《If Only ✔》Chapter 14.


For the past 4 months, I got a job as a waitress to keep myself busy all the time. It helped me take my mind off of Daniel. It became the place where Andrew, Bella and I would stay a lot. The food was good and there was a discount for employees. It was a win-win situation. Unfortunately, I'm way too busy now because all our teachers decided to give us a project a the same time. The deadlines are also all at the same week. To top it all off, our coach decided to put me as the new team captain of the dance team since our previous captain wanted to back down and I was the second best dancer. That's why this is my last shift here.

And how else to spend my last shift by having Daniel,Logan and Chris come here.

I looked down trying not to look up and show my face. It's okay. Just a few more minutes and my shift will be over.

"Hey Everyone...." One of the other waiters says

"Nose goes" He says. Unfortunately, I was last which means I have to take their order. I sigh in defeat and walk over to their table.

"Hi! Are you guys ready to order?" I ask in a fake cheerful way. I hate this.

"Yeah, we'd like a new waiter." Daniel says

"Gladly." I say and walk away

"They didn't want me." I say going back but the others shake their head

"You went last, so you go." They say. I groan and walk back to the guys.

"Look ,I'm sorry but I will be your waitress for today whether you like it or not" I say and Chris speaks up

"Nah it's okay Verdana! We're ready to order" He says and I nod. They give me their orders and I give it to the chef. I go back soon though to serve their drinks


"How have you been Verdana? We haven't talked in so long." Logan says and I shrug

"Good" I say preparing their utensils for them

"I heard you're on the dance team" Chris says. Why are they trying to make conversation with me?!

"Team Cap." I try to keep things short

"How is it?" Chris

I was about to reply when Andrew and Bella burst in through the doors

"OLA AMIGOS WE'RE HERE" Andrew yells

"Andrew!!" Bella tries to calm him down

I grin at my friends and forget all about the guys and walk over to them. I slap Andrew in the back of the head and hug Bella

"OUCH. Baby V!!! Stop hurting me!!" Drew says rubbing the back of his head

"Awww you know I love you Drew" I say and he grins

"I know."

I roll my eyes at him and they take their seats. I give the chef their usual order and bring the guys their order

"Here you go" I say while putting down their food

"Thanks Verdana" Logan says. I notice Daniel and Chris deep in thought

"I didn't know you and Andrew were dating" Chris speaks up making me confused

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You just said you love him" He says. I notice Daniel tense and clench his fist but I don't think much of it.

"Uhm yeah? I do love Andrew b-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing and vibrating. I open it and see that it's my alarm signaling my shift is over. I smile kindly at the guys for once

"My shift is over so another waiter will be given to you. See you guys...Nice shirt, Daniel." I say before skipping to the employees only area and changing into my regular clothes.


The shirt Daniel was wearing has been bugging me since it was the shirt I gave him for Christmas. It was a shirt of his favorite soccer player and I was even able to get it signed. I don't know why he would still wear that but seeing him wear it makes me think he still cares. Maybe deep,deep,deep,deep, down he's still my best friend.

I go back outside and sit with Andrew and Bella who were laughing at the guys. I check to see what they're laughing at and see that Courtney has taken my place. Courtney is the worst waitress if you're an attractive guy. She flirts with you, but it's very uncomfortable since she gets all up in your personal space. She's not even pretty. She puts way too much makeup, her nails are basically claws, her clothes can fit a toddler, and she has the fakest tan. She's been "flirting" with Andrew for so long now and every single time, Andrew rejects her. Right now all the guys are being attacked by her claw like nails and trying to get her to leave. I join the two laughing at them. I see Daniel roll his eyes at me and mouthing the words so mature under his breath. I laugh and look at Bella

"Should I help them?" I ask her

"Nah give it a few minutes" She shakes her and says through her laughter.

Once Courtney left them to refresh her makeup the three of us stood up and sat with them. Daniel looked so confused as to why we did but Logan and Chris seem really happy about it.

"Had fun? Of course I mean you're used to those kinds of stuff aren't you?" I say chuckling

"I mean yeah we are but she's just so so...." Logan trails off

"Her skin looks like cheetos" Daniel blurts out making all of us burst out laughing. Daniel starts ranting about how gross she looks and we can't stop laughing.

"Who's prettier V or Her." Bella asks smirking and I roll my eyes at her

"Obviously V." Drew says

"Verdana. No doubt." Chris and Logan say in unison

Everyone looks at Daniel but he's just staring at me with a hint of genuine look in his cold eyes.

"Well I mean Verdana is by far the prettiest."

I've known Daniel for so long. I know when he's lying or not and...

He wasn't lying when he said that. It was genuine and it was real.


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