《If Only ✔》Chapter 9.


"Verdana!!!" Matt yells for me

"Jeez no need to yell I'm right here" I say coming out of the kitchen

"Daniel and some guy are here" He says and goes back to playing his video games

I smile brightly and walked over to greet them.

"Hi guys!!"

Daniel apologized for the fight the moment he saw me. It's nice to know he still cares for me even a little.

"Hey Verdana" Logan greets me

"Hi V" Daniel smiles at me

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"Well Logan made me realize that we haven't been hanging out much. So I'm here to hang out with you! Just like the old times" he says and I smile

"What about Julie?" I ask. Logan smiles brightly

"She's busy hanging out with her friends." He says happily. That guy really does not like her.

"Okay well what are we doing?" I ask

"Let's go to the park and then the mall" Daniel grins.

"Don't worry Verdana. I'll look after your brother for you" Logan offers

"Nah it's fine, Logan. Andrew can take care of him. He always does anyways. Drew!! Breakfast!!" I yell. A few seconds later Andrew is downstairs with a white shirt and pants. Men and their food, am I right?

"I knew something smelled delicious" He says and kisses my cheek. This is a normal thing for us now. We have both agreed that we will be friends and nothing more. We also discussed that we are siblings and not lovers.

"I'm hanging with Daniel today. Take care of Matt and please ,I'm begging you, don't burn down the house" I say and he pouts

"Don't you trust us Baby V?" He asks. I roll my eyes at the nickname. I'm only 2 days younger than him but he's making a big deal about it.


"No I don't. I'm gonna get ready first" I rush up to room

I pick out my white adidas crop top and my black shorts. I put on a flannel and wear my sneakers. After that I put some eyeliner,mascara and lip gloss. I brush my hair and once I finally look presentable I look at myself in the mirror. I am pretty. I have chocolate colored hair that are naturally wavy, I have curves and I wasn't so fat nor was I so thin. I have grey eyes that aren't that exciting but it is pretty. I liked the way I look but I guess Daniel just thinks that Blondies are prettier. I sigh at this thought.

"Hey sorry I took so long" I say as I make my way back to them.

"Nah it's okay. You didn't take that long" Daniel smiles at me

"Awww you look so pretty Baby V" Drew says. I smile thankfully at him. At least he thinks I'm pretty.

"Come on!" Daniel grabs my hand. I can feel the heat on my cheeks but I quicky try to hide it

"Matt take care of Andrew make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" I say. Matt and Andrew laugh at that and wave bye

A whole day. Just Daniel and I. Let's do this.

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