《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》24 | Not you too...


Morzarta was found following Sneha to a dark forest. She made sure she was not noticed as she concentrated on Sneha's path.

*slides open*

"Sneha! Welcome back!"


"Hey Jaz! So? how's the clan so far?"


"So far so good! Where have you been?"

*slides close*


"damn it.. What are you up to Sneha?" she mumbled

She began looking around for signs of safety as she saw a tree with a balcony lit up.


"she really thinks it's saving the clan Jaz. What can i do?"


"huh" she then looked slightly above and across her to find Sneha and another on a balcony


"Well.. she knows best of course.. She is the princess"


"—and an outcast!"


"You know she didnt mean that."


"still.. She shouldn't have ran away then?"


"You know the sisters are just ahead of you."


"As the general's daughter— I have no choice but kill her... She is an outcast! She turned her back from the clan."


"For the good of the clan i guess"


"What good? if a soul eater is caught in the city.. we are good as dead."


"But soul eaters are in the form of a human anyway.."


"Oh Jaz.. you know how we are?"


"I know. i know." she chuckled




Morzarta began running through the forest without showing her face, yet the rustling of the leaves intensified.


"We got company!"


"you got followed?"


"Let it be! I'll handle it!" she jumped off the balcony


"Sneha!!— Guards!!"

Sneha pounced and rushed through the trees following the rustle sound


shit! if i get caught here.. i am dead!

Sneha began pouncing about— branch from branch as she follows the trail. She began to hop faster to get ahead of the target.



"gotta run.. gotta hide.." she mumbled as she began to sense that no one was following her. "huh.. it's quiet" She stopped quietly and looked behind her— nothing..

"Phew..— if she caught me.. I'd be—"


"dead." she popped behind her as if she's been lurking silently


"I.. I can explain!"


"heh.. You're Yuzu's friend arent ya?" she smirked


"Look! Sneha! I can explain!"


"how did you know my name!" she pounced forward— grabbing Morzarta onto her neck.

Morzarta choked as she began to cast a spell onto Sneha's hand to flick it off her neck. Sneha roared taking another attack


"Wait! wait! wait!— let me explain!"


"you came here to spy on us— and tell us off!!"


"No! I wouldnt.. why would i?— I.. I cant have you killed?"


"You dont even know what I am.."


"I dont need to.. because I already know everything about you."




"Dont you remember me?... Sneha?"

Sneha squinted with her brows knitted onto the latter


"Dont tell me you forgot.." she gently walked towards her "ACK!" until a bunch of Sneha's guards came in and restrained her to the ground.

"Get off me!!"

Sneha walked towards her and grabbed Morzarta's chin up.


"I dont know... anyone like you.— especially for a mere human!"


"But you do.." She was then dragged upright to her knees— looking up at Sneha


"All I know is that you are now a possible lunch— Lock her in.. Yuzu and her friends will find her soon enough"


"Sneha! You can't forget me! I am your wife!— SNEHA!" Morzarta was dragged away by the guards.


"Wife? Since when were you married" she chuckled "I guess someone hit their head too much!" she laughed "You over used your charms too much Sneh—"


"Shut it— or i'll cut your tongue" she pointed a sharp knife onto her.


"G-Geeze.. talk about sense of humour."


"I dont have that!"


"No dip, sherlock!" Sneha immediately raised the knife onto her face once more and her teeth gritted "Okay.. Got it! Mouth! Zip!!"

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