but ,you gotta admit, it hurts doesn't it?. Drew and Bella replacing you. And Logan? I thought you two were dating? Guess not." Julie says

"Look, I don't care if they replace me. " I lie

"Oh really now? I don't believe you" She smirks smugly and walks away

I glare at her and open my locker. I take a deep breath and think. Well yeah...it does hurt a bit. Drew and Bella are my best friends but they barely talk to me now...they're busy sharing jokes with Simone. Logan also is busy with Simone...at least I have Daniel...


I take some books and go to my next class.

I was about to sit in my regular seat in between Drew and Bella when I saw Simone already sitting there. I sigh and sit behind them. They smile and greet me

"I haven't seen you all day V!! Where have you been?" Drew asks

"Oh you know, busy busy with school" I say glaring at my table. I literally sat in front of him during lunch.

"Ohh okay" He says

They go back to talking with each other, completely forgetting me.

After school I go back home and rush to my room. I huff in frustration. Okay, so maybe Julie is right. I am jealous that everyone is all Simone this and Simone that. I just thought that at least Andrew would notice I'm upset. It's like they don't even care I'm back. They barely notice I'm there!

It's just so- my thoughts get interrupted by loud laughter. I sigh once again. I've been doing that a lot lately huh? I grab my bag and go downstairs

"Hey V!!" Daniel greets me. The others say hi as well and I notice that his arm is around Simone. I should've known he'd go with her too...

"Hi. I'm going out" I say and he frowns

"You want me to go with you?" He offers

I shake my head and go out.

I don't really remember much after that, just that I went to a bar.





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